OOC: Dragon Wars II

Vix, just remember that no one knows that Gloomfaust is the leader of the transparent dragons.

Pooh, if you want to find a couple of transparent dragons that are hanging around the villages up north just keeping on eye on the humans that would not be a bad thing. I would imagine that Gloomfaust would have dragons keeping an eye on most of the other races.

chewbacca71 said:
Vix, just remember that no one knows that Gloomfaust is the leader of the transparent dragons.

Pooh, if you want to find a couple of transparent dragons that are hanging around the villages up north just keeping on eye on the humans that would not be a bad thing. I would imagine that Gloomfaust would have dragons keeping an eye on most of the other races.

Aww, I can't be clairvoyant too? LOL, I'm kidding!
I'll shut up and head north like a good little dragoness. Wonder if Sylvia'll get another trans blood bath- good for the skin you know.
Vix, dont take what I am saying the wrong way. It is just that your character is seeming to have info that she would not normally have at her disposal.

Yes, to be honest, I think it's a bad idea to go North too. I know there's nothing up north, and I know that Gloom is an evil guy.
Kort doesn't though, and any info would be good to him.

Hmmm, just a scout flying out there? I didn't want to get involved in the serious battles. First cause I think they'd slaughter us. Even if we could see them, sheer numbers would take the three of us down, and second, because if we start killing them now, what will we do later?

If you want to go south, as everyone keeps pressing Kort to do, I don't have a problem with it. I thought it'd be more dramatic, and involve more if we did though. Just my opinion.
You're to make Spar's human friends turn on him? Heheheh.... This is getting very interesting...

On an different note, are you going to make the old Dragon Wars original enemy, the Dragon Hunters, make an apperance?
This last plot twist was worked out between Jeremy and myself.

I am not sure if the hunters will make an appearance . I doubt it though. There will probably be no need, unless I run out of ideas.....

Remember Vix, that you are in control of getting the skin from a Transparent Dragon, that is all your show. I hope you were not waiting for me. lol

chewbacca71 said:
Remember Vix, that you are in control of getting the skin from a Transparent Dragon, that is all your show. I hope you were not waiting for me. lol


I'm not waiting for you, Chewey. Waiting for Pooh and not trying to speak for Khagar or be clairvoyant about people's motives, etc.
I'll try to move things along though.
I am in no rush hon. I know that you have your hands full with your own new thread.

Kort's sleeping. I don't know what you are waiting for me for. You wanted Kort to go to sleep, hee hee, so he is.
Unless you want a snore every once in a while.
Hey guys...

I might be out fo it for a short while. PC trouble. If you don't mind trying to write Rheamus into the background...?
Be back as soon as I can.
Not a problem QC, I will post that he is taking advantage of the council hospitality by having a draconian orgy with all the sheilas. LOL

Sorry pooh... nothing going on before. But we're at the settlement now.
Um... here's a question. Should my spell to find the trans dragons even work? It'd be ironic if it didn't but would make for a waste of time. So if it does work, how well should it work? Like a two day flight radius or something like that?
It was just a joke Vix. I didn't mean it was boring, just that I was asleep, and didn't have anything else to post.

I'm back. Hopefully the modem I put in doesn't have any more problems.
Hey everyone!
Because of a new trick we're supposed to be learning, I'll be in exercise mode at work untill next Tuesday and that's going to limit my posting severely. I apologise for the interuption- if you've a problem, write your congressman, LOL. Pooh or anyone else who wants to, I'd appreciate if you pulled Sylvia along with you. Can put her to sleep now if you want, LOL.
Thanks for your time and now back to your regularly scheduled thread.
Not a problem Vix, I am sure that Pooh can drag you along with him.

I left that open for you Chewey. I figured, if Rhemus asks questions now, we'll be volleying posts for three days just having a conversation. If he tells Selwen, you can toss out info. whenever you feel it's necessary.