OOC Casting Call: The Great Hunt, based on Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time

new game?

Just a quick message. If any of you are interested. (Hope this doesn't piss anyone off.) I've put up a new thread for an AD&D style epic quest type thingy, to see if there's any interest. If so, I'll certainly run it. All of you are invited to take a look at it. It's entitled OOC Casting Call AD&D Epic style quest or something like that. ;p
princessa said:

you know the name of your horse?

i probably have a dozen (including retainer's mounts) and none of them have names... just a few descriptions like 'grey'...


Well yeah. I don't think I know the name of my warders horse though...
I try to keep it simple - I have different characters in all the threads I'm in, but the same horse - although in one thread his name is Quercia and in the others its Oak - but thats the same name in different languages (according to a translation website anyway)
Servant of the Dark Lords

I wouldn't mind playing. I could play the part of a Hunter of the Horn. And I DO mean play. In fact I would be a servant of the dark, determined to foil the efferts of the Hunters in their search for the Horn. I would work in secret, hidden from those who would work against my Master, ready with a word against my fellows, or a dagger in the back.
Whichever accomplished my work.

What do you think.??
Given a choice between your life, and the favour of the Great Lord.....which do you think I would choose.
davethepro said:
Given a choice between your life, and the favour of the Great Lord.....which do you think I would choose.

your life as in me?

it should be obvious...

if you're talking about you... and you had a chance to meet me...

that's obvious too...

so, when shall we get together and you can tell me all you know over breakfast?

If princess decides to get in my characters way, then, I'm sorry, but it is you that will be breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It depends on how long the trollocs take, and on what they chew on first I suppose.

But on a personal level, I wouldn't mind having you for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But, I suppose, it depends on what is on the menu?
According to the books the heros who are bound are bound to the horn, and by extension, to the hornblower. If someone who is a Darkfriend blows it, then the heros will work for the dark one, and if the person is for the light, then the heros will be for the light..

Theoretically a darkfriend would want the horn just as much as a friend of the light - but would have less qualms about killing someone to get it.

dave don't you think that working to both eliminate your "enemy" AND finding the horn yourself would be to the Lord of the Dark's advantage? BTW, my character is Black Ajah and her warder a Darkfriend too :D
Alright, I've finally posted, and I promise to be here much more often in the future.
(I fianlly got my house rented out, Yay me!)
this post was mostly to clarify a lot of the questions and confusion around here, though it does open the door for book-knowledge to slip thorugh.
For those of you who know all the details about the Doorways and their inhabitants from the books, I'm allowing full use of book-knowledge on three conditions:

1. I control the races inside. Nobody can simply enter, have their way, bargain perfectly, and walk away with the prize. All is not as it seems, and this is only a step along the road ahead.

2. You can and should assume that the Doorways are in the same places that they were in the books, but you must choose one or the other, whichever you wish to go after, and seek it. They are far enough apart that you cannot simply check them both.

3. I didn't bother writing it, since its common knowledge from the books, but you can assume that your characters have a fair idea of the location of the Doorways. (I say fair, because though you may know that one is in Rhuidean, that doesn't necessarily mean that you know where Rhuidean is.) I expect a somewhat detailed description of how you managed to get to whichever of the two destinations you choose, and you should take precautions, e.g. no posts like "I traveled across the Waste, came upon rhuidean, and made camp beside the fountain."
Its a desert. Take precautions. Avoid the heat. etc.
The same goes for Tear. Its full of mud. Its full of snooty nobles. Its a bitch to get into the Stone, and its more of a bitch to get into the storerooms.

Everyone here is a good writer, so I have little fear of anything going wrong with what I've said, but I tend to post the same kind of warnings in all of my threads, so don't take it personally.

Any questions, feel free to ask, I'm now officially here much more often, at least every other night, and usually every night.

Woo Hoo! I knew it was in one of those doorways! now if only I knew which one...... :(
I figured he was in Rhuidean based on it still being intact after all this time. I will figure out a way to get there with my Aes Sedai, if I dont stop and throw her out of the saddle to make the beast with two backs. LOL

I'd reckoned on Rhuidean too but only a few days after the rest of you seemed to get there - I'm going away to reread the first 3 books to help me use my so-called brain a bit better on this one.
petrel said:
I'd reckoned on Rhuidean too but only a few days after the rest of you seemed to get there - I'm going away to reread the first 3 books to help me use my so-called brain a bit better on this one.

LOL @ a few days.

There was one of those doorways at Rhuidean too, so I would go there instead of Tear.

I'm more or less waiting to see what everybody's character is going to decide, before I do much more posting in the thread.
As well, when you reach your respective destinations, I will have... someone... to meet you, and guide you to the doorways. (Unlike the books, the doorways are hidden in this thread, though the twin destinations of the Stone of Tear and Rhuidean remain the same)

Well Petrel, looks like we better start moving our asses. LOL. If its Ok with you, I will start us on the way. Pm me if that is all right with you.

tear in that noble's house... so i'm going somewhere different... now if i could remember that noble's name :p
Here's a treat for everybody, its the prelude to book 10 of the series, entitled "Crossroads of Twilight", which is due to come out in November.

BlazeofLife said:
Here's a treat for everybody, its the prelude to book 10 of the series, entitled "Crossroads of Twilight", which is due to come out in November.


That will be the coolest if you can find a way to post that or send it email style. You still have my email addy right?

chewbacca71 said:

That will be the coolest if you can find a way to post that or send it email style. You still have my email addy right?


Nope, I don't think I ever had it.
Anybody that wants this, just PM me with an email address to send it to, and I'll see what I can do.
(I checked, tried zipping it, just can't get it small enough to post, and I've got it as a .pdf so I can't deconstruct it to paste the contents. Dammit)

BlazeofLife said:

Nope, I don't think I ever had it.
Anybody that wants this, just PM me with an email address to send it to, and I'll see what I can do.
(I checked, tried zipping it, just can't get it small enough to post, and I've got it as a .pdf so I can't deconstruct it to paste the contents. Dammit)


Hmmm Blaze, you shrunk down and sent me back my first avatar remember? Probably not, I was just an insignificant little peon back then. LOL> Not that much has changed.


chewbacca71 said:

Hmmm Blaze, you shrunk down and sent me back my first avatar remember? Probably not, I was just an insignificant little peon back then. LOL> Not that much has changed.



Heheh, I remember now.
Sorry, man, that was way back, and a lots happened since then.
One prelude, coming up!

BlazeofLife said:

Heheh, I remember now.
Sorry, man, that was way back, and a lots happened since then.
One prelude, coming up!


Ummm what happened? I looked this Am, and nothing was there???? wwwaaaahhh
