OOC: The Grand Tournament

Groovy ^_^ Now we can have at least 1 complete battle set up that I'm in not 3/4 in control of :p

Remember that the level is a cap, and certain skills aren't gonna be able to be used by those levels. For example, shields of fire and the like from a Fire Elementalist would be like a lvl 20's skill, while being able to actually project the shield and even turn it into a copy of themself would be around a 170-200 skill. Also, depending on the class of the opponent, you can go up several skill levels from just one fight. The author that I'm working with to write my book has his character go up 20 levels in one fight just because of the difficulty :) However, I'll determine how many levels you go up, and if it's an easy fight, like between 80 and 82, your char probably won't go too far :p
ok here goes-s^_^

type: Technogeist
(oh how does the whole level thingy work?i confus-ed)
eyes:metallic silver all through wiht glowing green pupils
hair:silicon silver
A young technogeist,with brilliant ideas that usually dont work quite right,as he tends to eb pretty absentminded,making centaur-roboted when making two seperate robots.the reason for this blank mindedness is because well..he did work on himself without human supervision,and his mind was a lil scrambled.His right arm is metallic,and can split to open to reveal hundreds of tools and appendages for quick repair.
The reason he fights in teh Tournament is because he would like to wish for well..a woman who wont go crazy from his complete lack of attention and absent mindedness(LOL^_^)
Cool char Dark ^_^

Basically, the level system is just a way of limiting a character. If you've ever played any games like D&D, Anarchy Online, Dark Age of Camelot, Ultima Online, etc, then it follows along those lines :) The levels are 0-200, with someone with absolutely no idea about what theyre doing being a lvl 0 or 1.

However, Technogeists are kind of an exception. They have a skill level, but they can build link to their workshops, and can summon higher level robots to aid them. They can summon armies, but if it's with a normal person instead of another Technogesit, they're limited to one bot or suit.

Basically, just pick a level and we'll see how it works :)
Alright let's try it

Ok, Here he is

Name: Illyana Redclaw
Age: 123
Race: Were-Elf, Were Race: Tiger
Height: 5'10")
Weight: 135
Hair Color: Dark Red
Hair Style: Long and wavy
Eye Color: Ice Blue (cats eye)
type: Lvl 30 Weapons master/ Lvl 25 Water Elemental/ Lvl 25 Air Elemental. Total lvl 80

Illyana was became a lycanthrop when she was only 2 months old, her mother and father were both killed by a Were-Tiger and she herself was scratched in the battle. The Were-Tiger had his fill with her parents and forgot about the child. For her the only time she can switch to her full Tiger form is at night, however because she has lived with the lycanthropy for so long she has been able to develop a skill that allows her to mix both her elven form and Tiger form, giving her an increase in speed, cunning, leaping abilities, and attacks. She joined the tournament on her 100th birthday and managaed to work her way up to her current point. She has spent the last few years deleoping her elemental skills concentrateing more on defensive and misdirection spells relying on her Weapons mastery to defeat opponents. That is not to say that she does not know any attack skills as an elementalist but once again useally only used to stun and confuse opponents before moving in for the kill. The main reason for this is, Illyana, enjoys the feel of gutting her opponents with her twin Wakasashi's.
Weapons: 2 Wakasashi's-speeded and coated with a flesh dissolving acid.
Armor: (Since she is a were creature i belive the rule of silver or a magic weapon and/or spell should apply for a special defense, that is if you are using that rule.) Form-Fitting Banded Mail
Appearence/Demeanor: Illyana comes from the orient and being a were-tiger has taken on some cat like gestures. She moves gracefully and with a purpose, she can at times hide in plain sight. She is quick to anger but is useally easily cooled with either an apology or a gift of some sort, shinny things work best (jewlery and the like.) Speaking of jewlery, Illyana can not get enought of it, if its gold with a pretty stone she has to have it. That being the case Illyana has a large collection of earrings, necklaces, Rings, chokers, braclets, anklets, bracers and circlets. She has been known from time to time to enter the arena with all her jewles on. she never fights with them on however, setting them all in a specially desinged box, about the size of a young child, that she brings with her and sets aside for the fight.

