OOC West Richland Tavern by 1millionsecrets.

*takes our beers, pours powder into them*

The battle of wits has begun. It ends when you make your choice, and we drink, finding out who is right....and who is dead....
Well, your cup can't be poisoned, but mine can't be poisoned, so, instead of being a stupid Sicilian, I'm going to be a smart Scotsman and ask for a Scotch.

Feisty, I feel so sorry for you. So sorry. We both love the Princess Bride.

If I need to get his attention, and he's not answering, I will call him Farm Boy.

He makes a VERY good Dread Pirate Roberts


Second one from the left, on the top
You mean Dwead Piwate Wobewts? That's how I always remember it from the movie. Andre the Giant couldn't fully say Dread Pirate Roberts. Always a slight W :D
Watching Boondocks Saints for the fourth time this month.
Its amazing how amazing things you shared with you SO before they weren't anymore, only seem to hold good memories.
I've never seen it.

It is a timeless love story with a lot of really odd humor. Quite a few famous actors when they were much younger or still alive. I've watched it several times and always pick up on something new or see something I forgot.
Princess Bride just wasn't my thing, I watched it once thought eh. Never watched it again after that.
Princess Bride just wasn't my thing, I watched it once thought eh. Never watched it again after that.

I have to agree with Wolf. I have watched it once but never again. Probably never gave it a chance though since the guy I was dating at the time quoted it all the time and drove me nuts. Maybe have to watch it again now that I won't have him around being a pain and quoting it while I am trying to pay attention.
Lol, I quote movies all the time. At work we try to find situations where lines from Top Gun and Christmas Vacation will fit.