OOC: Loa Blood

No worries, DT. But the consequences of being bit will be real and permanent, just like the consequences of being shot or anything else.

Rozes, no worries. Good stuff. Keep it up.

Floru, welcome, very cool character idea. Where is Aijen going from here? Try to get a legit job, an illegal job, or live on the streets?

Abraxas, welcome back! It's been "a few months" since the big fight. Maybe 5 months, or something. So if you've got the time, have Monolith wake up. He's in a pre-fab bunker built around his crystal structure in the park, surrounded by Coda guards and scientists. Bay City is mostly unpopulated and being slowly rebuilt around him.
Exactly. How convenient that Monolith's stone body is immune to their transformative venom.
Or you can have Nia yell at you for not protecting her from the crusher. Your choice face a horde of ant men or a womans wrath. What a silly question, there really isn't much of a choice the ant men has to be a lot safer.
lol or mayber you'll be turneed into a statue for the antmen^.-
and yes Monolith pick antmen its safer then NiaX_X
Yes Nia even scares me and I have control over her. I think I do any ways. Still it may be the other way around.


Okay I have to ask

"Somewhere in that wasteland something terribly huge roared at the darkened sky. Far away, three heads flail on the ends of impossibly long, serpentine necks, and beams of stark white light slice lines of flame along the ground."

Is that king Gidora from Godzilla?
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I just wrote a long, though-out response that took me, oh, about an hour and a half. And then I pressed the wrong button! Now it's gone! God damn! Now, it's gonna take me at least the rest of today to summon up the willpower to re-write that. God, I hate it when that happens. :mad:
cats said:
"Somewhere in that wasteland something terribly huge roared at the darkened sky. Far away, three heads flail on the ends of impossibly long, serpentine necks, and beams of stark white light slice lines of flame along the ground."

Is that king Gidora from Godzilla?

Depend if it has a furry mane around its necks ... :D J/k
yeah thats happened to me to Morgoth,if you use internet explorer you cna press the back buttona dn it comes back fully written too:D
Sorry Morgoth, that sucks.

It's not Gidora, although I suppose that's one of the influences percolating in my brain when I come up with this stuff. I do love me some Godzilla.

Arc, if you're reading this, why not join us?
Well we covered this every one is afraid of Nia's wrath.

Oh who doesn't like godzilla movies. Wait never mind I have met a person or two. I own all of the ones released in the us except for godzilla vrs. the smog monster, godzilla's revenge, godzilla raids again, 2000, and the american one. Of those the american one I don't feel belongs in my series and revenge is a god awful movie. The others are sadly out of print.
Bad spelling of my name, sorry

It's Aijen, not Aijyn. My bad, forgive me? Thanks :) Won't screw that up again...
SwampThing said:
Arc, if you're reading this, why not join us?

Actually I just read the Godzilla comment & posted ...

Abraxas Winterlight said:
cause she's skeered!



*snaps fingers & a ton of stuff falls on AB*
Arc he escaped to the Orp Anoucements thread head him off there!

You know some how I believe you just periodicly check the ooc threads.
ack accidently posted twice,srry all*nervous laugh,scratch abck of head*
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yeah,i say we form a rabble/crazed mob and get 'em!
*pitchforks and torches are waves*
Srry Guys I haven't been getting E-Mails saying that you guys were posting I thought the thread was dieing. lol. Anyway I'm going to fix it and !hopefully! post more.