OOC: The Dragon Wars

Why? So you can start complaing about how we don't post much any more? Uh.... how about no?

You will notice this is my first post on this page. I on the other hand know it's my second. You see the first post contained a statement to disregard it and ignore it if you were not me. So logicly I['m the only one that knows this is my second post. Correct? Wrong I just told you that this was my second post on this page. So you knew before I asked the question that this was my second post. So this second part is a waste of time and space.

Now why did I do this you may ask. I will then reply. I wish I knew. I wish I knew. So if you were thining asking me why di you waste space by answering you own question incorectly, and then lecture on why it's incorect if we all knew the answer and why it's the answer before hand? Just plane don't ask.

Now if you want though I will gladly explain the paragrph above this. In a logical manar.
Re: logic

cats said:
Now if you want though I will gladly explain the paragraph above this. In a logical manner.

Please, NOOOO!!

My mind plain doesn't work that fast anymore, cats. Be gentle. I got a nose bleed from your last post. :kiss:

Begining of Logical Refutation.

In order to ignore something, there must be something to ignore. Therefore, your first post exists in order to be ignored. Which makes you supposition false. Logically, you can ignore nothing. But nothing is something, so ignoring nothing means that you're ignoring something. Which means that there is something to ignore.

End of Logical Explanation.

More logic

DW and Maid please disregard the fallowing post. But maid do note that I also had a nos bleed during my above post. But this was because I ow some one money.

Z, your last statemtn of logic although as confuseing as mine is indeed inferior. You see your logic was on the concept of ignoreing. My second post dose not conflict with your logic. The first post dose indeed exist to be ignored, but the second post exist to inform you of a question based on the action taken dureing the first post. Thus the second post can neither be proven or disproven by ignoreing the first.

How ever if you didn't ignore the first post then you would answer the question defrent. But that point is ilrelivent as the answer I wrote allready assumes you were paying attention to the above statement which declared that you were ignoreing an earlier post.

Now had you infact been disregarding the first post's "mention of ignoreing this post" Then the answer to the question asked in the second post would still remean the same.

So you see the only way my statement was in corect was if you had indeed ignored the first post and then ignored the first part of the second post. If that acured then this post must make no sense at all.

Any one have tylonal or advil with them. I need an asprin now.
No more logic.

*reaches to made for the advil.*

"Thanks Maid. No wonder people like you."

*Takes one.*

"I don't want to read that either, and I freacking wrote it."

Hey thats my second cousin. His name is Chester. Now how did you get a picture of him? By the way I tought him that trick.
Hey Cat, do us a favor. Its two pills every four hours, not four pills every two hours. hehehe

Ok, I am back and posting again sort of lol. SO MM, when do you want Pyrymis to start having acid flashbacks?

Hey, Chewey!

How's next weekend sound? You, me, a couple of dragons and an electric Kool-Aid acid test... :D

Seems the hurrier I go, the behinder I get... and I need to catch up on some other things, including bringing Fiandorel up a bit further in the story.

~M :kiss:
Maid of Marvels said:
Hey, Chewey!

How's next weekend sound? You, me, a couple of dragons and an electric Kool-Aid acid test... :D

Seems the hurrier I go, the behinder I get... and I need to catch up on some other things, including bringing Fiandorel up a bit further in the story.

~M :kiss:

Hey hon, should not be a problem, as long as I can access Lit next weekend.

Originally posted by Maid of Marvels
Hey, Chewey!

How's next weekend sound? You, me, a couple of dragons and an electric Kool-Aid acid test...

Seems the hurrier I go, the behinder I get... and I need to catch up on some other things, including bringing Fiandorel up a bit further in the story.


Hey hon, should not be a problem, as long as I can access Lit next weekend.

Maid of Marvels said:
You just aren't right, Chewey. Nope. Uh uh.

*shaking my head sadly and walking away*

And it took you this long to figure it out? heheheh

Maid of Marvels said:
Hey, Chewey!

How's next weekend sound? You, me, a couple of dragons and an electric Kool-Aid acid test... :D

Seems the hurrier I go, the behinder I get... and I need to catch up on some other things, including bringing Fiandorel up a bit further in the story.

~M :kiss:

..... Eletric Kool-Aid acid test eh? That sounds fun!!!:D
hybirdx said:

..... Eletric Kool-Aid acid test eh? That sounds fun!!!:D

You may have to look that reference up in history books, junior. hehehe


Um, pills? Damn I knew I forgot to do something. Oh well I only need them if I'm breathing in oxigen. So I'll just hold my breath..... Is any one still reading this because you shouldn't. You see by now you should of established I'm an idiot and disregard this. So stop reading this now. I mean it. II'm asking nicely now. Stop reading this please. Okay I asked nicely. Your still reading this. Look dumb ass I told you to stop reading thjis and you still are, so let me try this again. Stop readingthis before I hunt you down and kill you. Hey I saw that. No, stop it. I mean it. Oh damn I give up.
cats, sweetie...

You know I can't resist reading your posts here... Even if they do give me nose bleeds. :rolleyes:

Hunt me down and KILL me? :eek:

Yes, I kept on reading and now there's a contract out on me. What's a girl to do?? *sigh*
Uh just wanna know....

Who was the guy that killed Zyzzx? I forgot:(