OOC: Dragon Wars II

Khad, I think I posted it in the main thread that they become visible when they are dead. IF not, I should have LOL.


chewbacca71 said:
Khad, I think I posted it in the main thread that they become visible when they are dead. IF not, I should have LOL.


Sorry, Chewey.
I must have missed that. I posted Rheamus finding the dead trans only where its injuries were showing, when the orcs attacked the elven settlement. No sense in going back and editing now, but i should have been more careful.
I know, I pulled another disappearing act. Been busy, and sick.
I'll try to get back into the swing of things...
Not a problem QC. If nothing else, in this time back at Lit; I have learned a little more patience.

Hmmmm that is a good question QC. We have not run into any yet. Do you want to take that ball and run with it?

I'm thinking on it. I don't want to get too ingrained and then have everyone have to wait if I can't post, is all. I'd like to bring Dust back to life--of course, he never actually died, just can't find a thread that lasts very long lol
That is fine with me if you want to bring Dust back. I do not mind at all. And with two seperate storylines going on, if we have to wait a little its no big deal.

chewbacca71 said:
Khad, I think I posted it in the main thread that they become visible when they are dead. IF not, I should have LOL.

Oops... drat it, knew I should have read the OOC before posting. But how are we to test the potion otherwise?
Yeah, I'm back now. Shouldn't be anymore TDY's for a while for me.
If the potion was to make it so that the others can see them visibly than I would imagine there would be other trans dragons keeping an eye on the human cities and probably even some around the dragon coucil area if you were to search.

If that is not the purpose of the potion, than what is it?

I didn't finish, obviously, but only paused. If you want to add something in, I left you the opening, at least to tell me here. At any rate, I figured the post was really starting to grow, and that might give me the chance to jump over some of the banter and move them ahead without needing to post every other footstep.
U like?
Oh, and I named the guy, so yes, that means it's possible hemight be another Moe type character. I know, I'm at it again, and believe me, it gets worse. If you'd look over at the Star Wars thread, you'll see how bad things like that can get with me.
This is going just fine, QC, just like we talked about. I can work off whatever you post. If this takes a while so be it, since it seems that the other storyline has slowed at the moment.

I figured the guy at the gate would be...well, whoever you had at the gate for Gloomfaust, now that he's finished with that whole deal, unless he's not finished, in which case, just let me know and I'll continue on into the city.

I guess I expected more resistence too, just like Rheamus did. I'll finish the post from there after I get a few winks...
QC, please check your pm's. I have an idea for the thread that I want to run by you.

Yeh, I know, I'm defending my crown (King of postal length). I just can't seem to get around taking forever in these posts. Pity my stories don't fall out like that, huh?
I'll post Dust soon. I figured the attack might come at night, being as I plan on having it be a fairly small settlement. not truly small, but spread out, that way we have the opportunity of giving the dwarves the chance to get a few good defensive attacks in before the slaughter commences.
If anyone has a better idea, let me know. Otherwise, I'll try and get it posted either later tonight (probably not) or tomorrow (according to the magic 8-ball, it seems likely). Oh, and Vix and that group. They wn't be too far away, so you might hear some distant warcries...
You'll check them out, yes?
QC, dont worry about the length of the posts. I do not care if they are long or short as long as they make sense and move along the story.

i know, I know...


My "literary elephantitis" (to quote the master) has kicked in. You wanted in and out in three posts and I'm bull-shitting the entire thread away. Just don't knwo where to go next and my brain's telling me to post.
QC- I have no problem with serial posting. My god, look at mine. As long as it makes sense and will help move the thread, so be it. If anyone else has a problem they can talk with me about it.

Okay, if I'm holding you guys, up, I'm about ready to end this battle scene between the dwarves and the orcs. Probably with one of those, waking up and coming out of hiding the next day, a quick flashback added in of course to the end of the battle, type posts. Rheamus may as well be done for the evening as well. Chewey and I have to go over what he's found out from these men, and Jeremy's insight would be helpful too, given that they're setting up what he ordered them too.
Any hints you two, would be appreciated.