"Oh... Bob..."

"What?! They made me the black prince of Muncie, what would you have done?"

"Muncie? Cool!"

...I wonder if Jolly R. Blackburn would have my balls if I posted one or two of the strips content here for your reading pleasure... Hmmm... ;)

The Dread Gazebo perhaps?

Or the Killer Squirrel...
I got a rock!!

B.A. - NOthing much in this room at all! A few broken arrows, some leaves and a small rock.

Bob - A rock huh?

Dave - Darn, I was hoping that wounded orc had ended up here!

Sarah - Looks like we've cleaned out this level. Let's go back and check out that staircase!!

Brian - Good idea!

Bob - Hey, I'm gonna pick up that rock and examine it!

B.A. - ?? Okay, er, sure. Just an ordinary rock. Looks like it might be some rubble that fell from the ceiling.

Dave - Okay, we're gonna head back to that staircase and find the next level!

Sarah - Just a rock bob! Doesn't hurt to check though!

Bob - Hey Brian, cast a DETECT MAGIC spell on this rock, will ya?

Sarah - Is this going to be like that stupid cow DAVE insisted on keeping?

Dave - Hey, I still think that cow gave me a to-hit bonus!! Wish she hadn't run away!!

Brian - Why should I waste a good spell on a stupid rock?? Let it go dude!

Bob - I'm going to rub the rock really hard! Anything happen?

B.A. - Well, you got a real good start on a blister!

Dave - Hey dude, lick it!! It might have magical properties like those yellow frogs we found!

Sarah - Oh gee, I feel a polariod moment coming on!

Brian - you don't need a rock bob, you already got one, IN YOUR HEAD!!

Bob - Okay, I lick it! Does it taste funny? Do I feel stronger?

B.A. - Well, bubble head, the rock suddenly starts talking!!

Dave - Cool!

Bob - HA HA!! I knew it!! What's it saying?

B.A. - Gee, you can't understand it! It's speaking some dialect of quartz!! Too bad!

Bob - Okay, I'm heading back to town! I want to look for a sage who can speak quartz!

Dave - I'm looking around for any other rocks in the room! Are there more??

Sarah - B.A., why do you encourage them?

Brian - Another generic dungeon dressing strikes!
The Head of Vecna.

Many years ago, (back when we all were still playing D&D), I ran a game where I pitted two groups against each other, Several members of Group One came up with the idea of luring Group Two into a trap.

You remember the Hand of Vecna and the Eye of Vecna that were artifacts in the old D&D world where if you cut off your hand (Or your eye) and replaced it with the Hand of Vecna (or the eye)and you'd get new awsome powers?

Well, Group One thought up The Head of Vecna. Group one spread rumors all over the countryside (Even paying Bards to spread the word about this artifact rumored to exist neardby). They even went so far as to get a real head and place it under some weak traps to help with the illusion.

Unfortunately, they forgot to let ALL the members of their group in on the secret plan. A Druid in Group One heard about this new artifact and went off in search of it himself (I believe to help prove himself to the party members).

Well, after much trial and tribulation, he found it; deactivated (or set off) all the traps; and took his "prize" off into the woods for examination. He discovered thia it did not radiate magic (a well known trait of artifacts) and smiled gleefully.

I wasn't really worried since he was alone and I knew that there was no way he could CUT HIS OWN HEAD OFF. Alas, I was mistaken as the Druid promptly summoned some carnivorous apes and instructed them to use his own scimitar and cut his head off (and of course quickly replace it with the Head of Vecna).

Some time later, Group One decided to find the Druid and check on the trap. They found the headless body (and the two heads) and realized that they had erred in their plan (besides laughing at the character who had played the Druid). The Head of Vecna still had BOTH eyes!

They corrected this mistake and reset their traps and the Head for it's real intended victims. Group Two, by this time, had heard of the powerful artifact and decided that it bore investigating since, if true, they could use it to destroy Group One.

