OOC: Loa Blood

I'll try to make those few months go quickly, Abraxas. Are you also out for a while, or did you want to bring in another character while Monolith is comatose?

As for him going to look for Hope, great! I'd love to get some Locrian action going. But of all the characters, Monolith is going to have the hardest time getting out of Argo, especially to go to a currently hostile country like Locrir. Argo and Locrir aren't yet at war, but they're pretty tense. Argo wouldn't want they're favorite secret weapon (who they know is originally Locrian) falling into enemy hands, and Locrir wouldn't want any foreign super-beings in their country.

That's part of why I didn't want to give you that new power yet (you know the one I'm talking about). International travel is something you have to plan around, not just power through.
ummm, how are they gonna track me. I plan to WALK there!
(don't breath, immune to pressure, can navigate by the earth's magnetic field. I'm gonna go on a very wet stroll!)
Yeah, I'd thought about that. Then we're really going to need to skip some time, or bring in a temporary character. Walking across an ocean would take months.
I have a few things to address with Nia's personality. I need to get her out of that funk and into the next one. Then it would be rather convenient for me if a few months were skipped. It would make the next problem more aparent.
Heheheh, unfortunately, skipping a few months with Kell might get a little weird. I don't know if he's quite in the right position. A lot can happen in three months when you're a growing teenager with super powers.

Unless he decides, while working at the hospital and healing people and helping repair buildings and chilling with Amy (and Mary, if she comes along), to finish his high school education out of school, get his GED, take some physics classes in community college, and learn more about the properties of matter, energy, space, and time. ;)
Mirad, what are you thinking is at Rufus' camp? He would not have been able to find more than a few boxes of ammunition, and would have used up much of that in the past two months. Let's say he's got 2 more clips on him, and another 6 at his camp. ___________________________________________________

JC, if we do skip a few months, and I really think we should as soon as possible, then Kell will spend most of that time healing people, repairing roads and waterways, and eating, sleeping, hanging out, etc. No new developments in his powers, no crash course in physics.

It looks like a few people are taking the bait and going to Bridges. Excellent. Here's a few details for anyone setting scenes there.

Bridges is south and east of Bay City, across a wide expanse of desert and small ranch towns. They are connected by railroad.

Bridges is built on a series of wide bridges across the huge Storm River. Much of the city is built on giant pylons sunk into the river, but very little of it is built on natural bedrock. Slums and suburbs stretch out on either side of the river. The city has many canals, and most traffic is by boat instead of car.

The center of the city is a towering, gaudy complex of elaborate hotels, high walkways, and glowing neon displays. It is full of tourists, hookers and thugs.

The population is primarily Argon (black) with a lot of Svetlan (red) labourers, Aralian (silver-haired caucasian) tourists, and Sejealan (dark-haired caucasian) gangsters. There are far fewer Gifted than in Bay City.

South of Bridges, the Storm River widens into the Storm Delta swamp, which drains into the Small Sea. The Small Sea separates Argo from Svetla, and the huge, red Svetlan mountains are visible from the city. The swamp holds many small villages, and camps of the nomadic and mysterious Weaver people. It is a hotbed of smuggling activity, being a much "softer" border with Svetla than the land-border farther to the east.

East of Bridges, the land rises into logging towns and the Aralian mountains (smaller than the Svetlan mountains), which separate Argo from high-tech Aralia.

Bridges is hotter than Bay City. It is now winter, but neither place gets any snow.
Hahaha, aww. Well, okay. Stamina training is nice. But when is he going to finish high school? ^_^
Yeah, DT, the force-field blocks sound. And it's miles away across the ocean (you and Dugan are back in Bay City). But if Symphony was speaking metaphorically, then it's all good.

Look a few posts higher up this page. There's a post of mine for you I'm still waiting for answers on.
I was meaning to ask about that...when I read the descriptions of the different ethnic groups I was thinking almost crayon like colors. Or are Argons black as in African and Svetlanders "red" as native American people have sometimes been described as.

Jen would have been learning how to use her powers more effectivly, the limits are the same: twelve people, initiate with eye contact, etc. But she can achieve a wider range of effects.
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Crayon colours. Argons are coal black (sometimes with gold patches), and Svetlanders are blood red.

So far we haven't run into any people with dark brown skin, but we've only mentioned a handfull of countries. I'd like for there to be a lot more.
ok, here is the new guy. I'll try & get him started in-thread this weekend, but bear with me as the PO is trying to kill me.

