OOC: The Dragon Wars

Re: Uh just wanna know....

hybirdx said:
Who was the guy that killed Zyzzx? I forgot:(

I knew I was forgetting to put in something! I ment who killed the black knight! I can't seem to find it

I don't believe that the Black Knight is Killed. You blasted him with acid, but fin was too tired and injured to continue. Fin did injure the Black Knight though.

I was wondering how that turned out. Dose haveing your head ripped off kill you? Can't you just load your brain waves on to a comp and live tell the Y3k bug hits. Incase your wondering I have yet to actully try this one.

Maid, I gave up on my man hunt you'll notice that I said that at the end of my last post. Besides Maid aren't you imune to a "Man" hunt any ways.
Just to clear things up... for those of you who missed it, yes, Lhey did chomp the Black Knight's head off, helmet and all. And, yes, that makes him very, very, very dead.
I said they were strong - I didn't say they were immortal. ;)
Dark Warrior said:
Just to clear things up... for those of you who missed it, yes, Lhey did chomp the Black Knight's head off, helmet and all. And, yes, that makes him very, very, very dead.
I said they were strong - I didn't say they were immortal. ;)

Didnt that give Lhey a serious case of heartburn? My god, a little head is awesome at times, but swallowing a helmet. EWWWWWW

So oldwing killed him. I was afraid that, Zyzzx would not be avenged.
OK! I've gone a read and re-read, and re-read, the thread. And no where have I found the reference that Lhey bit the Black Knight's head. Unless my eyes are old, or my spectacles are of the wrong prescription, or my spectacles are foggy.

:D :p Z
chewbacca71 said:

Didnt that give Lhey a serious case of heartburn? My god, a little head is awesome at times, but swallowing a helmet. EWWWWWW



Now that gave me a very disturbing image. You know that could be a French Helmet you know, so the image is really disturbing.

:D :p Z
Zircon and Chewey...

Originally posted by Dark Warrior on page 5 of The Dragon Wars
As the Knight opened his defences, Lheyklanth felt a moment of complete and utter stillness, and he recognized the feeling; the feeling of a battle about to be won. Taking the feeling as a good omen, the dragon surged forward once more, but before he could strike a third time, the knight regathered himself and struck out with his sword. Desperately Oldwing dodged to the side, but the sword just tipped his wing and the creature let out a pained scream. As the knight attempted to draw his sword back to strike again, Lhey maneuvered around him, his long neck enabling him to catch a hold of the knight's arm, his long, sharp teeth biting even through the knight's plate armour. The Knight was defenceless, and one of the dragon's claws grabbed the Knight around the neck, enabling him the correct grip to rip the Guardian's arm from its socket. There was a horrible screaming sound, before Lhey's mouth released the limb and went straight for the Knight's head, ripping it straight off. The body beneath him went limp, and Oldwing released the mangled corpse, which soon followed the arm downwards. Lastly, Oldwing spat out the still-helmeted head, which followed the rest of the body.
The dragon howled at the sky around him, his body feeling stronger than it had ever before.

Tsk! Tsk! What are you two like? Doubting a WoWzer! And the Queen of WoWzers at that!! You of all people, Zircon, should know better. The rest of you... will be assimilated. Resistance is futile!

I knew there was something lacking in this thread when I came to play. Just consider me your "Voice of Reason" here. :D

Must have been all that talk of swallowing helmets or somesuch. :rolleyes:
Maid feel fre to asimulate me. But be for warned. I taste really bad. I mean flys even avoid me.
A new dragon is born

Im in! Nice idea! I'll give a bio later!

Krysta Aluria

Dose any one object to the slayers showing up? I'm pritty much out of ideas til they show up.
*shrugs* Well you have to ask Dw about that. By the way, where in the blue hell is he?
I'm not to big on dragons myself. Well actully I wouild like them just fine but there's this one dragon I just can't stand. The worst part is he's in almost every thread I do. He said he would go to washington with me and picket for equal rights for talking cats and fantsy creatures. Never did though.
Hiya Frick and Frack!

I'm sorry I can't help you out, but I'm still writing in the past. I will, however, be posting now that RL has settled down a bit.. and when Fiandorel comes up into your "time"... Well, all I can say is watch out!

Erm... cats? Was that one of those posts I'm not supposed to read? :rolleyes:
That post was optional. You can choose to read it. Or can choose to have some one read it to you. Or you can gather the info threw Osmosis. Or you may not read it. It's all up to the reader..... or none reader.
THAT was a dirty trick! You KNEW I'd read your response just now... My eyes are bleeding for Pete's sake. :(
I'm confused. How come your eyes are bleeding and how did I miss the trick.