OOC: Loa Blood

Hey a crazed mob. *Joins in.* Burn her she's a witch! Why she turned me into a newt!
Whoooaa... sorry for vanishing, ST. I hope you'll forgive me. And I hope Kell hasn't missed anything deadly. And Mary hasn't come back yet, has he? Loki hasn't killed him or something, has he?

Fortunately, though, Kell doesn't really need to do anything other than go heal people in the busted up city... unless everyone died or something.

Anyway, I'm sort of back, but I might be infrequent. Hope you all have been doing well.
Well personaly I was pissed when it became a trend a while back. I had no choice but to talk about the otehr greats like History of the world part 1 and Dogma. Man dogma is the best religous film out there.

Edited because I am an increadable idiot. I forgot to mention the Princeses Bride. How they hell can I forget about one of the best movies of all time like that!
also accidently started making multiple postsX_X
yeah dogma is THe Best movie on organized cathololism(spelled that wrong i thinkX_X,dam athiestic ways:p)
Dogma is brilliant but it's not on any one religion. They make that point in the movie when she asks what the right religion is.

Well I'm Italian. Which is cool. I go out in the sun get burned and the next day I have a tan and the burn is gone. Coarse 3/4 of me is other races. So I guess I'm an American. Or more precisely a Californian by birth.

edit: Okay back to Loa blood.
iz from NewYork(NOT THE CITY!!!>.<every 1 says that the first time i say New York.Hows the city?grrr*snaps jaws all angry like)
anyways yah back to Loa!^_^
Morgoth, sorry for having to edit you. I really liked your post, but it went against everything I had planned for who the Drowned Woman is, how she operates, and why she does what she does. That's why I always want players to post their own characters' actions and dialogue, and to leave the actions and dialogue of NPCs (especially important, powerful NPCs like her) up to me. Sorry, I thought I had made that clear.

Cats and Floru, your characters find each other in the back corridor of Hass' greenhouse.

DarkThoughts and Rozes, your characters should get a chance to talk now that the party is over.

And DT, if JC is really back, we can start moving on Loki again. Great stuff with the antmen, by the way, but don't give the colony another growth spurt until Ghost or Monolith has had a chance to interact with them.
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Umm ... ST ???

Did you want to post that in the OOC or story thread???
Um yeah I'm thinking wrong spot

if you didn't fix it I will move it by quote to main thread. If you didn't want that it's a simple matter of going back and deleteing my quotes.
Witty, Arc. No, I meant I didn't know how to do that conversation. Since the Drowned Woman was somewhat mysterious, I didn't know what she had in store for the Crusher.
(Posting this everywhere I post)

It works just like words spell-checker, but in the IE browser.
Been using this little gem for a few months, & my story posts have been the best I have written in a long time.
Best of all..... IT'S FREE!!!!!!!!!!!

(& yes, I checked this post too)