OOC/Casting The Third Great War

I thought the earth was eight light minutes from the sun. Well I could be wrong, I don't even remember the state capitols.

I figure a strait fire missile could go faster then a guided weapon because it doesn't need to turn or adjust it's flight path, it's sound logic. How ever 1/2 the speed of light is little fast even in that case. The fastest weapons are lasers which travel at the speed of light, considering the distance they are used at the hit instantly, if a missile, or rather a rocket as these more then likely are, could move that fast you would have less then a second to dodge making them a nearly sure hit. I much prefer to have particle weapons in that spot, also note a particle cannon while more powerful has a shorter range. Plasma and mass drivers fire slower still and missiles should be more along the lines of them.

In terms of ranges missiles have the highest, then fighters. These are best described as very long.
Lasers are the next longest and could be called an long range weapon.
Particle weapons are next but have a range of about three quarters that of a laser.
Plasma and rail guns have the least which is about half that of the laser.

The missile has the most damage fallowed by the mass driver and plasma weapons. The particle cannon can be placed at the same level as the laser against the enemy but it's charged particles can also sort out important things like the enemy's targeting computer, the chance of shortening out something is about 10%.

Shields as I mentioned before operate on magnetics, for now. This means missiles are fairly susceptible to them, more expensive types could be made out of nonmagnetic materials. Lasers are immune to shields, note the low damage, rail guns operate using magnets to move the ammo and so are obviously vulnerable, particle weapons suffer reduced damage, and plasma weapons are also immune.

Shields simply redirect the incoming weapon. A very well aimed shot will still hit but the hit won't be were it was aimed instead it will be further along the haul. So shots that weren't aimed at the center of the ship are less accurate. This make it impossible to hit a specific spot with a weapon susceptible to shields. In addition many shots that would of barley hit the target now miss. Particle cannon break this rule because they fire a great number of particles rather then just one shot, there effective damage is virtualy cut in half.

Those are my views on battle ship weapons.
Then should we call a guided missile's time to target about 2 to 3 minutes flight time to get out to 10 million klicks instead of the 1/2 minute I suggested?
Really I don't like working with ranges. It seems unlikely at the time frame I'm shooting for that a missile would go half the speed of light.

Consider that the earth is four light minutes from the sun as you earlier said. At half the speed of light it would take a missile 8 minutes to travel that distance. A ship takes days to cover that same distance. Setting things up based on the speed of light isn't practical, in this game world.

Like I said I really don't like working with ranges. That is because in my mind it is set up with only a few ranges. Out of range, long range, medium range, short range, and point blank range. At point blank range a missile hits right away. At short range a missile hits in a second or two. Long range a missile takes from ten to 30 seconds. Out of range a missile can take minutes to days to hit. Days being from earth to mars, minutes being on long range sensors.

I'm not sure if that helps.
The Earth is eight light minutes from Mars when they're both on the same side of the sun. When they're on opposite sides of the sun, they can be up to several light-hours away.

Which reminds me, can all space vessels travel at the speed of light, or are some of them slower?
I'm not sure if it's dead. Holiday week ends can do that.

Okay I would like to wrap up this ground battle. At this time a general retreat on both sides would work. EA your several days ahead of every one else with you own space campaign.

Swamp, ships aren't going the speed of light yet, in fact they are going considerably slower. Right now it takes days to reach Mars, from earth.

For the sake of simplicity assume Mars is fairly close to earth, at this time. We will decide weather it is moving closer or further away a few battles down the road, depending on how much time is needed for key scenes.
Cats, your the GM, what did I kill with my little surprise at mars.

