OOC: D&D For All!!

We're not really in a real fictional world, so I say that everything related to D&D is possible here, be it forgotten realms, eberron or spelljammer, but to keep it fro mgetting too out of hand, should I list up the countries we will be in? When you try to gather local informatio nby the monsters, settlers andn atives on Greenfawn there will not be much out of land related information considered how isolated Greenfawn is.
You alread yhad a robe of Protection, it was your armor, and a Wand of Frost ray is not a weapon per say it is a magical item you can wield with one hand to shoot a ray of frost once every turn, doing low ice damage. There wil lbe merchants around the ship, but very few wares are onboard as they are rationing everything to make sure nobody is left without food or equipment once they reach the land.
We're not really in a real fictional world, so I say that everything related to D&D is possible here, be it forgotten realms, eberron or spelljammer, but to keep it fro mgetting too out of hand, should I list up the countries we will be in? When you try to gather local informatio nby the monsters, settlers andn atives on Greenfawn there will not be much out of land related information considered how isolated Greenfawn is.

just needed to know if there would be any off limits gods
Nope, any god is allowed, and I will even let you pray to your god, roll a D20 and see if your pray is answered. :)
Acceptable, but if the pray si answered you may get a bonus, a blessing or some kind of gift, heck if yo uadd a sacrifice, not necessary a living one, you might get a rare magical item or a clue.
Max hp rolls? Good news for me. I guess I need to pick up a few more items with my gold before we begin.
You only made a link to the sheetindex, it only shows the sheets the reader has not the one you have, make a direct link to you sheet and make sure it is public.
Perfect, now it's just the others. :)

But yo udo realize that yo uhave to write down speed and armor typ right? speed is 30ft per round, and as you have a light armor does it not affect your speed.
I need you to make a applicatio nsheet for you tielfing, so I know what bonuses and bonus items to give your character, and I hope hotkitty gets her work done soon, I am very curious on what's cooking into a cleavage. ;)
the what? tielfing you mean what type of elf i am?

i mean what type of elf would be favored i mean night elf seems ok but i dont think my character describes anything of a sort . how ever what would you suggest drake i trust your judgement.
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Nononononon! tiefling is Kittenofdeath, NickiSora, you are finished from what I see.
Hey, I'm interested. Long time D&D player here. Is this going to be on the forum? Or are you thinking about doing it real-time? It'd be cool to do in the Lit chat, we could make a private room, or there are some clients out there that have embedded dice rollers and such.

Also, I know a really good character generator, do you mind if I use it to make a character? I can post the sheet here for your review.
Errr... the rp will be in a thread, there's an application sheet, and you need to roll on the Wizards.com dice roll, it is easier that way. Please read through the OOC posts, we have gone a good bit before you posted so it is better to read through it before stating your mind.

Sorry if I sounded a bit harsh, but I got that a lot when I started out as an rper, so it's a piece of friendly advice. But you are still welcome to join.
Nah, that's cool, no worries. Just figured I'd ask.

A couple more questions. I want to play a fighter, but I have him in mind as a boxer, so I was thinking improved unarmed strike, and can I get the same enchanted gauntlets as you're giving to Monks?

Oddly enough, the character generator you suggested (I just finished reading over the thread) was the one I had in mind. I'm almost done, and then you can tell me what you think.
Errr no you pick a weapon yourself but a glove is not really a weapon, so only monks actually use the mto strengthen their unarmed strikes. But if you make it so that they have improved unarmed strike then I guess it could work, have to have the needed requirements though.
I am not saying elves are easy but you never see half dwarves running around... well never mind then.

Halfdwarf wouldn't the easiest solution be to multiclass? Take first level as monk, you get unarmed strike as bonus feat at first level and either stunning fist or improved grapple, good saves, and 1d6 unarmed damage instead of 1d3. Then for the second level be a fighter and stay as a fighter from then on. You get one more feat and only loose 2hp and one base attack. (Not to mention you get more skill points.)