OOC: Idea without a Name

Not too sure...sounded good...I was just thinking of things to call the group and went with a gut feeling.
Oh come on of coarse it was going to be Zodiac, we have a leo all ready now we just need 11 others.
Funny story: I am in fact a Leo.

And no, that did not inspire my forum name.
Well technically I count for two of them, Capricorn and Aquarius since I'm on the border day. So we only need 9 others! haha
Seems slow today, should I have Samuel do something evil? Would that get more posts.
Sorry I have been busy between school and work...ugh. I will make sure to be more present.
Do we have a plan for Mr. Webster?

Also does Jedi plan to join up at a later date?
Jedi's character will come in when my character interviews and accepts him as the new explosives expert before our first assignment. Mr. Webster...I need to know how you want to introduce him and maybe it will be during this next operation...maybe he plans to steal the art...I am not sure how you want to introduce him, please let me know so we can steer it that way.
I was under the impression that every one in the group or at least your character had received some harm from him. Dead family member, bought the family farm, framed some one they knew, that sort of thing. Or perhaps something as simple as they know the crimes he has committed.

I can tell you what I plan to do with him but that would spoil the surprise.
I supose I will introduce him by doing the most obvious of things. Just for the record, the last mission effected Webster in some way. Made him loose money, look bad, what ever. I'll have something when I post.

If you want my outline for Samuel pm. Because I do have plans. :cattail: They will be fun.
It would be nice to see where your plans are going. I purposefully made the man that adopted my character die by murder...I figured he was the one to do it or be involved in it.
I vote one of the ladies gets up on the conference table and starts stripping.

Its faaaaaar too quiet in that meeting.
The meeting has just gotten started. Why interrupt it so soon? Besides, you're getting the info on your next mission at the moment.
Exciting is it not?

Mr. Webster won't be involved in an art theft, not his style. Any how I'll try and move parts of the thread in the direction I plan to use to establish him as a villain.
*starts fidgeting* Come on Daisy! Start your search for a replacement already! I'm getting antsy over here!
I also would like to keep this meeting short.

Perhaps five us time to look over the plans privately and then have a second meeting another day. That gives Jedi time to enter with out us having shorten the meeting to much.
Sorry guys I work full time and have school full time. I am trying to get time to show up.
Okay Jedi you can post. And funny, I live in the town Leverage is filmed in! LOL!!!
Working on a post now.

"Leverage"? Que es?

Visit tv.com good sir.... :)

But basically.. they have a bunch of different "bad guys" that help "good guys" get revenge on "bad guys" through various forms of leverage... such as cons, blackmail, stealing, etc etc.