OOC/Casting The Third Great War

Well we can handle this a few ways, first off I like that their are only two ships that size, how ever that size is huge! While technology to build such a big ship is possible, consider a few things a city sized ship would be considered a major threat and be fairly likely to start a war. Construction methods for such a large ship require years to build so the technology is likely well behind par even for the Chinese. (I don't recommend that solution.) In honesty I would like this to be a big ship about three or four times larger then the typical flag ship.

EA, your fleet is going to need another big ship or two, so we can either increase the size of the carriers or add a capitol ship from Mars orbit, I leave it up to you.

That is way to many fighters, for something that doesn't specialize, I suggest no more then 400 fights/bombers total. Fighters and bombers take up a great deal of space in storage and maintenance so having that many isn't likely, considering the air force base out here in Vegas doesn't even have 500, and your ship approached 2000. Another consideration is that the ship also carries missiles, another weapon that uses a fair amount of space.
Cool. Thanks for providing the proper sense of scale.

The Confucious carries:
300 White Dragon Fighters
50 Black Dragon Stealth Fighters
50 Green Dragon bombers (orbit-to-surface bombs and weapons)
A few probes, shuttles, robotic repair ships, etc.

I really like the idea of a ship that's huge like a mountain. It just looks cool, with other smaller ships spread out around it. Even if a lot of the size is wasted space, antiquated plate armor, and fuel storage. But whatever.

EA, I hope you understand that when I describe the UP forces, that I'm not trying to win. Just to create interesting battle situations for you.
I don't mind that you want to make my life difficult.

It will make me making your life difficult all the more sweet.

I just was wondering about the numbers because of the huge difference of 10-12 fighers on a birttish ship to about 2000 fighters on a chinese.


As to the carriers, well, they are, at the moment, escort carriers, so I don't expect them to be as large as the chinese.

How about they have about 50 fighters each. Decent for their size, but not a Fleet Carrier.

That should make life intresting for everyone.
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Well I noticed you made them escort carriers already, so I gave you a few more ships. I hope it helps.

Oh and about large scale ships like this, treat them as a named character, in other words don't say you destroyed it's thrusters, instead say you targeted the thrusters and let the other player decide weather or not it worked. Much the same way you don't say I broke his left leg off.
Hey Cats, are those 01 and 02 robots DT invoked legit? It was a cool scene, so I just went with it, but was there any mention of these things before?
No they actually aren't since you've already gone with it, and it is hard to come up with an escape, I'll allow it. But a few questions should be addressed at latter time including: Why he has them, where were they hidden, and why does an infantry men have silenced weapons?!? Really I wouldn't silence my cannon fodder.

Sorry I didn't catch that sooner.
Suppressed weapons are likely easy to mass produce in that time, or weapons may have setting which accepts less terminal balistics for quieter performance.

I don't find it unusual that it may be an option 200 yrs from now.
True and gauss weapons in particular could be easily switched into a silent mode. Your right but a silencer that attaches to a weapon would just be an unneeded expense.
How about if DT's character didn't have those robots with him, he just had a device that contacted/summoned them. The DCP could have a few small, stealthy remotes like that still patrolling the battlefield, even after both sides have retreated. They could even have brought him a silencer for his Gauss gun, if those aren't standard issue.
Lil Reomte resuce bots for the americans. They never leave a man behind! So all female soldeirs are screwed. Damn sexest pigs.
Lol sorry didnt know they werenn't allowed,theyve been in my prof. xince the beggining AH!X_X
sorry sorry sorry
Well then it's my fault I forgot them. Oh well shit happens.
Do you want to map out the are where everything is or do you want me to make it up myself?
Make it up, Mirad. Cats or I will playfully jump on you for anything that doesn't make sense. For me, I'll pretty much let any plan work, I just want to hear what the plan is.
I'm neglecting my own thread! Thats not good, I will take control of DCP forces. I'm fine with any map as I don't have much a spatial sense.

Sorry I haven't replied sooner but like I said it's always slow during the holidays.
Sorry I didn't psot today. I will do one tomorow hopefully. Night folks.
hey all
um..just wondered if i could maybe be a sub-commander of an america group of carriers and light cruiser?like 2 carriers carrying 20 fighters and 13 bombers altogethoer,and 3 light escort cruisers?sort of a front lline or scouting command?
DT, any interest in playing scouting command for the Chinese instead? Evil Attorney could use an enemy up there in space.
alright sure ST
*salutes smartly*
erm..can any 1 give me a lil overview of the situation in space?im afraid ive been neglecting much of the fightin up thereX_X
Well, Morgoth is supposed to be the chinese fleet commander.

Lets talk over PM. I can always use someone to help rid Mars of the Red scourge...
let dt be on the chinese morgoth does beter on the ground.

Feel free to do that, an active rival would make up tehre alot more itneresting.
Wait, question.

I am to relinquish my space fleet and stick with ground command?
I don't care, one way or another. Just trying to make sense out of the last post(no negative connotation, I swear)