OOC West Richland Tavern by 1millionsecrets.

My first attempt at hash is roasting in the oven. Wish me luck!

Butternut squash, sweet potato, bacon, spinach, onion, garlic....what could go wrong?!
I have two papers to write; One is due next Wednesday, the other by Easter.

The one I'm panicking about is on autism. Using the S/O's younger brother, who has autism, as a case study, and comparing his symptoms to those in the DSM-5, as well as the DSM-IV-TR, the controversy on the changes in the DSM-5 vs. DSM-IV-TR, and what the experts say.
What are you researching?
I fear that the thread is dying...

I have been working so much that I have only been on line for a few minutes every day. Seems when I'm on, not many others are.

We could all start writing for multiple characters, although Rex wants nothing to do with Officer Peabody.

Wolf has been writing for two and you have been writing for 4, by my count.
mmkay. So I am a very blunt person, most of you know this already. I like each and every one of you, and i mean that from the bottom of my heart. None of what I am about to say is personal, it is purely constructional. But these are some of the most obvious problems that I see with the thread, and I know I am guilty of some of them too but I think putting them out there will help everyone be more mindful when they post.

Hannah does not interact with the other characters, she barely even says two words to Troy these days. She doesn't ever let the staff know what is going on, the Tavern has no set hours, and sometimes serves lunch but that seems sort of willy nilly at this point.

These two sentence posts are not helpful, cover more ground in one post and be more descriptive.

Don't write questions into your post for other characters and then have your character keep on trucking by without stopping to have a conversation.

Make an effort to stay within a reasonable timeline, don't just keep on posting until you're almost 36 hours ahead of everyone else, it could take (real time) days for everyone to catch up.

Don't be afraid to PM other writers to plan an interaction between two characters, or just plan to be online at the same time every night (if possible, I realize this can't happen all the time)

And lastly....we need a couple more "girls/writers" to replace Raven or to take the NPC's Kari and DeeDee off secrets hands so they can get fleshed out more.

Just my .02...not personal, just constructive. Not accusatory whatsoever. And I am by far not perfect so don't think i'm hinting at that. I love you all, and I want to see this thread continue and get better.
Very positive suggestions Feisty, I agree a timeline needs to be established. Writers to play the twins free you to focus on Hannah Secrets. Kit seemed to fit in for awhile but up disappeared from the RP. There's just going to be times RL keeps us from posting. Having Muscular Dystrophy sometimes I just don't feel like writing. But I don't feel that to threads dying it's just in a slow patch. Let's speak up when we have an idea for the storyline. That's what the OOC threads for let's take advantage of it. I like this RP let's keep it going ya'll.
I do attempt to interact with others, they are just divided and sepersted constantly. My personal life is upside down and Troy is never on when I am. I attempt to.interact but my.posts get lost.

And a couple weeks ago I attempted to set up a work period but no one helped me. I know.i'm the "boss" but I'm not the only one roleplaying. When everyone is out living their cute.little rp.lives hannah is at the tavern. She lives there, has no outside friends and has no reason to go anywhere but there.
I apologize for my disregard to construction, but it isn't like I have not even tried...

This post sounds judgmental but I swear its not. Im just tired)
Slowing down isn't necessarily a bad thing, seems like we're all busier with real life at the moment and that's fine. It'll pick back up when more people have free time.
Going to be on intermittently today until about 7 babysitting 3 kids. Uncle's battling pneumonia and has MD
I have no issues with Feisty's comments. Without many people around and Rex really not having a life nor any interest in a relationship with one of the girls; I've just kept the character pretty much solo. Like Secrets said, with Womby on a different continent we do have to take things more slowly with him. I also don't think slow is bad. Just have patience.