OOC West Richland Tavern by 1millionsecrets.

Once I'm feeling better again, I'll try to play catch up. Sorry if I'm delaying the story :(
I have... Fuck it I'm dropping all of my.clubs, done being goalie.... I'm tired of being messed with.
I don't care. That's harassment and should not be allowed. That's just sick and wrong.

Gosh, stories like this make my blood boil. No one deserves that. No one.
That isn't something that anyone should ever get used to. There are right ways and wrong ways to treat people and everyone deserves respect until they have proven that they aren't worthy of it.

I have been in your shoes. I was the butt of everyone's joke and the victim of bullying, but unfortunately when it happened to me there wasn't the awareness about it that there is now. The options were limited back then and unfortunately I let it turn me bitter for a long while. There is nothing wrong with standing up for yourself. Talk to someone, and if they don't listen talk to someone else. Do whatever it takes to put and end to it, because there maybe someone else that isn't as strong as you are that can't.

Just my $.02.
When I I transfered here, they fucked with this other girl to no end and then they started messing with me to no end. They leave her alone now, and mess with me...
If it keeps someone else from hurt... then I'll just endure it.

It'll get better.... maybe
It wont get better until they find a new victim. She didn't speak up to the right people and now you are suffering, if you dont speak up they will find a new victim to mess with and torture that person. Dont continue the cycle, please. You are smarter than that. Dont make someone suffer in the future and think youre saving anyone. You're not, you're telling the bullies its okay and basically giving them the go ahead to keep doing it.
I had food poisoning yesterday...

I have to agree. Speaking from an athletic point of view, it'll only get worse for you, and keep the vicious cycle going. You have to stand up and talk to people about it. Coaches who are actually worth a damn will step in, as will athletic directors, or even higher ups than that. This is wrong, and it shouldn't be allowed to continue.
Dont you guys think maybe I've tried?
I quit today and he gave me shit, saying I shouldn't be so soft.

I stood up for myself at my other school, and got transfered...
Report the coach. Honestly. A coach should be understanding and supportive of people with problems. Not tell them they're "soft". Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that considered a form of bullying/harassment?
It's an out of school traveling team.. I joined the season late, and have gotten treated awful since.