OOC/Casting The Third Great War

Sorry didn't mean to distract you. Your fine in either space but your atentions are devided between ground and sapce. The same is true with DT, the both of you working in space gives you more of a hcance to split your atention between two characters, and doubles the chances for EA to have conflict. SO hopefully it'll work out bter then you haveing to threats in space another character on the ground to keep alive.

Sorry if the last post sounded wrong but "ve had an interesting day and am no longer thinking.
did I mention my brain isn't working? Whats the "What" refering to?
Your battleships exploding in a fireball from a few of my missile salvos, and the utter destruction of the UP Navy Mars Fleet sounds intresting to me.

You said that you had an interesting day. I was just wondering what you meant by interesting, and if you cared to share, tell why it was so interesting.
Okay well here it is.

I was walking to school yesterday and these two girls just started cracking up when they saw me. So I was wondering what was so funny and asked them just that. They called me a purple flower and I was like "What the fuck?" They walked off before I could ask so I sat down on a rock and thought about it, and I thought about it so long that I was late to school. For the first time in 9 damn years.

The teacher was a bit surprised I was late and ask why I was late. I told her "I was walking to school today and these to girls just started laughing at me and called me a purple flower. I didn't know what that meant so I sat down on a rock and thought about it, and I thought about so long and so hard that I lost track of time and thats why I'm late." She just started flipping out and told me to see the principal.

So I walked up to the principal who I might add is a good friend of mine. So he was happy to chat with me, but eventually the conversation why are you here started. I told him "I was walking to school today when these two girls called me a purple flower and I didn't know what that meant so I sat down on a rock and thought about so long and so hard that I was late school and the teacher sent me here." he just looked at me and said no student here is a purple flower and that I was expelled.

So I was walking home from school when my father drove up in his car. He saw me and asked why I wasn't at school. Funny actually he thought it might of been Sunday. I told him that I had been walking to school and these two girls laughed at me and called me a purple flower and that I didn't know what that meant so I sat down on a rock and thought about it and I thought about it so long and so hard that I was late to school, the teacher sent me to the principal and the principal expelled me. He called me a bum and disowned me! Me his only son.

So a few days later I was digging threw a dumpster looking for something to eat and this old bum came up and was calling me sonny. he asked "Hey sonny why aren't you in school?" and I told him I was walking to school today when these two girls called me a purple flower and I didn't know what that meant and so I sat on a rock and thought about it and was late to school, the teacher sent me to the principal and the principal expelled me and my father disowned me. The bum then grabbed his chest and fell over dead in shock. I mean that literally he died, in front of me. That is something I may never forget.

Well i was siting in the back of an ambulance with a wool blanket on and drinking hot chocolate, when the police officer came up to ask what happened. he didn't just come out and ask, because as I mentioned it was a life altering experience and he knew that. Any how he wrote this all down from the start. How tow girls called me a purple flower and I sat down, what the teacher did, being expelled from school, disowned, and then the bum. He then slapped the coughs on me and took me to jail. Apparently being a purple flower gets you 20 years with out a trial, only crime in America that can do that.

So I was in th cell and looking across this room to a big hairy guy pumping iron. I call him buba but really don't know what his name is. Any how he wanted to get and know me before he raped me. What a pleasant experience that would of been for a homophob like me. Well I told him the story so he wouldn't and then he got up out of his seat and yelled "No girl Friend of mine is a purple flower!" he jumped me and caught me by surprise so I have a few broken ribs, but I feel he got the worse of it when I kicked him in the shins. Any ways the guard came in before I was killed.

The guard asked what happened and I told him exactly what I told buba, how I was called a purple flower by to cute girls that I wouldn't mind being raped by, the thinking on the rock, the teacher sending me to the principal, being expelled being disowned, killing a bum, the 20 years and the fight. He then took me to see the judge about a transfer to a higher security prison.

The judge had white hair and really did look wise. Like he had been up there for a 100 years. he took one look at me and asked why I wasn't at school and I told him. I was walking to school one day when to girls called me a purple flower so I sat down on a rock and thought about it so long and so hard that I was late to school, the teacher sent me to the principal, the principal expelled me, my father disowned me, a bum died, got 20 years, got in a fight, and was taken to this court. he said two things "Purple flower." he hit his gavel on the bench and then said "Life imprisonment, no parole" and hit it again.

So I was being transported to a maxim security prison when the car slipped on a banana peal, landed on train track and... well make a long story short I escaped. I was half dead walking threw my old neighbor hood and my old friend Fred spotted me. He called over "Cats! That you?" and I yelled back "yeah... it's me." Keep in mind my arm was dislocated, one eye was swelled shut, I was bleeding my ribs were still broken, I had a paper cut and was in a great deal of pain. He then yelled over "You haven't been at school for a while what happened?" I told him the entire thing and he could only say five words. "What, I can't hear you?" So I ran across the street and a car hits me, and I was dead! So when I thought about it, first thought is I shouldn't of been called a purple flower, and the second thought was why didn't I look both ways before crossing the street.

Oh and my day didn't end there. My day went on to get even more interesting. See the doctors revived me, and my number wasn't up just yet. Or so I thought when death entered the front door. He was breathing surprisingly heavy for some one that I understand has no lungs. He pointed at me and said. "I have come for you." I started to panic and he then said "My bad, I have come for you." and he pointed to some one else. I said "What a relief I thought you had come for me." he then got up right into my face and looked at me with those eyeless sockets and asked, "Why would I of come for you." I being the idiot told him and he said "Oh, I have come for you." He tapped me and I died again!

