OOC: X-Men

You know sleep... It's when you suddenly loose consousness for extended periods of time as your body slows down and recharges itself. Usually acompanied by visions called dreams where you can whatever you like except read written words or find out what time it is from a clock cause that wakes you up.

As a joke during my physical I told my doctor..

"Doc, when it gets dark I loose conciousnes for somewhere between 5 and 7 hours, and when I come to my penis is up before I am. Also I get pains in my stomch reigon usually three times a day and the only thing that makes it go away is when I eat something."
Ya know, sad thing is, I've known people dumb enough to say that and mean it.
um...yeah, Id have to agree there, that is pretty sad.

throwing stones and rocks and sticks? Hmmm not something I pictured Rogue doing. Now Gambit after charging that stuff yes...
I'm tired and I imagine Rogue is too.
Besides, unless she wants to try the touchy thing, which isn't quite fair, it's a good interm idea.
o_O i am so lost...i just got back from a trip to my mother's, with the intention of finding my action replay, only to get up there and find only my memory card...i get back here, and find my action replay under some stuff on my entertainment center, and you guys have gone NUTS on me
Here's something I don't think Gambit has ever done: mount up on a motorcycle, drive towards the enemy while slowly charging the bike up and jump off at the last minute.
Hey Vix!

How'd you see Fatale?

And I won't contest it so we could hurry up and end the rp but remember, Eva IS Fantomex's mutant power (so he says). One of the issues I had with the nanobots on the is the nanobot technology which is one of Fantomex's abilities too. And Eva has shown technoorganic abilities on par with Warlock so a magic sword piercing her is likely, using the sword to create a hole would also work but even though a high altitude crash would do damage, one of the reasons I talked Vix and Ithica to death was for Eva and Fantomex too heal so a hole in her hull (she doesn't seem to have one like a normal ship. She's transformed into a human like form the size of regular women) would be a little unlikely though.

I'm bringing it up not to prolong the story, but just to highlight. For a moment we had A) Another negligence (forgetting Fatale) B) An interesting dynamic where the good guys were bartering with a bad guy for the cure and Psylocke's life.

But now, Fatale and Fantomex were very unceremoniously just shot at and Gambit simply walked aboard Eva to take Psylocke.


If it's that easy then....
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Sorry Dragonrazor but what you were talking about wasnt from me because I have no clue what you are talking about.

And just for the record, I just had Gambit step onto EVA and shout for Psylocke. I assumed that since Fantomex is out of her he had to have went through a door and since you didnt put that it closed i assumed it would have been opened. Now that Gambit is within EVA let the fun begin...
Jeremy Davis said:
Sorry Dragonrazor but what you were talking about wasnt from me because I have no clue what you are talking about.

And just for the record, I just had Gambit step onto EVA and shout for Psylocke. I assumed that since Fantomex is out of her he had to have went through a door and since you didnt put that it closed i assumed it would have been opened. Now that Gambit is within EVA let the fun begin...

I think Fantomex and Eva have to be together at the same time for his illusion powers to really work. I don't mind you rescusing Psylocke. Then all of the X-Men can be grouped together to react towards what's coming from the skies:)
Has anyone seen Masume online lately? I havent seen her online since Saturday night. Kinda need her to play this out or else we'll have to NPC her unless one of the girls doesnt mind picking up another character.
Guess I should post right after work.
I'll throw up something tonight or tommorow night then.
Masume said:
You guys can go ahead and continue posting Psylocke out of the story. I’m a bit overwhelmed with and what to post, what not to post so…yeah. You can dump me out if you like.

I'm not sure if she still wants to play, so I'll take over Psylocke, if she doesn't want to continue.
Well since that's taken care of now we are just waiting for our fearless leader to post. ~teases Shaq~

Looking forward to getting this over with. Need some "down time" to regroup my thoughts for the new SL ideas.
The way I'll end Fantomex's sl you could do as an end note.

We could see how everyone responds in the next sl. Kinda like DC is doing with the one year later stuff, if we just start the next sl with the effects in place then we can kinda see abruptly what happened.

Fantomex and Fatale will probably be taken into custody but you guys could either post a response in this thread or in the next.
Just to note: Psylocke seeing Sinister in Gambit's thoughts is plausible, but Gambit's mind can't be read or influenced telepathically.