Morgoth listed how many of what types of ships, so you as the GM get to make the choice, how successful was I?
Cats, swamp.
I would guess since you are the gm for both of the forces, just call a reatreat, or do whatever it is you have planned. I'm not sure, I'm just doing something for my character, and his robot friend, but I don't think Farren has any authority to call that, especially if the other troops are still advancing, and technically UP is right in the middle of everything, so it'd be hard for them to retreat.
Except for the flying mech's they don't have any place to retreat to...
My character will order an attack shortly. The orders to prepare were broadcasted to all DCP troops, so Farren should be getting ready.
The UP ground forces' last order was to scatter and seek guerilla positions. They have no safe ground to retreat to, so they are meant to find cover anywhere they can.
Sounds plausible, the DCP forces will pull out shortly. This battle is taking longer then I expected, and I hope to be able to add some strategic elements now.
Tell me if I got anything wrong in my post I don't want to start out with the wrong info. Are the Satelite towers in space or are they on the ground. Could you describe where I'm going a bit just so I know.

As far as the Monkey team goes, I don't realy have a lot of info on them either could you help me out on that too.
Depending on how your attacking they could be on the ground or in space. My understanding is a computer virus is involved, if thats the case ground makes more since to me. The rest of the team I have no clue about.

Oops I forgot to give EA the information on the British "fleet." The fleet is made up of 6 ships two carriers; one with 10 two man bombers, the other has 12 single person fighters. These carriers are the largest ships in the fleet, one is named Jenny, the other is the HiLoom, both are the same design.

The next two are light cruisers based on the scorpion blue prints. These are well rounded battle ships.

Lastly you have two frigate sized ships that provide defense. These are Kappa class ships.

The two carriers have two top mounted heavy particle cannons along with a single heavy X-ray laser for long range combat. There are also 8 top mounted plasma cannons and other 8 on the bottom for anti missile/ fighter fire. The HiLoom has switched out these for light lasers.

The Scorpion is meant to be a versatile ship useful in many situations. It has two missile tubes, two x-ray lasers, and a single rail gun. The ships was designed with some stealth in mind, as such heat from exhaust is spread out to better blend into the back ground, and the ship is streamlined to reduce radar and ladar signature. For further defense they also have a light shield.

Kappa class ships have ten small; X-ray lasers, designed for extended fire. (Improves accuracy.) They also have a single medium sized plasma cannon. The ship functions as point defense rather then offense.
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The satelite towers are on the ground. Mirad, I hope my IC post cleared up some of your questions. As for the rest of the Monkey team, you can give them orders, or I'll control them. You may decide to split up to blend into DCP society.

Cats, are you going to write Farren's prisoner?
I had thought my prisoner was Dark Thought, aboard the MEch Loki.
He wrote that he'd crashed, and I took advantage of it. I don't know how much he wants to play being a prisoner. I thought it'd be a fun little plot point, but he can run away if he wants, or something else.
I don't know.
Postion seems taken. DT does your chara of cyanide pills handy, you know he can't talk.
I'm curious about peoples opinion of this thread so far. Any complaints or comments? Likes, dislikes any one wants to share.
These 2 carriers, they are not main fleet carriers, but escort carriers, right?

I imagine they would be, and wrote around that.

Can you give me some specs on the confucious and comparisin between these ships and that one?

I'd like to know were I stand to the confucious in force strength when it comes to fighters, and other capitol ships.

At least give me an estimate of the confucious's fighter strength.

Also, someone give me an Idea of what the UP has around Mars, what the damage was when the freighers hit Morgoth, and what data they sent back to me.

I need the info to write for the future.

As to the british ships armement, it looks like they are biased toward energy weapons to the absence of missiles.

Is that so, or are they just depending on the fighers to do the work of missiles and having the ships and carriers attack togther in eschelon, a force of missile/torpedo bearing fighters coordianted with the capitol ships?
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Cats, I think the thread has a lot of potential. Some cool stuff has happened, and I'd be sorry to see it die.

The distances are confusing. How long do you want ships to take to get from Eath to Mars? Give a shortest time and a longest time, depending on their positions relative to the sun. Aside from that, I agree that less specific is better, and I'd rather work in "out-of-range", "long-range", "close-range" terms, instead of specific distances.

