OOC: Loa Blood

You don't need to change your post Morgoth, as you can see I posted a suitable solution to the problem.
Okay, let's end this battle soon.

Abraxas, give the Crusher and Nia a few minutes before coming to her rescue.

Morgoth, after your scene with Nia, when Monolith comes at the Crusher again, Crush should go down and stay down. You know what happens next.

Bunnies and Morgoth, are we all good? That scene was pretty confusing. Morgoth, your tactic was cool, but I still think you got out of the maze too easily. Next time will be much harder.

As long as someone is in Jen's maze, their body is motionless, catatonic, staring off into space. Any actions they take are only in the mental environment.

Brewster and the two guys from Coda are still alive. They were only killed in the mental maze, which ended when Monolith attacked the Crusher, drawing him back into reality. Bunnies, do you want Dr. Brewster to be another PC controlled by you, or an NPC controlled by me?

Everyone, as a general rule, if you're not sure what results an action would have (as in when your powers come in conflict with another character), post what your character does, but not what happens as a result of your action. Wait for my ruling. That's the only way to keep things fair. And no matter who you are, sometimes you will fail!
Well Swamp, I had planned on controlling him myself but you can if you'd like. He's not gifted (not in the Loa Blood sense) but he is very intelligent and well versed in many fields. Sort of like "Doc Savage" except for the athletic/combative aspect.
If you want to control him, you're totally welcome to. Either way, keep in mind that he, like anyone can be killed if he gets into dangerous situations. I don't think it's fair or realistic for characters like the Crusher (who'se motivation is to kill everybody) to have to pull their punches with certain characters just because they are player controlled. If you want to keep him alive, don't put him in the middle of a super-battle.
hey swampy, you want me to take the crusher down, or just get him woozy before he takes me down ( Monolith is pretty F****d up right now anyway)
Take him down please. Or at least set him up for Nia to deliver the final blow. Monolith is prettty hurtin', but he can hit the Crusher from behind while he's distracted. Also, if Monolith saw the rape, I can see him being super-carged by rage. Finalyy, the area is covered in molten rock, so Monolith can turn into giant molten rock form!
Not a problem, I just didn't feel it was appropraite for him to be killed within a post or two of my entrance and in such a cavalier manner, yet.
As I see it the doctor is an important tool for Jen. She is much weaker with out some ones help, and until Jen has other allies he is important for the plot.

On another note. I'm gone for one day and my character gets raped? I'm okay with that, just didn't expect it to happen so fast. I honestly didn't want to go into the details of the action so I'm just as happy not having to post something half way threw it. Also Nia needs a new set of cloaths... again.
lol cats my char. would be nice and loan you hsi trenchcoat but it wa skidna ahh..torched lol
anyway,heres my other char,another evil monsster for you guys to fight^_^

online now taken alias:Loki
ability:wired to a Loa computer chip wiht designs of its own,able to graft metalsand inanimate obnbjects on to itself(to a degree,like it cant bind with the planet,at least not yet^_~)
story:not very interesting,an average guy wiht an average life in the suburbs,did moderatly well in school,and got a job for CODA.
While working repairing a door opening into the computer chips sealed room he poked arounda tit and it attached itself to him
apearance:slightly tall,a little husky,hazel eyes and nondescript brown hair that tends to change tis shape when it wants to
Sorry, Cats. I didn't know how to elaborate without making it monster porn. Nice job on the takedown, Abraxas. And finally: Sorry about the really, really bad writing on Dan's thoughts. I wanted some way to capture his weakness and I felt the best way was to do it by using that style. /\ is basically a mark from me to you(imagine its not there) that a new sentence is starting. And finally, since I've already been PM'ed about this. No, I did not know Stephen King did something like that. Don't bug me about it, for God's sakes. It is original.
Morgoth, I thought the dream sequence was your best Crusher post yet. And yeah, I'm glad it didn't turn into monster porn too.

So, that's the end of the battle (and pretty much the end of Bay City). I'd like the next couple of days to go by pretty quickly, so what do your characters do during the salvage and reconstruction of the city?

Just so you all know, the next nearest big city is Bridges (a gambling, prostitution and party town), then Argopolis (the capitol), and there are thouusands of smaller towns in between. Any there's no reason you all have to stay in Argo, either, there's a whole world to explore!

Succubus, I hope you're still around. Mary's exhibition is still happening, but it may be moved to Bridges. Just post what she does in the few days after the battle, and we'll figure it out from there.
Thanks for the compliment. I'll try to keep up the quality. Sorry for past lapses.
I must of come off wrong to you Morgoth. I am very glad you didn't make it into monster porn. No one is more glad then me on that point. I do not have the desire for any of the graphic details, and I would more or less be forced to read them in order to reply. So I am very happy you didn't go into details, as is this poor little Catholic boy had a hard time reading these vague details, rape bugs me but it seemed to fit. My comment was simply surprise, I'm not used to threads moving this fast.
Let me know when it's safe to start skipping time. Right now I don't know what to do after Nia's reaction to the rape. Once we skip a few days it'll be easy to start posting again.

About this drowned woman, would you mind posting more of an exact description? I would ask for the pages it appeared on but I've been here long enough to know that would take a few hours to find at least.
Succubus, I hope you're still around. Mary's exhibition is still happening, but it may be moved to Bridges. Just post what she does in the few days after the battle, and we'll figure it out from there.

I'm here, but working to jobs and moving, so my writing skills kinda falling flat. Even my book is suffering, and I haven't be able to play my GURPS which I GM because of lack of energy.