Name: Colin Watson
Codename: Download
Description: 5’9” 175 lbs. White skin, Ice-blue hair, & violet eyes. 28 years old.
Nationality: Petang, on Argo on a work Visa (was working for Encron, a banking conglomerate in the IT department)
Aliases: Arden Star (Computer repair technician), Duce (Computer Security Specialist). Has ID & backgrounds on both identities that will hold up to a police background check.
Powers: Download is a cyberpath. He is able to interface with computers and complex machines without touching them. This includes the following powers:
Cybercontrol: The ability to override a computer’s programming and take control of it
Cyberpathy: mentally interface with a machine to read its data.
Machine Manipulation: Able to use or move a machine from a distance. (i.e.: typing on a keyboard from across the room, changing channels on the TV, etc)
Cybertravel: Can enter the web with his mind, leaving his body behind to hack systems and gather information (sorta like Tron). This, of course, leaves his body helpless where he hacked in.
Manipulate information: This is basically hacking, but he’s very very VERY good at it!!!!

History: Born in a small town in Petang, Colin learned at an early age that machines fascinated him. The more complex, the better they were. He had an uneventful childhood, and upon graduating Basic Schooling, he decided to go into a technical College and focus on technology. That’s where he met Jance, and in meeting her, changed his life.
With her silver hair framing her petite face and body, she was a beautiful vision. She was also a Loa Worshipper, never going anywhere without her medallion, which had a black liquid on the center which she claimed was Blood. They went through a whirlwind romance, falling head over heels for each other, until one night tragedy struck. While returning to their flat one evening they were jumped by a gang of toughs. Colin tried fighting back, and was holding his own until one of the youths pulled a gun. Jance saw him and leapt in front of Colin, so the bullet struck her instead of him, breaking the medallion and sending droplets of blood over her, the gangmember Colin was fighting, and Colin himself. The gangmember dissolved into a puddle of water before his eyes, while Jance screamed once, then disappeared, air imploding where she stood with a bang. Soon thereafter Colin passed out. When he woke about a month later, he found that he could manipulate machines. That was two years ago, and he has been using his abilities to try & track down his lady, and also to track down who was controlling the gangmembers that changed him, the ones in the black and yellow jackets.
Right now he resides in Argo and is looking to start a new job in Bridges in the technology district.
Forget Jance, with your Cyberpathy and my Networking we could rule the world! Or do other things, whatever. ;)
Morgoth and Mirad, I want Dracon Island to appear as a tough, scary environment. Please help me out. Morgoth, we've seen how the Crusher kicks everything's ass in the outside world. It took one of the world's mightiest super-heroes to put him down for a day, and Monolith put himself in a coma doing it, and couldn't stop the Crusher from killing several thousand people first. But Dracon Island isn't like that.

On Dracon, everything is at the Crusher's power level. I mean the grass and trees. Some of the city critters are much, much worse.

So when you're fighting anything on the island, either of you, please don't say that you kill it. Say what you do (shoot it, blast it claw it, etc.) and wait for me to say what happens. Because you don't know what powers the creature you're fighting has. More often, you will fight the monsters to a draw, or have to run away.

Your characters will seem cooler and tougher if we see them struggle against superior odds, and come out scarred and battle-weary, than if they walk through it easily.

Over their months on the island, I'd like to see the Crusher learn that he is not perfect, or unstoppable. Or else he goes into denial, retreating even farther into his delusions of grandeur. His matter-agitation and regen are not limitless, and can be exhausted if he pushes them too far (which he doesn't know yet, because he's never had to push himself to his limits).

Cats, since Nia has no money, her options for getting to Bridges are hitchhiking, hopping a train, or walking across the desert (and anything I'm not thinking of, including getting some cash and buying a ticket). Assuming that that's where she's going.

Bunnies, Dr. Brewster would be aware that there are two high-public-profile Gifted working for Coda he hasn't even met yet. Monolith, and Kell Claudas. They are both still in Bay City.

DT, remember that Loki doesn't have to do what the implant is telling him. In fact, it still hasn't told him to do anything. What are his motivations? Would he look for his family? I assume he has some money put away. If he's curious about what's happening to him, Coda, GAIA, and the Killer Bees would be the people with the technology to answer some questions.

Anyone stuck?
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Basically Mirad's "Camp is nothing more than a crude metal structure that he put together from bits and parts of the testing facility. It's mostly within the facility itself. He moved some things around and salvaged things from the destruction. It's extremely gothic looking. Char marks scatter the walls, and salvaged, furniture; wich include nothing more than a table two chairs and a bed. He has basic supplies. He builds fires in a pit, using old furniture and clothes and stuff. He found all his provisions either from the island or from the rubble.

Yeah as far as the ammunition I think that would make sense. I'm going to try and use his melee wepons more often now. I want to really see what kind of powers he developp. As far as the monster thing goes. Although most of the monsters are either more powerfull or comparable to the crusher and myself creatures like those posessed animals and other small creatures could be killed easily. The trees on the other hand would not so we would have to post attempts. but small stuff I don't think we will need to bother with. Not to make it easy or anything, just to keep it realistic. And also you might want to take into acount that Rufus has been living there for a few months and would have picked up a few things about the creatures of the island thus making them slightly easier for him but not much. Just for realistic purposes.