After much trial and tribulation, they found the resting place of The Head of Vecna! They were particularly impressed with the cunning traps surrounding the site (one almost missed his save against the weakest poison known to man). They recovered the Head and made off to a safe area. Group Two actually CAME TO BLOWS (several rounds of fighting) against each other arguing over WHO WOULD GET THEIR HEAD CUT OFF!

Several greedy players had to be hurt and restrained before it was decided who would be the recipient of the great powers bestowed by the Head. The magician was selected and one of them promptly cut his head off. As the player was lifting The Head of Vecna to place it on it's new body, another argument broke out and they spent several minutes shouting and yelling. Then, finally, they put the Head onto the character.

Well, of course, the Head simply fell off the lifeless body. All members of Group Two began yelling and screaming at each other (and at me) and then, on their own, decided that they had let too much time pass between cutting off the head of a hopeful recipient and puting the Head of Vecna onto the body. SO THEY DID IT AGAIN!... (Killing yet another player character).

In closing, it should be said that I never even cracked a smile as all this was going on. After the second PC was slaughtered, I had to give in (My sides were hurting)... And Group Two blamed ME for all of that...

So let it be a warning to you - don't let your head get cut off unless you really know what you're doing.

Mark Steuer
Gazebo! Gazebo! Gazebo!

and the sequel: the Zephyr!

c'mon, Rav, I'm entirely too lazy to type 'em myself, but I think others should enjoy them!
Lair of the Gazebo.

BA - Okay, as your emerge from the rear gate of the castle you come upon a vast, well maintained garden. There are several flowering springs feeding a small pool.

Bob - A GARDEN? Are there any creatures roaming about?

Dave - I'm trying to disbelieve it! I think it's an illusion.

Brian - Yeah, me too!

BA - No, its not an illusion. There are frogs and dragonflies around the small pool, and standing on a small hill overlooking the garden is a large Gazebo.

Bob, Dave, and Brian - A GAZEBO??

Bob - What the hell is a GAZEBO?

Dave - I dunno, but we'd better act fast! I'm pulling out my +12 Hackmaster Sword.

Brian - A QUIET GARDEN indeed! I knew B.A. had something up his sleeve.

BA - But guys, its only a...

Bob - I'm gonna waste it with my crossbow!! That Gazebo is history!

BA - Hold on guys, it's just a...

Dave - I'm preparing to charge it!

Brian - I'm going to cast a couple of fireballs at the damn thing! BURN BABY BURN!!

BA - Uh, well, er... Okay, your crossbow bolts strike the Gazebo and the fireballs make a direct hit!!

Dave - HA HA!! Another one bites the dust!! I'm running toward it as fast as I can to deliver the death blow!!

Brian - YES! The magic-user once again earns his keep!!

Bob - Whats the Gazebo doing now? Is it running away? Is it attacking??

BA - NO YOU IDIOT! It's not doing anything! It's just standing there!

Dave - Uh-oh. Just standing there huh? GOOD GAWD. He's a tough little bastard. I'm halting my charge until the others catch up with me.

Brian - Ha, if you're waiting for me bro, don't bother. I ain't charging that thing!

Bob - I got a BAD feeling about this guys. You'd think the damn thing was a dragon or something, the way it shook off my bolt of slaying and Brian's fireballs.

Dave - You know, i'm starting to remember reading about these creatures, BAD NEWS! I think they can only be harmed with silver weapons.

Brian - Well, i'm not about to call it quits yet. I'm launching another volly of fireballs.

BA - For crying out loud! Your second volly of fireballs hit. It's engulfed in flames and burns to the ground in a smoldering heap! Are you HAPPY??

Bob - Cool beans! I do my victory dance and carve another notch on my crossbow!

Dave - ALRIGHT!! How many experience points was that sucker worth?

Brian - Man oh man, can you imagine the treasure it must be carrying?


