OOC / Casting Call: Xavier Institute For Higher Learning

Screech said:
Show? Well, I've seen Zero to Hero before, and that was... interesting...

Hm. Never heard of it. "WWTBAS?" is about 11 would-be heroes competing to prove their heroic spirit(courage, compassion, etc.) and win their own comic by Stan Lee & Dark Horse Comics as well as their own Scifi Channel original movie. As both a comic geek and aspiring filmmaker/writer/creative power of some sort, that prize is the coolest of which I've ever heard.
yeah, it does seem like a good prize, but from what I've read it seems to be very much like Big Brother in spandex...
Big Brother's a cheap reality show that sticks a dozen or so rather different people in a house, no way out (or something like that) and watches them. It's all engineered to create ratings - fights, relationships, anything but a dull moment.

Don't know what to say about the posting... are you clicking the "Submit Reply" button? :confused:

Kidding. :D

As for Wolvie, I believe the story I got was, "he wandered away."
Hello all, back from a mini vacay of sorts. I'll be catching up with the thread and posting today:)
Tis been one heck of a week but I should have a pair of posts for Rogue and Bryn up by morning.
Sorry if its tripped anyone up.
people keep assuming Tai is a cyborg....he's TECHNORGANIC...his entire body is organic machinery...so he looks normal, aside from the body armor he wears
I don't know why it's a problem, technorganic is such a common thing compared to a cyborg. I'm sure everyone knows what you are talking about.

Perhaps you should have gone into more description about what your character looks like because we can't actually see him so we have to assume what someone would look like if they fell into a vat of whatever.

All Jeremy said was that he was affected by the metal on Tai's arm, so I'm going to assume that's what your problem is. But now you are saying that he looks normal aside from the body armor he wears. So where exactly is the body armor? Is it on his arm? Could it be made of metal? Could Jeremy's character be affected by it? Once again we can't actually see your character.
hmm...good point...the armor would be a spaceage metal, probably a titanium alloy
Hey ya'll. I was thinking perhaps we could start archiving all our important info, logging all the important info. Namely character bios? We can turn the first OOC post into a nice little index. Maybe put links to all the related threads... Just thinking out loud. To help out a bit, here's my character info...

Jamie Madrox ~ The Multiple Man
Dragonrazor, do you want to wait for someone else to post, or do you just want to shoot.
besides, we sort of went on a posting spree today....i pity Shaq and the others when they get back on x.x
yeah, but still << i think we clocked more posts today than any of the others have all week >> <<
I know, their going to be ticked when they get back and find out how much they have to read.
yeah << well, Shaq will probably be ecstatic about us not letting it die >>
I don't think its in to much danger of dieing, but atleast the story is moving along now.
Bah! Postwhores! :p

Anywho, can't see much that related to me, so not to worry :cathappy: