OOC: Casting Call; Resident Evil (New)

Khadgar said:
*looks away from chewie and mumbles something about not having seen predator*

*Falls on the ground in shock * ** Whole cities crumble to ruin due to the impact **

uh.... if it makes anything beter, i've seen the last half hour of predator two?
Khadgar said:
uh.... if it makes anything beter, i've seen the last half hour of predator two?

If anything, that makes it worse. LOL. The second one sucked compared to the first. Geez, you got to go to blockbuster and rent it. A great movie.

lol i was going to hold off on saying i didn't like it much. i've heard alot about the first one. it slaughters a whole team of green berets, and then in number two it's killing lone women on subways and gets taken out by Joe of the Streets? psh. not bloody likely
In the first one, it takes out a whole group of soldiers in the forest , then most of the second unit sent to find out what happened. I think that it is my favorite Arnold S movie. (Didnt want to post Schwarzenegger in case I misspelled it)

lol i'm seen other classic movies though.... Tombstone, Ghost in the Darkness.... good good movies... too many to name, but those were what i was thinking of damnit!
Tombstone was a very good one. I am a Kurt Russell fan, especially Big Trouble in Little China. hehehe

lol Soldier.... that was such a funny movie....

oh,, and NUMBER 1! on Khad's "great movies that have been given a crapy rep." The Postman. staring uh.... kevin.... someone.... you know, the guy from waterworld? lol

oh, and a really stupid movie, "Army Of Darkness"

best line on that movie - "This, is my BOOM stick!" *fires off a 12 gague shotgun*
I like Big Trouble in Little China ...

I thought Tremors was a cool movie ... Critter was a interesting ...

Why don't they make movies like this any more??? :confused:

Khaddy ~

did you see SW ep2?? if you did what was yer verdict ... my friend/co-worker sez its a must see & he has to see it again.
I like Bruce Campbell ...

He is cute :D ... but I like the TV series he was in, which right now I forget what its called. :eek:

Also his character in Xena too. :D
guy named bruce campbell.... right after the post about Army Of Darkness.... and he IS in Xena... he;s the squirely little theif.... amazing what you can pick up from watching three or four eppis huh? lol

am i to take it that yo've seen Srmy Of Darkness Arc?!?!?

oh, and no. sadly i've not seen SW yet, i have to wait about a week or two before i can be cheap and see it in theaters for free
No Bruce had a TV series that he was a cowboy ... & his sidekick was this big black/indian guy ... but I forget the name ...

It was sort of Indiana Jone-ish ... but in the old west ...

His character in Xena is the King of Thieves (or so he says)
The army of darkness movie was frickin hilarious. The adventures of Brisco County Jr. is what you are looking for ARC.

chewbacca71 said:
The army of darkness movie was frickin hilarious. The adventures of Brisco County Jr. is what you are looking for ARC.


YES ty Chewy ... :kiss:
yeah, king of thieves. so you HAVE seen the movie?!

oh, and according to the Dailyshow guy, it was alot beter than Phantom Menace, but had bad chemistry between Amidala and Anikin.... and something about the senate.... anyway. he disses everything so i wouldn't take it to seriously. but he cracks jokes. ike an interview with yoda... damn that was funny.
you have to admit chewie, the pit scene, and the boom stick scene were the best. that movie was so stupid, it was awesome.
Arc da Rat said:

YES ty Chewy ... :kiss:

Your welcome hon. I watched that show a lot its first season, then lost interest.

Chewey aka Font of useless knowledge
Khadgar said:
you have to admit chewie, the pit scene, and the boom stick scene were the best. that movie was so stupid, it was awesome.

Those are usually the best movies, I LOVE the naked gun movies, well at least the first two.

I like Leslie Nelson movies ... The 1st one that popped into my head was the "Three Ninjas" He plays the bad guy ... unless I am getting my movies mixed us again ...
i watched the Star Trek Movies a while ago, do you have any idea how many famous people are in those?!?!

the doc from back to the future is a klingon.

Red Foreman from that 70's show is the president of the.... something lol the big alliance group..

so many more too.
Ok,so what is your favorite Star Trek movie ? Mine was Number II the Wrath of Khan, followed by IV the Journey Home.


Hey what thread are we one, oh yeah, Res OOC lol oops
Hey all I'm not going away afterall, Sinus infection, will post later.

Not anxious to see SW at all, they never really appealed to me except for Empire. I have to go with Scorsese pictures as my favs, that and Reservoir Dogs or Almost Famous.

Brisco County Jr. was money, they started doing a lot of weird crap before it got cancelled.