OOC: Idea without a Name

Well, hello there. Glad you could make it. It's nice to see that there's some interest in this little idea that has no name.

It might be possible to work in another tech chick (I've got an idea or two, despite the fact I'm the pyrotechnics expert), but that's entirely up to Daisy. However, if you do wind up with the unusually intelligent giant, you could think of it as a learning experience - an opportunity to further your RP skills. ;)

Hope you stick around for the fun.
If you are completely interested in the giant post here some ideas and we can see which one would fit best...I am personal lover of Trigun...Anyone interested in playing a goofy, but tortutured character like that with an arm that turns into a destructive weapon would be great...I LOVE TRIGUN and the insurance girls.
Hmm.. it somewhat reminds me of a character that I made ages ago. Don't know how well it would fit though.

The character in questions was a mercenary who was nearly blind, but had one of the best sniper qualities in the entire world. She had a friend/guide dog who also carried her ammunition and other supplies for her.

I don't know how well that would fit, but it's just an idea that I'm throwing out.
If you want to use her please do. I want the weirdest group that normally wouldn't be put together and having a sniper character would be great because my character works in close quarters for fighting. I like it.
It seems to me that this story needs more Leo.

Yes, definitely more Leo...

All in all, it sounds like a lot of fun, and I'm pretty flexible. I'm probably best at writing for the anti-hero man, the guy who really wants nothing to do with the whole thing, but feels he must. Or in contrast, I don't think you have a bad guy as of yet. Not quite sure I want to volunteer for the lone bad-guy spot, but if the forces of good are getting a bit full, I can adapt.

Either way, it should make for some fun character development, and a chance to stretch the lately unused writing muscles.

I don't play "big guys". 8 feet tall and bound with muscles growing off of muscles just makes me feel ridiculous when I write...
I want the contrast between his large side and the way society pictures him and the way he really is, which is extremely intelligent and has telekinesis. He doesn't have to use the muscles. They are there to keep away certain people but his mind is what is truly capable of certain things. I might play him myself if it gets to it.

I am willing to work with anyone on who they want to play. The anti-hero good guy is good and then we can always find a bad guy.
Anti-hero it is, then.

Small arms expert, since I don't think we got one of those, yet. Pistols, rifles, smg's. Basically anything with iron or acog sights. And I'm thinking he's got a borderline unhealthy love for a pair of "antique" 1911s.

Maybe that could get him into trouble at some point, I dunno.
Been having lots of fantasies of being a cybernetic organism like Terminator or GiTS, and being able to interface with the technology (in this RP idea) would be fun to have to write on.. Only written with fantasy aspects before so sticking to technology should be a great stretch upon my abilities and help to broaden my abilities as a writer.

As far as other technical girls, ::I:: wouldn't mind a "gf" hehe :) -- I mean, my character would be otherwise quite surrounded by males.. and that can be intimidating to a young nerdette!
Make your character some ones sister. Then she can be a nerd but she is surrounded by people she has known for a good part of her life.

I would like to play the big guy myself. Strong and silent is my plan for him, telekinesis might be replaced with biokinesis which works better with my view and he could be the older brother of the nerd girl who then has the avenue of some sort of electrokinesis, probably like Amuro Ray in the original gundam she simply understands how machines work.

That said we don't need the big guy, we need a villain and so I have an idea for that. A person who has seen it and done it all. Often very well and usually at the expense of other people, like all the good guys. He has wronged each and every one of you, and while him destroying your precious hopes and dreams seems important to you, for him it was only another Tuesday.
So yeah, I am cats. I haven't been active recently, largely because school is a bitch... Or rather I am schools bitch. But I would like to try this. I am a reasonably good writer.
Hmm, I like Cats Idea.. made me think of the little boy from Heroes that could talk to technology and understand it that way.

I love electricity, so perhaps that'd be a great method of communication, and as a developed side effect she can use it in an offensive manner :)

Dunno if anyone has read 'Rail Gun' before, manga about a girl that uses electromagnetism or some-such to shoot metallic items (coins, etc.) from her fingers at high-speeds, like a rail-gun... and since electricity and magnetism go hand in hand... :)

Well, looks like this might start to develop then!! YAY!

