OOC: Loa Blood

Holy crap, antmen?

Let's bring Kell in to kick some butt! Burn, antmen, burn!

...or maybe not.

But I suppose Amy's just in a hospital camp on the fringe of Bridges or something, then? I'd like to post for her as soon as I can.
Hello cutie, how are you today JC? Tackle Hy yet?

Can we get Aijen as our third roommate, have in play gay to escape the landlords wrath and start each psot with the three's company theme song? Or would that be wierd?
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Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Cats!

And yes I have! But not you yet! ^_^

*tackles ferociously* Arrrr! :heart:

*Decides not to dodge as that would cause harm to JC>* ouch!

Glad I didn't miss you today.
Even your catlike reflexes cannot avoid my irrestible glomping of cuteness.

I reiterate:

Arrrr! :heart:

*gives cats a big hug*

JC, Amy could still be working at a hospital camp in Bay City. The antmen are still restricted to a small area, and most people don't know about them yet. So she could still be near to Kell.

Or, she could have moved to Bridges. I am trying to push the plot more in that direction, and Amy being there would give Kell a reason to go there. Your call.

Cats, that would be silly. Great idea.

DT, the antmen dn't have the proper tools or materials for building guns. So they can still build them, but they won't be as effective as police, military, or Killer Bee weapons. They can, of course, take some weapons from the bodies of the people they kill.

Abraxas, I liked the investigation scene, but you shouldn't introduce new Gifted like the precog girl (although she was really cool). Monolith didn't track down the antmen because of his own abilities or effort, but because of the sudden, convenient appearance of this girl. Please don't do that.
Hmm. Amy can be in whichever place would be better. I can either A) have her be in Bay City, so Kell has a chance of encountering the antmen when they begin a major assault and thus engage in combat with them, or B) have her be in Bridges, so Kell can move there and further whatever plans you might have.

If the major plot plans are going to take place in Bridges, though, I'll move him there.
Well, Kell has to deal with Loki before he goes anywhere, and probably some antmen too. Assume that he's eventually going to Bridges, so the question is, how long do you want him and Amy to be apart?
Oh, he'll encounter antmen either way?

Well, I'd rather not keep him apart from Amy for too long.

Whatever the case, though, it might make sense if Amy's parents moved to Bridges along with refugees and she is volunteering there.
What I mean is, even is going to Bridges is his top priority, Kell isn't going right now. He'll probably have to deal with some antmen before he leaves.
Yeah, I see...

Okay, Kell and Amy will be split for a little while, then, since she's a little young to hanging around the ruined Bay City or trying to fix stuff up there.

Then again, so is Kell, but he has the advantage of EXTREEM MISTIK CHI POWURZ.

Go Balance Hands!
My mine is on otehr things today so I probably won't reply today.
Thats what i Meant ST,i envisioned simple musket-like rifles and some hand guns for the antmen,nto near the quality of human weaponry.

and JC,wheres my hug?:(
*looks all sad*
oh well....
1k+1 posts in the main thread all^_^

*breaks out the champagne and buffet table^_^*
Let Us Feast!!^_^

puts on some msuic and starts da dancin'!
The post count says 1k the actul nomber of posts is 1001 only if you count the original post by Swamp something that isn't normaly counted by lit.

Congrats swamp you now have one of the few IC threads with over 1000 posts in it, something I hope to make myself one day.
my character is so lonely ... she has no one to talk to .. so i can not post...

Cool, happy someting to us.

Rozes, your character is spending the night in the greenhouse, in a private room. There are three options for you.
-Go find Symphony, he's staying in anothr private room in the building.
-You're wandering around, lost or sleepless or curious, and you find Nia, Dani and Aijen.
-Skip to the next day. Assume that you and Symphony exchange numbers and will talk soon. What does Roza do with a the next day in the city? where does she live, does she see friends, does she plan her next job or enjoy some time off in-between?
sorry st, im trying to keep up with things here and in RT, gets hard sometimes, i will be back in soon, Ghost is still lurking about. have somethign for you soon. just letting you knwo i am still alive
Yikes, sorry I've been absent for so long. I now plan to make this story a priority again. Okay, everyone seems stuck, so let's skip ahead a bit.

Cats, Floru, Rozes, DT (everyone in Bridges), skip to the next day, or even a few days later. What are your characters doing with their time in the city? Wherever you place yourselves, I willl make something happen.

Aijen could be staying with Nia and Dani, or he could dtill be sleeping on the streets, but now the girls recognize him when they see him around.

Roza and Symphony have each other's numbers. They can be hanging out together, working on an act together, whetever.

As for the Bay City kids, Kell and Loki still need to finish their conversation.

Ghost, Monolith, and the Antmen can all run into each other any time.

And as for Dracon Island, I'll post the last of the Elsewhere scenes today. Then the Crusher can wake up, and him and Rufus can interact again.
I was out for a bit too. I'll finish the conversation with Loki soon.

Good to see you back, ST. :)
Floru could you get back to me with the roomate thing quickly, I'll try and be careful not to adress that issue untill I here from you.

Okay Morgoth, I eagerly await where this is going.
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Cats: Hopefully, the resolution wil be just as entertaining and intriguing.