BA - This reminds me of the time they lynched that Green Davenport. I really don't have the heart to tell them.
The Venus Elixer.

(Skipped to the good part, this one was LONG!)

BA - Okay, lets go around the table. Bob, you just drank a potion of POLYMORPH TO PRIMATE. Lets see, according to the table you just turned into a RINGTAIL LEMUR!! Dave, I'm afraid you just drank a POTION OF ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT. You suddenly teleport to another plane where you are quickly judged by a committee of gawds and immortals, found guilty of violating the conventions of your chosen alignment, stripped of all your possessions, beaten severely and teleported back to the party.

Bob - A ringtail what??

Dave - Man, talk about swift justice!

Sarah - I'm next. (gulp)

BA - Actually, I want to save you for last Sarah. You picked a really interesting potion. Brian, your potion was a dud. You feel no effect whatsoever.

Bob - A dud?? So what's with Sarah's potion?? What happens to her?

BA - Sarah, you just drank a vial of the mythical VENUS ELIXER!! The first person you lay eyes upon will win your heart and your undying love and the first person you see when you open your eyes is...

Dave - Please not me!! I don't need any groupies.

Sarah - Venus Elixer?? How interesting. I can't wait to roleplay this situation.

Brian - I'm averting my eyes.

BA - Sorry Brian!!! Let the dice fall where they may!! And the dice say Sarah sees you first and falls madly in love with you!!

Sarah - My barbarian looks passionately into the eyes of the handsome mage. I flutter my baby-blues at him and move toward...

Dave - Run Brian!!! Run for your life!!!

Brian - Uh... Er... (Blush) Sputter... Uh... Er... (Gasp)... Uh...

Bob - HEY COOCHIE MOMMA, how's about bringing some of that barbarian love stuff over here?? WRRRRRRRR! MEOWWWRRRR!! Coochie coochie ooo... *Bonk!* UMMRFF!!


BA - Okay guys, lets not forget THROD! He's still moving toward you with an evil glow in his hollow eyes!!! I'm going to rule that Sarah's barbarian is so inspired by her love for Brian that she gains a one-time surge of replenished power. It will last one combat round. However, she will still need to roll a NATURAL TWENTY to score a hit. The rest of you are still too week to fight.

Bob - Hey, don't forget I'm a Lemur now!!! Don't I get modifiers for that??

Dave - Can someone loan me a blanket and sword??

Sarah - Inspired by the beauty of the handsome mage, my barbarian rises up on one knee. She draws a jade arrow and knocks it in her elven bow. I gracefully pull back the bow string, knowing that faliure will mean the death of my one true love.

Brian - (Handsome???)

Sarah - Haa!! MY LOVE WINS OVER THE HANDS OF FATE!! A natural twenty!!!

Bob - Way to go Sarah!!

Dave - Looks like you just earned the MOST VALUABLE PLAYER AWARD for a single session!!

Sarah - I can't take credit boys!! I was inspired by the love of my heart!!

BA - The Jade Arrow strikes THROD right in the heart!!! The evil glow behind his eyes flickers and fades as does his laughter. He falls LIFELESS to the dungeon floor in a heap of bone fragments and dust!!

Bob - HOODY HOO!! I scurry up to his remains and snatch up his rings and necklaces!!

Dave - I'm following the Lemur!!! I'll search the body for any other treasure!!

Sarah - I'm hanging back with the handsome mage and tending to his wounds. Where does it hurt babycakes??

Brian - I'm desperately searching through my spell book for a REMOVE CURSE SPELL!!

Bob - Arrrrrrgghh!!! I can't stand it any longer!! I'm attacking Sarah while she's distracted, maybe a couple of good whacks across the back of the head will break the spell!!

Dave - Yes! Yes! We must save our brave comrade from the VILE TEMPTRESS!!

Sarah - Guys??? For crying out loud, my character is simply in loce with Brian's character. IT'S NOT A HOSTILE ACT!!