That was why the Professor couldn't just read his mind when Bishop accused him of being a traitor. The energy that envelops his body, Sinister's influence, and vampiric experiences as a child all combine to make his mind difficult to read.
Well all of that, but to keep people from snooping around, Gambit uses a special image to keep the telepaths out of his head. Its an image so horrible that the telepaths -Psylocke, Jean, Emma- will actually leave the room when he usues it to cover his thoughts.

He remembers a time when they were fighting the Brotherhood and Storm blew Pyro's fire into the Blob buring off his clothes leaving him completely naked. If you want proof I have the comic where he explains it.

~reads Ithica's last post~

Hey!! I cry foul...Gambit can shield himself from telepaths so all she would see is maybe a glimpse, but she would be unsure because of his past history already with Sinister. Only time anyone was able to read Gambit's mind was after he kissed Rogue and was put in a coma for three days. Psylocke got into his head and "helped" him come out of his coma. WHile sniffing around in there she found out that he was the one who organised the Mauraders but didnt know why and for who. Rogue got glimpses of his meeting with Sinister in Seattle where he was first asked to organise the group and recieved the piece of brain that Sinister took out of him to keep his powers from becoming Omega level.
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Jeremy Davis said:
Well all of that, but to keep people from snooping around, Gambit uses a special image to keep the telepaths out of his head. Its an image so horrible that the telepaths -Psylocke, Jean, Emma- will actually leave the room when he usues it to cover his thoughts.

He remembers a time when they were fighting the Brotherhood and Storm blew Pyro's fire into the Blob buring off his clothes leaving him completely naked. If you want proof I have the comic where he explains it.

~reads Ithica's last post~

Hey!! I cry foul...Gambit can shield himself from telepaths so all she would see is maybe a glimpse, but she would be unsure because of his past history already with Sinister. Only time anyone was able to read Gambit's mind was after he kissed Rogue and was put in a coma for three days. Psylocke got into his head and "helped" him come out of his coma. WHile sniffing around in there she found out that he was the one who organised the Mauraders but didnt know why and for who. Rogue got glimpses of his meeting with Sinister in Seattle where he was first asked to organise the group and recieved the piece of brain that Sinister took out of him to keep his powers from becoming Omega level.

The Blob is probably NOT the marvel male character most likely to be requested in a porno.
Shaq said:
Holding his shirt over his mouth and nose a reporter asks Cable "Were mutants the source of the infection?"

Was he a reporter for Stormfront or something? I've never heard of a reporter acting like that.
Damn you caught me. Shucks.
Yes I don't know very much about the X-men, at least not enough to know about Gambit and telepathy. Just point it out next time and I can change it, jeez. No need to start a debate. I've let some silly things go to without making a deal about it. Exp. Cable talking to the reporters through the fog and when the reporters are back in their helicopters.

I didn't think it was that big a deal and wanted to ad more to my post than "Psylocke uses her telepathy to call over the X-men." You have been hinting that it was Sinister you were going to see, so I didn't really think I was letting the cat out of the bag.

I've changed my post.
The reporter is covering his face, I'm guessing here so feel free to argue, because he thinks it will keep him from getting sick.

*starts hitting boys on the head with comics, ok, just Jeremy and Shaq. Thwack!*
IDreamofBunnies said:
Was he a reporter for Stormfront or something? I've never heard of a reporter acting like that.

If it's an airborne disease people use a shirt to cover their mouths sometimes.
Ithica said:
Damn you caught me. Shucks.
Yes I don't know very much about the X-men, at least not enough to know about Gambit and telepathy. Just point it out next time and I can change it, jeez. No need to start a debate. I've let some silly things go to without making a deal about it. Exp. Cable talking to the reporters through the fog and when the reporters are back in their helicopters.

I didn't think it was that big a deal and wanted to ad more to my post than "Psylocke uses her telepathy to call over the X-men." You have been hinting that it was Sinister you were going to see, so I didn't really think I was letting the cat out of the bag.

I've changed my post.

Oh, you didn't need to change it. That was only a small thing I pointed out for the sake of geekism.