Finally, what exactly is Rufus' power level? I know he isn't even close to the crusher or monolith but would he be stronger than lets say ghost or symphony or the others? considerring that he was practly living in Loa for over four months.
Mirad I guess he could beat Nia in arm wrestling.

I was considering the money aspect, mostly for when she gets there. I'm not sure I'm going to have her head for bridges just yet. If I did it would mostly be hitch hiking, that would be the fastest and I have another item I would like to insert before leaving or once she gets there. If I do it before leaving walking the distance becomes less likely. Hopping train seems some what likely too. Do trains go threw the tent village, that had all the gifted? I figure it now likely has a sizable amount of normals in it.
Cats, the tent city for Gifted refugees is on the beach, west of Bay City. The railway starts at the docks, near the beach, then goes around Bay City, and then goes east, through the desert.


Mirad, the point with the possesed animals was that you shot the deer, and it got back up. Then you described killing more of them with bullets, after bullets didn't work on the deer. I was hoping you'd use your blades on the vines connecting their spines to the branches. I try to give clues. But that's cool. We're past that now.

Yeah, you shouldn't have to struggle against every creature you encounter. But Rufus won't know which ones are the easy ones and which ones are the stupidly powerful ones, so post your action, and wait to see what happens.

Since Rufus has been on the island all this time, I do plan to give him some more information when they run across monsters that he has encountered before.

Rufus' power level is the same as Monolith, Ghost, Nikki, Nia, Jen, Kell, Download, and most of the other characters. The Crusher is the only PC who is really above that level. Monolith is stronger than Rufus, but not more powerful, since Rufus is faster, can use tools, wear a disguise, drive a car, blend into normal society, and other stuff Monolith can't. Similarly, Ghost is faster than Rufus. Rufus is stronger and faster than any of the others, and could totally take any of them in a straight fight. But they mostly have other powers that would keep it from being a straight fight. Does that answer your question? It's a hard one without numbers.

Rufus' camp isn't at the main Coda research facility, as that base is in one of the northern cities, is crawling with monsters, and is where they're holding the Loa Blood the Crusher wants. Rufus could have come from a different, smaller Coda base outside the city (closer to the forest where you guys are now), or he could have taken stuff from the city base and set up a camp in the wilderness (I recommend this option, because if you came from the city base, then you'll have more inside information once you get back there).
Good explanation, ST.

Yeah, guys -- it's a whole lot more fun when characters struggle. Nobody, of course, wants their characters to die, including myself; but I know I try to do my best to at least make it look like there's a chance Kell's going to get the crap kicked out of him when he's in trouble. Even though I'm worried that I sometimes use "power surges" as a deus ex machina to get out of difficulties. ;)

But, of course, we haven't had that many opportunies to duke it out. So things may change.

That whole thing with the physics was kind of a half-joke, ST. Remember not to take me too seriously. I don't really want Kell's power level to increase very quickly -- I just keep thinking about different possibilities for him.

As soon as PS gets back and Mary and Kell have a bit of a scene (it would be nice to get back into the mode), and then maybe I have a little time to do another scene with Kell and Amy (I dunno what, just something), I'll be ready to skip some time, if that's what you'd like to do.

Anyway, it's probably a good idea. Kell needs some time to just sit and think about things and dwell on his own powers, and then some time to just work instead of think, before he either flips out again or has another "power epiphany". Otherwise he'll just be creepy. ;)
nods to ST's earlier post
i know Loki doesnt have to follow it,but my char.'s a lil shocked and is just kinda following anything shown to him for the moment,if he has some time when hes not shooken up and/or not busy he can reflect and think,and decide things for himself^.^
I didn't want to get across that the Crusher can take anything on the island (although he thinks he can). Not at all. When he shot at the forest, he incinerated a few small paths, but nothing that wouldn't heal. Also, the forest only retreated because it hadn't been horribly damaged or anything, but simply because it didn't think the fight worth it. I agree with your idea of him learning that he's not the best. I'll try to make it more of a learning experience for him.
Bunnies, Brewster would know that Nia was living at the GAIA Embassy. Your guys might make it there before she leaves, or might just be told that she left already, and that she mentioned Bridges. Brewster's government contacts could put an illegal trace on Nia's tourist visa, but . . . we'll see how that goes.

As for Monolith, he's still in his regenerative coma, but it would cool if Jen could link up with him anyway.

Cool, Morgoth.
That works. I like the city base idea. Although I think that it would be more interresting if the camp was actually at the base. He would have easier acess to supplies and he would be able to get access to at leaste some other information. I was hoping that maybe once the crusher got there that he would start looking around.;)