So I was n the line for heaven and the first thing I did was side step, you can't possibly imagine the line. It's like the worlds most popular club or something. While I was waiting in line I talked to the person in front of me. I got to know him pretty well and all. Nice guy too. Any ways he finally got enough courage to ask me whats a personal question when your 20 and in line for heaven. "What stupid thing did you do to get up here?" I told him what I did and he jumped off the cloud to a very warm place. Two things ran into my mind. 1 if I keep telling them this I can get to the front of the line int a day at most. and 2 this isn't going to look good when I get to the front of the line.

Well I told it a few more times and got to the front of the line to see saint peter. He was on a computer typing away. he asked for my name and I told him I was cats. he entered it and then turned to me a bit surprised. "Cats you aren't suppose to be here for another 4 years." I told him "yeah I probably have a reason for that. Wait four years I was going to die at 24!" he said "yeah you have a problem looking both ways before you cross the street. Any ways why are you here so soon." I told hims tart to finish and he said. "Purple flower I'm afraid thats eternal damnation." he hit th button and the cloud disappeared and I fell to very very warm place.

yep you guessed it Iraq. So I some how ended up next to the shack Saddam Husein was in. He spotted me and was about to kill me when I told him he didn't want to kill me and I explained to him I was a purple flower. Sadly he only wanted to shoot me More after finding that out and so he shot me and I died for the third time!

Any ways I went to an even warmer place that time. Yep thats right you guessed it hell. This huge red guy with wings comes over to me and says. "get ready for an eternity of pain, suffering, and reruns of the Brady bunch." then he looked down at me and asked why the hell did I get here and I figured nothing could get worse so I told him the full story and he said "Oh purple flower? yeah you should probably be running here." I then asked well if that is the case what the fuck is a purple flower and he answered. "it's a three page joke with no punch line."

So I'm writing this from hell and I keep waiting for it to freeze over. It's really not that bad.
Morgoth is controlling the bulk of the main fleet above Mars, which was just joined by the Confucious fleet from Earth.

DT, your scouting convoy is attached to the main Mars fleet. The Confucious was expecting to encounter DCP opposition before reaching Mars orbit, but it didn't. So you're sent out to find the location of the DCP fleet, and report their numbers, etc.

The Confucius is holding a defensive position in high orbit above Hellas Basin (the main UP base on Mars). It is waiting for Mirad's Monkey squad to take out DCP satelite communications before advancing on enemy airspace.
Morgoth said:
EA, here are those ships and numbers you requested:

5 Gold Dragon Battleships
60 Red Dragon Destroyers
75 Blue Dragon Carriers
40 Blue Dragon Transports
10 Blue Dragon Medical Ships
10 Blue Dragon Repair Ships
150 Black Dragon Stealth Fighters
500 Green Dragon Bombers
3,500 White Dragon Fighters

I don't want to spend a few hours listing the classes and names of each of these ships. Also, Zantrovich is currently on the Kim, a Kensai-class battleship.

Morgoth, are these ships all of the UP ships available, or what?

Are they all in one place, or split up, as I noticed you said you have some on the ground, some orbiting mars and some orbiting one of mar's moons.
Cats, Do you want me to take responding to Morgoth's attack on mars as the DCP Mars Force commander in addition to running my squadron?
These are about half of the UP total ships. The vast majority of them are the ones in orbit around Mars. The majority of the ships on the ground are bombers and fighter and the ones orbiting the moon are half the carriers, transports, repair ships, and medical ships, protected by 20 destroyers, 1 battleship, and a number of fighters.
Then your fighters are not all lumped togther, but spread out between all your forces?

These carriers, are they anywere near the size of the confucious?

75 carriers is a LOT of ships for one area, unless you are using these as little carriers with a few fighers each.

are the fighter numbers you mentioned the numberes for fighters including your carrier stuff?

BTW, how large a fighter compliment do these ships have?
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feel free to. I'm really not good at the entire space battle thing.

by the way any one actually read that entire bad day of mine? just curios, as always.
You read it. I think I owe you a drink or something now. Maybe a fgew hits on the head to help you forget.
This meathod is cheaper and works beter. *hits EA with the two by four until he can't remember his own name.*
The fighters are spread out(not thinly, mind you) but in case of an emergency, will form one main task group.

The carriers are nowhere near the size of the Confucious(a lot smaller)

The carriers are in different classes. Some carry around 100 fighters, others carry a dozen.
Here's the breakdown:
Katana-class(100 fighters)-5
Kusari-Gama-class(50 fighters)-20
Siangham-class(20 fighters)-30
Kukri-class(12 fighters)-20

These are additional fighters, not including the independent number I mentioned before.

Which ships?
If the UP is comunist, why would you use names of Japanese weapons in ship classes?

The Chinese and the Russians hate the Japanese, even today, because of the little ocupation and conflicts of WWI and WWII were the Imperial Army of Japan was some exceptionaly Brutal, vicious, racist, murdering motherfuckers.

Maybe the name of Kung-fu Animal styles would be more apt?

Besides, one of my ships, a new DCP carrier is named katana, the other is scimitar...so I wanted the name....

What did everyone die? I'm stuck until someone posts. I have to figure out wheather I die or not. hehe I know you all have lives but it's been a while. I can only post twice a week and I'm still on here more than you all. NOt to be mean at all. Just wanted to give a reminder that this thread still exists.
Sorry, Mirad, I arely have time to run Loa Blood these days. Great covert hacking ops, though.
*pulls out gun and shoots the thread in the head*

It's a sad thing when you get tired of your own thread. I blame msyelf for this trhead dieing afdter all I did jsut shoot it in the head.