I should of mentioned this stuff earlier, but two quick notes. Star uses and induction field with a gentic lock.... (Basicly only one of the X's 1 threw 100 can use it.) The mechea can be run with out the induction feild but it's harder and the weapons won't be armed. (Safety prcotion the designer came up with. There could be a small numer of people with the gentic abilty inately... Lee did have it though and virtully no one on the planet Shan had it.)
Next the top speed is 600 mph and thats not enough to get in orbit by its self, a second ship could get it out into space where it can operate fine even can enter an atmosphere.
I just wanted to point out that info. The space thing for odvois reasons and thje induction field to explain why a pilot had to under go gentic therapy.
As for geting it back..... Lee will come up with some feeble atempt. I would like to see Kriss hot wire it. (The keys are in the glove compartment.)