Okay I know I disapeared for a couple of days but my lfie is a bit hectic right now so I at least have an excuse, although it may not be a good one.

Hey we have a girl that is good. Stories always suck if there are no females, or so is my rule of thumb. (Female characters, I could care less about the writers gender normaly.)

Okay going off the information present, I would say dificulty goes like this. Illyana, Yanmoto, Lycon but Lucien can go from botom to top depending on what his level is.

Hy I know you picked level 82 based on my level and even though you went higher then me, I don't care it jsut means if I beat you my level goes up by two and if you beat me your level goes up by one.

As for Flying, it isn't really flying. As for makeing the character really light, that presents the power to reduce gravity and I wish to stear clear of that for now. Instead it's puting a gravtational feild, of resonable power above the character and when my character leaps at it he can then move it ahead of him in the direction he wants to go, so while not fast the character has excelent control for all but going down wich takes some skill in reduceing it's power. Assumeing that is alright with you.
Yup Cats, that's cool :)

Rone, normally, it's VERY difficult to be working on 3 things at once, especially when two of them are Elements :p Also, the first two levels determine your overall level, so your character would be a 55 Water Sword or a 55 Air Blade :)
I want to kick Hy's ass after all he's right it has been a while.
Ok, cool :) I'll set up an arena then ;) I already have the Main thread going, so all you need to do is watch out for my post on the arena.
Pick a number between 1 and 200 the higher it is the stronger you are, the bulk of us are at level 80ish. If you wish to multi class how ever pick to classes and shut for their combined total, of two classes being at 80ish, or where you want to fall.
Ok, the way I explained this to my friend was like this: Caps are there to prevent people from being too strong. They;re handicaps, in other words, they make you weaker or restrain your abilities. A level 5 gets level 5 spells, not level 200 :)
So basicly while a level five has five spells the level 200 would have 200 spells. I am going to assume you don't mean this literaly but instead you mean a level 200 will win nearly every time against a level five due to the level five haveing like two skills and the level 200, 40 or 50.
Yes, that's exactly it. While a level 200 would have all the spells of a level 5, he would also have his own higher level spells. Levels 5's would be stuck with their level 5 spells tops. Like a flame shield could be controlled at level 10, but a fireball couldn't be controlled until level 20.
Character Name: Unknown (goes by nickname, Manipulator)
Age: 428
Character Type: Unknown
Level: 114
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Black
Skin Color: Black
Facial Features: None have been seen
Description: Has been known to completely swallow his opponents into his body, completely eliminating them. None have ever escaped from being sucked inside him. Has not lost a match yet, and can seem to change his own body and the world surrounding him,
Only 114. Nilons can take him out. Granted she'd blow up the planet to but that's a different matter.
lol, well, in this universe, she couldn't cause to destroy the world it takes every single Elementalist and Black Magic user working perfectly together :) Also, since I'm the one that started this, it wouldn't be very much fair to have a character that's way stronger than you guys :p
Yes but I remain of the opinion that in a cross story game Nilons would beat him down and if not I always have Fate.

While I'm thinking about it, it's impossible to control time except for spells like Haste and Slow and the like. Only one type of character can control it, and they're never in the tournament :) Just alerting someone before they make a character completely based on Time :D
Hybird and Cats, remember that you're in an arena with environmental effects :) watch out for erupting volcanoes and holes in the ground because of vents. Also, some ground might be warmer because a lava flow is near the surface but hasn't come through yet.
I'll keep that in mind but to keep things moveing while I am gone I'm going to set Hy up for winning this fight. Hy you can knock me out how ever you like just don't kill the guy or break every bone.
Well, since cats will be gone for a while, I'll just end this quick.