OOC: Immortals War

Wolfsister said:
Uhhh... sorry, I'm out. I'm reserved for Angelus... and pretty much any other woman that walks by :p :p :p

*whirls around in an office chair*

I'm special!!!!!!!!!

but...but.... Sharing is caring! and caring is sharing! and..all that...shit.
*Shares a cookie* you know I care :D

Besides, I think you've got your hands full with UN... *whispers* she's really really wild *big grin*
Who me? Wild? Nev-ok.... I can't lie...

I'm a very kinky girl
The kind you don't take home to mother
I will never let your spirits down
Once you get me off the street, ow girl!
Wolfsister said:
Freebie, nobody was saying that. And besides, none of us are Godmodders and thats what we would be doing if just tied you up and beat you without giving your character a chance to respond. That's not how we work.
sorry if it sounded like i was saying that, i was just reactimg to the posts in which half bloods were killed easily :cathappy:
i think every one is starting to move towards the same place which seems to be england
a ok. As long as we get some interacting, im all for england :D . Still waiting for the dude stalked is after to respond to being noticed. Thats rengadeirishman right? ya, it's right.
cause he would be intrested in the first vampire he's seen for awile besides his master, and would naruly be curious. The old boke probaly won't get worried and will confront him in a private place, maybe after he eats :cathappy:
let3us2be1free0 said:
sorry if it sounded like i was saying that, i was just reactimg to the posts in which half bloods were killed easily :cathappy:

*smirks* yeah well, I killed 6 full bloods. Happy?
*shrugs* eh... what can you do?

I know that Angelus will update his first post. But I want to make my post clear.

We worked out a system of generations for the Vampires. Indicating power/speed/age.

Every hundred years constitutes a generation.

IE: 200 yr old vamp would be 2nd generation.

Seeing as the vamps in my post were about 1000 yrs, they were 10th gen vamps.

I'm 2403 yrs, so I'm a 24th gen vamp.

Naturally, lower gen Full Bloods will be more powerful than lower gen Half Bloods.

Also, a system for the aged look for Full Bloods has been worked out too, but I'll let Angelus post that.
let3us2be1free0 said:
i think we should probably get together a little faster, unless you guys like posing solo for now?

I like to get a good story going and I feel that without a little history, my charry would be rather flat and boring. RPs aren't always about interaction. Sometimes the writers on this board like to just write together and make one cohesive story. Of course they interact, but it doesn't have to be the core of things.

I find that rushing people generally gets them miffed. Believe me, I've had it done to me and I've written shit just to keep some people happy. I'm not doing that in this thread.

If you want some fast, quick and easy interaction, I suggest looking at this site.

The Keep

Its completely different. Not board RPing and is about chat RPing. The RPs are much faster and you can RP in real time. Perhaps that can keep you busy while you wait? It is rather fun and its where I started out when I found the online writing scene.
Wolfsister said:
*smirks* yeah well, I killed 6 full bloods. Happy?
Quite. I hope you won't mind if my charecter turns on the half boods tho. Helping the prey isn't really his thing :devil: :cathappy: .
What your character does is totally up to you. It is your charry, after all. If you start fighting for the full bloods, I would suggest changing your faction on your bio, though.
i put a faction? ill check. i changed it. I thought faction was for what type of vamp, but its sides i guess.
A type as well as the faction that you're fighting for was what we were looking for.

So, you're a half blood on the Full Blood's side. Kewl.
yeah, I think people think that if they join the full bloods that they will be stronger. As bad as this might sound that is a misconception.
well wait and see people will proble changeback and forth from either side, but if thats how the rp goes then that how it goes,