OOC / Casting Call: Xavier Institute For Higher Learning

Hey Shaq, I'd hate to be a postnazi but Storm is on the stairs walking towards you and Shadowcat is at the top of the stairs.
Ankara said:
Hey Shaq, I'd hate to be a postnazi but Storm is on the stairs walking towards you and Shadowcat is at the top of the stairs.

Oh no, thank you.

You are my eyes when I can't see :rose:
Sorry 'bout this (especially to Screech), but I'm off for the next 4 days. Feel free to interact with Jamie in small ways, like reporting his findings to Havok and such. As long as I don't come back and find him with his second marriage on the rocks because he's secretly gay, I'm cool with it.

Oh, and not to be a postnazinazi, but Storm's behind Havok. She posted about an hour before you did, so maybe you were working off an obsolete webpage.

Anyway, ya'll keep givin' me good stuff to read when I get back. :D
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Ok, Ive gotten a few PMs from some of you and have seen some post it here, so I figured I would address the Danger Room / War Room / X-men levels of the Mansion.

Since we are playing these Threads as close to the comics as we possibly can, the lower levels of the School reserved for the X-men. Unless they have a class with a teacher in the Danger Room or they have been asked to join a team, The Danger Room is off limits to students. The Danger Room also must have a Xman controling the room so that they can turn the levels up or down and shut the system down in case of trouble.

Here soon, Havok will be taing students into the Danger Room to "see what they have" so just be patient. Also thanks to a wonderful Idea that Vixandra came up with, Shaq and I are making a "special" Danger Room session here soon for a few of the students and existing Xmen.
Hey, it's no problem! The way I'm going at the moment, I got so many charctrers kicking around I don't know what to do with them all....
Yeah, my idea's getting used!

Anywhichway, pondering what to do with Bryn- anyone wanna play?
Aw but it'd be fun to have the cat-girl and the winged girl run into one another.

Or perhaps its just my love of opposites.
If anyone was interested in getting into X-Men now is the time to do it.

I can put my personal stamp on the following books

X-Factor (the whole new series has been good. B+ to A-)
Astonishing X-Men (The Flagship title, A- to A work)
X-Men (starting with #188, blew me away. Must have for Rogue or Sabretooth fans)
Uncanny X-Men (starting with #475. Best uncanny issue in maybe 8 years. Glory days type feel. Best looking Havok I've ever seen. And Professor X is ready to kick ass!)
Aw but it'd be fun to have the cat-girl and the winged girl run into one another.

Or perhaps its just my love of opposites.

I think if there is a meeting of cat-girl and winged-girl, winged-girl might get batted around for awhile. :D
If the cat-girl and Kitty got into a fight, would that be a cat fight? :D :catroar:
And here I figured it'd be more interesting if they were friends.
Hey, you know she's faaaaar to self-concious to start a fight with someone she just met
I didn't think you'd have her picking fights with the new girl at the school.
Especially considering how much crap Amanda's gotten for being a catgirl (though why I don't know, catgirls are hot).
Well, you know. Mutant hysteria, sentinels, the fact she doesn't have the cute little ears...
True that, foxgirls are hot.

And I've a thing for dark-winged angel-types too. White wings are overdone. And I like the 'raven' theme I set for Bryn.
I'm a deamon-y bat-wing type myself, but yes! Wings are hot, and cool!!
You'll love what I'm having painted on my truck then.

A white winged angel on the passanger door and a black/blue winged 'demonic angel' on the driver side. Probably have the tailgate done with the two of them embracing, though that's a long way down the road. Need to get the door's done first (I put a dent in the rear-passanger door so that's getting done first).