Everyone should write DCP or UP in the subject line of their IC posts. That will make the action easier to follow.

I don't want either side to win the war, or to gain a decisive advantage, for a long time. I want a war that will go on for years, and spill out into the other planets. Passage of time has also been confusing. It seems like all the action so far has only been one Mars day. Is that true? If even 10 ships are being destroyed a day, then the fleets won't last long enough for the war to go on for years.

I'm always in favor of skipping large blocks of time. Having weeks pass with some losses on both sides, but nothing really happening. I think that's a more accurate picture of war.

EA, I will try to answer your questions. Cats, feel free to overrule me on this stuff.

The Confucious, and the Mao (still in Earth orbit), are hulks. I see them as expressions of the UPs superior numbers. They aren't necessarily better ships, but they're huge. That means they have lots of missiles and fighter-carrying capacity, and that they have multiple engines and separate sealable compartments. These ships should be able to take a serious beating, seal off the damaged areas, and keep going on the remaining engines. They are light on energy weapons, concentrating on a few heavy particle cannons in the front, which are slow to charge and designed for targeting orbital stations and other large targets.

I'd like to see the Confucious stay around for a while, then eventually get destroyed around the time the war starts spilling out from Mars. I don't plan to use the Mao until the Confucius is destroyed, or the fighting reaches Earth.

The Confucious and it's accompanying fleet should able to keep the DCP fleet between Earth and Mars locked in a long, drawn out space battle for days or even weeks.

Most of Zantrovitch's fleet is still in Mars orbit. I figure the explosive freighters took out about 10 UP ships, the greatest loss being the medical frigate. There is one smaller fleet still on the ground near Hellas Planitia, and another one based around Phobos, the larger moon. Both of these fleets have about half the number of ships Zantrovitch has with him.
Were the ships that got killed freighters, warships, troop carriers?

10 ships isn't bad...I'll be more creative and get more later...
3 troop transports, 3 cargo transports, 2 destroyers, one carrier, and the medical frigate.
Nobody is telling me anything about the carriers.

The ones I'm getting are, I assume, smaller ones.

If the confucious is supposed to be massive, how many fighters is it carrying?

Are the ones I killed smaller ones like the british, or were they more like midsize ones, smaller than the confucious but larger than the little carriers I have?
The Confucious carries:
1500 White Dragon Fighters
300 Black Dragon Stealth Fighters
100 Green Dragon bombers (orbit-to-surface bombs and weapons)
Lots of probes, shuttles, robotic repair ships, etc.

The destroyers you killed were Red Dragon class, so I figure midsize. Even Gold Dragon battleships, which are the size of cities, (there are 6 of these in the UP Mars orbit fleet) are dwarfed by the Confucius.
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I think thats seriously out of scale to this time period.

I would like a call from cats on this.

Cats won't even let me have nuke warheads on my ships.

For a time period that says people have been in space for about 150 years or so, having city sized warships carrying that much firepower sounds out of scale.

I think that this part is cool:

The Confucious, and the Mao (still in Earth orbit), are hulks. I see them as expressions of the UPs superior numbers. They aren't necessarily better ships, but they're huge. That means they have lots of missiles and fighter-carrying capacity, and that they have multiple engines and separate sealable compartments. These ships should be able to take a serious beating, seal off the damaged areas, and keep going on the remaining engines. They are light on energy weapons, concentrating on a few heavy particle cannons in the front, which are slow to charge and designed for targeting orbital stations and other large targets.

Huge is relative.

I imagined the UP flagships as a carrier about 3, maybe 3.5 kilometers long, when cats gave me 2 carriers that had about 10 ships a piece, I assumed that your forces would have something significalty bigger, like a carrier with a 250 to 300 fighter wing.

That kind of ship would be an exceptionaly powerful unit.

But ships the size of cities and carriers that carry about 2000 fighters seems over the top.

I just think that was outside of the parameters set by Cats, but its his call.