I hope you all forgive me.
About this drowned woman, would you mind posting more of an exact description? I would ask for the pages it appeared on but I've been here long enough to know that would take a few hours to find at least. [/B]

Posted by PoliteSuccubus on 07-28-2003 11:03 PM:
Bay City Times

STRANGE EVENTS AT TWELVE CONCERT by Faith Honai, Freelance reporter

In a week of unusual activity many of Bay Cities residents were looking forward to the releif a Twelve concert would bring. The 35,000 seat Kieger Auditorm was standing room only, with many more fans outside in the parking lot hoping to see the band and dancing to their latest release when a paranormal occurance took place in view of the patrons inside but affected everyone in within one square mile of the Auditorm.

Directly after Twelve performed their newest song "River Woman" water began to pour from behind the stage and a figure which was readily identified as the Drowned Woman appeared from the sheet of water and telepathically warned concert goers that a monster had escaped the isle.

Paniced the crowded indoors milled about, but scant seconds after the apparition a monstous figure crashed through the wall of the Auditorm and began kiling people at random.

Meanwhile, on the roof a firefight began between bounty hunters and the known assassian "Nikki" which apparently ended in her death, as witnessessed by dozens of concert goers. The firefight resulted in a hole being blown in the roof to scatter debries on the concert goers below, inciteing even more panic and fear.

The creature which had been imoluateing people suddenly stopped attacking and underwent a horrific change with spikes bursting from his skin as he howled in pain. As he recovered, he leapt through the roof the building and disappeared.

Police and military units are on the look out for the creature, which is assumed to still be in the area. Coda has leant it's team of gifted to the search; includeing the meta human known as Monolith who matches the creature in at least size.

"We have no comment on the events that happened here tonight at this time." is the offical police statement; however sources have said that the police are unsure if the seemingly random events are connected or not. Nikki the assassian is known to have some telepathic ablity, and she might have produced the Drowned Woman. Or the creature might have itself sent a warning, subconsiously trying to warn its victims before begining the killing spree. Investigation has proven that the water did not come from a broken pipe, and Twelve did not have the figure programed into their speical effects.

Everyone publicly states, however, that they doubt the Downed Woman sighting was an actual paranormal event.

See related stories: Gifted Healers Help in Time of Crisis; Gifted or Cursed: Protecting ourselves from harm; Monster Spotted Eariler in the City

(If you go down to the bottem of the page to "printable version" it makes searches so much easier, as it takes out all the other stuff and just leaves text and poster name.

The entire Twelve Concert/Drowned Woman thing started
"07-17-2003 " So you can use the search funtion to narrow it down to that date, if you want to read the whole thing.
Excellent post Polite. I like the touch at the bottom of it, and thank you.
ok Swampy, if you want post Coda grabbing my rocky ass & drag me somewhere safe. Monolith will be down for a few months healing.
Cats, you can skip ahead a few days right away. Does Nia go back to the police and social workers who'd first picked her up? Try to track down Dugan through the GAIA Embassy? Or take advantage of the confusion to leave town, and leave her police problems behind her?

The important thing about the Drowned Woman is that she's a well-known figure from Locrian myth, who appeared in paintings and poems for hundreds of years before humans discovered the Loa and super-beings began appearing.

Bunnies, that was beautiful. Could you PM me a background for Dr. Brewster? And do you want Jen and Brewster to stay in the ruined Bay City, or be taken to another Coda base in another city? (Coda has bases all over Argo, and in most other industrialized nations, such as Aralia, Sejeala and Reva).
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Skipping town doesn't seem like the type of thing Nia would do. granted she isn't in the best mind set. She might want to avoid the police, she does have that fear of dishonoring her parents. Along those lines she would never go back to her parents, the family honor is better preserved if she is considered dead, at least then she didn't fail. Tracking down Dugan may eventually be a priority of hers but at this unstable time I would guess she likely blames him for her being raped.

I'm thinking she might follow up with one of the options you gave me way back at the start of her career. You mentioned working for Coda, she might do that now. My logic is when Monolith is picked up Coda may grab her as well, they are there and she is obviously confused and scared in the fetal position. The kind thing to do would be to pick her up and try caring for her. She is also established as gifted so the economic thing to do would be help her and try and get her into a job. So it seems very plausible.

I'll post tomorow, I'm bet to tired to post at the moment.
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srry about the short first post my cop was being screwy and I just got annoyed with having to retype stuff. My next post will be better. Just in case you are wonderring where I am I am with the Crusher on Dracon Island. See origional character for biographical details. The post picks up a few months after the origional accident and after the testing facility accident. Rufus is stronger and healthier and has lived on the isleand for a few months. He has only a black t-shirt, black cargos, a hunting knife, two automatic handguns, and a metal bladed staff. As far as powers he has increased strength and agility. He has superhuman sences and is basicly a vampire. However at this point in time he is more human and doesn't have any of the steriotypical vampyric weaknesses. He has the same weaknesses as any other superhuman being. See future posts and origional character post for further details. Or PM me or Swamp. Again srry about the short opening post. All Furure posts will be better.:confused: :rose:
Dracon island, that is a rather bold place to be. Especially with a force field trapping you there.

Forgive my excessive use of past tense in that last post. It's used to make a point, even if it is bad English.
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Yeah I know that's why I started there. and It makes the most sence acording to my bio information. He is still sort of trying to figure things out so he really wouldn't have a lot of other places to go. Plus I think my interactions with the crusher shall prove to be most interresting. I'm also hoping to get in on a bit of evolution in the process.:devil: