OOC/Casting Call: Resident Evil (yes, again)

If it's not to late to vote on the setting, I've been thinking and I've decided that I'm against having the thread set in Raccoon City. My only gripe with it is that there weren't many survivors of Raccoon City (Chris from RE1; Jill from RE 1 and 3; Leon, Claire, Sherry, and possibly Ada from RE2 and one other surviving member from the S.T.A.R.S. team member depending on which ending you got in RE 1.) If we do set up in Raccoon City, that means that we all probably die at the end of the thread, and who wants that to happen? So I vote for some town in Wherever the Fuck, USA. With a secret Umbrella lab somewhere nearby of course.

I like the eight and three rule too.

I can't wait for this to start. I know how my character is entering the thread: He's on the trail of a demented serial killer. Not that that points to anyone in particular.....:p
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Okay guys, sorry not to have posted last night, or so far today. But I guess it was a good thing I didn't. Given the point you just made, and more importantly, your objection to the use of Raccoon City, I guess we'll have to make the location somewhere else. No problem for me, unless someone else objects. We just have to name the town and make it similar to a degree; secluded and easy to lose track of, so whatever people passing by won't have to travel through, hence keeping the tragedy more secret. Of course, that secret from the public.
It's okay with me to delay a little, since the post I was working on turned out to be a little less RE than it should have been. Too much thought, not enough splattering brains. lol
A secluded like mountain town, fairly high poulation. Named... Springfield? Dire Springs? Dead End?
Again, there's always Desperation, but it doesn't matter much, so long as it's a fairly cool name.

And Akazie. of the 8-10, I'm guessing you're okay with most of them dieing pretty quickly? i'll keep a couple around, just because more characters can help move things along, but I can't play 12 characters... lol. Well, not yet.

You want to start them arriving in the city? Think it over while i work on that post and we decide what to name the city.

Question, guys:

Do we want to go for drama, action? Or maybe both?

I'll work that post out after I get the answer...
Hy, you're creeping me out, man.

I'm beginning to feel like I have a poorly made Replicant.

Tell Oglethorpe and Emory to work harder at it. The pizza oven,...it just ain't workin'.
Okay, the town of Devil's peak is about to be hit with some hard-core action-drama...

Okay, akazie, here's a quick list.

Eric Burkett (42, 6-4, 205 lbs--white)
The commander of this particular STARS mission, and good friend with a few of the higher ups in Umbrella Corp, Burkett has been hand-picked for unknown reasons to enter the City of Devil's Peak. He's a hardcore leader and true militant.

Reginald (Reg.) Banner (33, 6-2, 195 lbs--white)
Reg. was enlisted for his skills as a marksman. Quiet when not spoken to, but ready to give his opinion as soon as asked, he doesn't bother much with formalities, outside those required in the line of duty. Don't expect him to be polite. He is less loyal to the cause, than he is his superior officer.

Jack Morgan (28, 6', 185 lbs--white)
Jack was recruited for his basic skills as a soldier. He follows orders without much question, and produces results with higher than average ability. He's there to get the job done and go home.

Peter Brackens (29, 6', 190 lbs--Black)
Too good a soldier to pass up, Peter has a record of lesser obedience that had led to his commanding officer on this missin to "keep and eye on this guy." Rumors have surfaced that Burkett would have preferred a white soldier in Brackens place. Brackens, of course, has heard these rumors.

Maria Gonzalez (25, 5-5, 140 lbs--Latino)
On her first mission with any STARS unit, Maria is green, fresh out of training, and has no idea what to expect going into Devil's Peak. She's as prepared as training can make her, sweet, and niave.

Carlo "Remmy" Ramirez (28, 5-10, 180 lbs--hispanic)
Having served on only one other mission, Remmy is more prepared than Maria, but still not ready for what Devil's Peak has in store for them. He has been chosen for his abilities in combat, but more for his faith in STARS. He's shown himself to be reliable and loyal when the time calls for it.

John Chambers (33, 5-11, 200 lbs--white)
Skilled soldier, chosen for his abilities with explosives. Don't pay him much attention. he's guaranteed lunchmeat for the undead population of Devil's Peak. As is...

Mark Mason (38, 6', 205 lbs--white)
Regular, everyday soldier. unprepared and ready to be served, raw.

There's eight. Whew!
The GrandMage said:
Can I kill one of them?

Um... we'll see.

I finished the first two posts, the intro post, and the first post for Jacob. Jake's is long-winded. I get like that sometimes (ALL THE TIME). As for the opening post for the STARS members, I've just started it. akazie, if you want to begin that one, let me know before I post it (if you can).

Oh, and all the STARS members listed there begin with an M-12 semi-automatic rifle and a side-arm, which will become useless in one way or another when they're dispensed of. Inconvienient isn't it? :D
My initial plan as of now is that the STARS unit be scattered to a point, some dieing yes, but the unit as a whole being separated and some living to show up later. They can help make things interesting and also help keep the drama at high pitch, given the openings I tried to leave between Burkett and Brackens, not to mention whatever we can come up with in the process.

Oh, and ladies and gentlemen, I'll need you to let us know here what you intend for your character to begin with in the thread. Keep the weapons fairly weak, and remember that Ammunition counts as an object. :rolleyes:

Happy Hunting...
Let's see...

Taranis "The Storm Dragon" Dragenson

Is armed with:
A hammer

A pocketwatch bearing the initials "S.T.H."
An empty bottle of aspirin
if GM kills one, I get to eat him right?

by the way, Stuart starts with fuck-all, just his teeth and a whole lot of anger
Maybe you're the poorly made replicant.....

*Steams pours out my ears.....*


Anyway. Cotton starts with a fully loaded Glock19 for his weapon. His items include a small first aid kit with bandages (only one use), an additional magazine of ammunition for said Glock. (I'm using the small versions of the magazines that only hold ten rounds each.) and an artists rendering of the man he's trailing (So mistakes can be made with it).
Okay. jagged, if you want in, just post a character and we'll get things worked out. Everyone else, I need to know what you're starting out with and then we'll get the posting in motion.
akazie, still waiting to hear what you think of the S.T.A.R.S. team and how you want to start things out. If you want to or if I should.
Gecko, the weapon's fine. Post whenever you're ready. If you need something from me, just ask.
I'll be ready ot get Ray in here in a short while. If anyone needs any NPCs to interact with, I can make that happen, I'm sure.
I will hammer something out that will fit in no problem. I will post soon.
hey, just wanted to keep a list of the items i have:

Chuck Rodriguez:

Tire Iron (Well.. it's sorta a weapon)

Lockpicking tools
Half pack of cigarettes
Zippo Lighter
Okay, It looks like we lost a few people...y'know, like everyone.
Chase, I haven't heard from akazie, so if she doesn't show up in the next day, then the van can have the team in it. That cool?
Quiet_Cool said:
Okay, It looks like we lost a few people...y'know, like everyone.
Chase, I haven't heard from akazie, so if she doesn't show up in the next day, then the van can have the team in it. That cool?

Yeah. Strange, huh?
I'm interested in joining this, I've been a fan of the series since RE2 and I just read about this thread today, and if you'll have me then I'll post my character idea OK?