OOC: Dragon Wars II

The two young dragons being introduced are for the enjoyment of Gloomfaust and his associates. Thank you.......hehehe

I'm doing the whole, I need to sleep it off deal for the sake of waiting for Jeremy. i need to know what Rheamus found out, and Jeremy has to tell me that.
QC, you may want to PM him. I do not think he checks out this OOC thread at all anymore.

What are you confused about Khad?

The whole dwarven scenario is to give the group you are in a place to go before going back to the dragon council.

In the other group, Selwen and Rheamus are gathering information while Gloomfaust and his guys are getting ready to attack the dragon council.

Did that clear it up?
Yeah, that was the original idea when it comes to the dwarves, but when I stopped here and there and nobody posted their interference in the battle, I assumed no one was interested and went ahead and finished it myself.
Now, I figured they'd head toward the human city, like I posted, but anything can happen, with the right motive. If you need somewhere to be, the dwarves could use some company.
A very well run original idea by the way. I was hoping vix's group would go over there and investigate.
QC, not sure where we want to go from here. Maybe when your character sobers up you can come out and find me out in the forest. Then our characters could go back to the council and get sidetracked by the dwarves? Just an idea.

JD......Those dragons are all yours . Have fun with them, but have them back home by midnight ...ok?????? hehehe
Spar and I seem to get side tracked by about anything, lol so we can go play with the dwarves.
LMAO...... that is fine with me. I was not sure if you guys were going to come into the town after Pooh.
Chewey- if you want you can speak for the trans we've got and guide us from there.
I'm headin to bed, so, assuming I'm up early enough this afternoon to post before running to work, I'll answer in 10 hours or so. Failing that- bout 24.
Joys of working nights... and having worked with a crazy nitpicky show me everything even though you haven't missed shit before nurse. *GROWLS*
Sorry bout that. Feel better having typed it though, LOL.
Nighty night or good day, whichever applies.
Hey... sorry to use Yevgenni. If I did so out of character, lemme know. Just needed something to round off my post.
Should not be a problem QC. I have faith in you. I will check it out so I can post off of it.
Actually, it was a post where he ran into him on his way to the King's throne room, so you're already past it.
Well QC, I will say this..... I am a married man. If my marriage is typical, then NO there is no such thing as too much drama.....
i think so, but i'm missing something, i'll re-read the last ten paed or whatnot and see if things make more sense to me.
Khad, if you are still confused, PM me with what you are looking for. I will see what I can do.

I'm confused to, but I think its the fact its 7am and I've been up since 3 PM and worked and done battle with a cautry iron on my nail that's doing it. LONG story.

To Everyone- sorry if I've been distant lately. Hubby's visiting his family in CA and I'm pretty much by myself here right now. Being away from him makes me darker, less chatty, more introverted then I'd like to be. *sighs* Guess I'm lucky- he brings out better qualities in me then I do, LOL.
So that's why my threads are moving a bit slowly and why I'm not posting much lately. Thanks for understanding (or at least reading this far.)
I'll normalize again once he's back in about a week or so. *Sighs* I miss him, and he's only been gone a week. Goddess, I'm sappy. Oh well.
Not a problem Vix, the thread has been moving slowly anyway. I am in no hurry at this point.
