OOC: Casting Call; Resident Evil (New)

Sorry to hear about the sinus infection, but its good to see you are going to be around.

Hey, were is my invitation to the new thread? I am feeling left out.

You want in Chewey? I'll PM you with details and there's also a question I need to ask first.

Khadagar, if everything in the sewer is already dead why couldn't I enter it? Is the fire still going on?
no lol no fire, nothign in it, their all dead FROM the fire

just.... i can't kill you or break your legs unless the whole thing colapses and.... nah, i'm not gonna do that.
well... you've got what? a pistol? and your vans been raided? lol so i think weve already done that
No man my duffel bag, the only thing I have left is a berretta.
Ok Khadgar, let me get a clarification here. When the tyrant pulled out the electrical wires, what area of the police station lost power? And have any of the backup systems as far as power, come back on line yet? It is tough to be fumbling around in the dark.

hmmm well, auxilary power can be turned on, but this only cuts power to certain roms. because all the circuts are in parralell. answer it for you?
Im waiting too, cant do anything till chewy and Khadgar are done playing pocket pool in the stair way.
I'd say PM QC, Doffy hasn't been around at all so I'm thinking he may be out of lit all togethor.
Well, I am going to go up the stairs anyway and take Ray with me, Jason will have to stay in the dark. Is the hallway lighted where we are going?

yep. Mr. X isn't around there either. just that one hall is down right now. and the room the others are in
you're seperate from the others. if they don't read it and donno whats going on, you can just suprize them later, so i think it's a go.
Ok, I am lost here. What just happened? I was knocking on the door to the room where Yon and the other people should be and then my dad comes out and attacks me? Where was he hiding?

your dad? *laughs* sorry, i thought you ment another room. i'l edit.
a huge muscled huliking man slouched over and covered in hair?

remind me not to schedual an appoinment with your father in a back alley.... wait.... who don't like a challenge? put these strong arm skills to use! brink it chewies dad! *laughs*
Khadgar said:
a huge muscled huliking man slouched over and covered in hair?

remind me not to schedual an appoinment with your father in a back alley.... wait.... who don't like a challenge? put these strong arm skills to use! brink it chewies dad! *laughs*

ROFL so is my grenades idea gonna fly to blow open the window? Its bulletproof , but not explosive proof, this way Yon and the others can get out of the room through the window