I so know what you mean about being schools bitch... I'm glad to get out from under that hand now.. it can't slap me around anymore...
Cats does that mean you play both villian and silent giant? If yes...I am going to everyone post a small snipet about their characters and then we will get started as soon as possible. If anyone has good name ideas post them here.
*looks at all the posts* Geez, I'm offline for a few hours and look at all the interest.

So, who do we have so far? An explosives expert (me), tech chick (Vamp), leader (Daisy), and who else? I saw like 3 different people who could play the giant, so who has the part? By the way, when the hell did supernatural powers come into play? *thinks about his character*

Oh, and hi there cats. Long time no see.
With agreement of Daisy, I'm playing a sniper. She's almost blind, but uses her superior hearing in combination with her guide dog to place deadly shots.
Okay, so we have an explosives expert (me), tech chick (Vamp), sniper chick (Nir), and a leader (Daisy). So far, it looks like both Leo and cats want to play the intelligent giant, although it seems to me that Leo might have a different character in mind...at least according to what I'm interpreting, that seems to be the case. Clarification, Leo?
I said I have no real desire to play the silent giant, its not the type of character that interests me to write for. So, let's see, character description... Hmmm.

Name: David Russo
Role: Small arms expert
Description: Average height and build, short dark hair, green eyes. Rarely seen without his long dark grey cloak which he says was a gift, but won't say from whom.

Bio: There are only a few things in this world David will not part with; his coat and a pair of old 1911s, which happen to be kept cleaned and in good condition at all times. He does his best combat at close to mid range, and is highly adept with most pistols, smg's, and rifles. He can use larger weapons and even blades in a pinch, but is not nearly as proficient with them. Dog tags, when visible, indicate prior military, but he won't say much about them. He can come off as cold and calculating, and he is no stranger to killing, but claims he has never done so in cold blood.

I didn't want to put too much into the bio and miss out on the fun of revealing or developing it all later.
I have to agree with Jedi when did super powers come into play. It was simply a quiet and possibly smart giant, then a smart giant, then a smart telekinetic giant. At which point I said I prefer biokinesis for this character.

Any how I'm going to keep my posts as the giant sparse for this first portion while I develop the villains persona. Do I have much say in how I upset each person seeking vengeance upon me or do we make it up as we go. Perhaps pm me idea's for why your character hates mine and then we can slowly expose what was happening.

As for title this plot is about revenge so I would like to include vengeance or revenge in the title. Perhaps indirectly. Right now I am thinking the title could be "I have been wronged." Which each character feels, and perhaps in the writing one character will turn out to be the I.

As for the villain I picture him as smart, wealthy, and bored. His crimes are simply intellectual stimulation, an exercise in seeing if he could do something. Money to him is only useful to acquire what he needs, and what he needs most is a way to pass the time.

I need a good villain name any suggestions. Another title name "Kill *Insert Antagonists name*" Hey it worked for Bill.
Ok...put it to a vote...Yes indicates we want to use telekinesis and super powers as you call them. No indicates no super powers. Now go!
No super powers. Things get ridiculous that way.

And finaly tally: explosives expert (me), tech chick (Vamp), blind sniper chick (Nir), small arms expert (Leo), silent, intelligent giant (cats), leader (Daisy), and a villian (cats). Missing anything?
Nope that is good. So I will say no to the super powers and leave it be. One other question. I want to have the "base" of operations hiding beneath a manufacturing plant or something like that. We all have to go through the main floor to the back where you have a hand print scanner, eye scanner, and voice recognition to get into the bottom where the lay out is much like a mansion. Is that going to be ok?
Sure. Sounds good to me.

I was just wondering, do all the characters know eachother from having worked together in the past or are they all meeting for the first time?
We have been working together for some time already. Everything is established but we really don't go beyond the work into personal lives. That will probably be brought out more and more dealing with this particular villian, which is going to be the first real challenge the group has come across.
Ah, okay.

Hm...now how to make this unwritten history work with my character....? *wanders off to think up the answer*
So far, Leo is the only one to do a bio that I could see right off the bat. I would like it to be obvious its a bio. I want this because sometimes we are talking about certain aspects of each other and it will be easiest to come here and see the bio and it will take less time. I need to still get mine done as well. So, as soon as I have everyone's I am starting the thread.