Bob - SILENCE SEDUCTRESS!! A few bolts from my crossbow will dampen the flames of your love!!

Brian - Thanks guys!!! I was on the verge of using my poison ring on myself.

*Several combat rounds later*

BA - Sarah's arrow hits Dave for 12 points of damage, killing him, Bob, you manage to drag yourself behind his limp body to gain a makeshift cover bonus for next round.

Bob - I still say a Ringtail Lemur is strong enough to operate a crossbow. I want to consult the encyclopedia on that call.

Dave - Did I manage to throw my rock before she killed me?

Sarah - My love is stron, Teflon Billy!!! You can't deny me what I need so badly. Yield to me and be complete!!

Brian - Uh... Er... Uh... I'm opening my poison ring and swallowing the contents. "GRANT ME MY ESCAPE DR. DEATH!!"

*Later that evening...*

BA - Sorry Brian, as long as Sarah continues to successfully have you raised from the dead, you'll have to endure her attentions.

Bob - I'm going to attempt to pick the lock on my cage again!!! No way in hell I'm going in that petting zoo.

Dave - I'm concentrating real hard to gather my ethereal powers. I'm coming back to haunt Sarah.

Sarah - Welcome back sweet prince!!! Mustn't be a bad boy and jump from the tall tower again, peachy-weachy!!

Brian - Dagger to wrist B.A.!!! I get a +2 modifier for desperation. I'm rolling!!!
Re: Celestiale

Mistress said:
your Icon is so cute! Snuggles!

Thank you! She reminds me of Spring. *sigh* At least today was a little warmer here in good ol' Kentucky!

Roland Gilliad said:
Did Someone Say Vampire Game??


So does that mean you're gonna come over and take me to one?? Hmmmmmm? I really wanna go! :D

Thank you guys so much for the KoDT transcripts!! Those are too funny! I'm tellin ya, you have GOT to see the end flick on the Summoner credits, it's just like KoDT, only they used the characters from the game to portray table-top D&D rp'ers. :D
Yeah it is a pretty day in Kentucky hehe..too bad, I'm chained to my comput and hooked on Lit!

Thats some funny shit Ravenloft
Thank you celestiale.

Fuck you Renegade. (You sexy devil you!)

Thank you Mistress.

Neale... *Tapping foot.*
"Tapping foot..."?

Was I supposed to do something that I've completely forgotten? Wouldn't be the first time...

btw: Thanks, Rav! The Gazebo is my all-time fav!

As I sit here I think about the words that you have uttered and 3 words pop into my mind...

What the Hell?!
I have never played D&d, AD&D or any other game like that.
The only games I even play are Magic:The Gathering and a bunch of computer games. That's right, I am a computer junkie. Although lately, I have been able to reduce my need for brain-numbing violence. Although I still go on and play, not nearly with the fervor of about 3 years ago. Has anyone heard about the new game Sierra is making? You know, that little tiny one called Middle Earth: Online! I am going to buy that so quickly.

[Edited by Morgoth on 03-24-2001 at 12:15 AM]
And I am still fucking you Ren... Squeel like a pig bitch! Deliverence! You gotta love the Ned Beatty sceen!!!

Morgoth... Open yourself up, learn something new... Its good for you...

*Squeeling* Yeah, but I'd like to think that I'm better looking then Ned Beatty. Hey! Anybody want to go on a canoeing trip???
D&D Movie

Here's a question.

I went with some friends (all of us old-time gamers) to see the D&D movie. We watched as the party came together, picking up a tough-looking dwarf in the process.

But none of us remember ever hearing his name.

We watched the movie, waiting for him to say something like: "By the way, my name's Bjorn Bigfrickinhammer" or something dwarflike like that.

He never did.

So then, we watched as the credits rolled by. Waiting in anticipation for "the Dwarf" to appear in the credits, we were once again foiled. We went home, all of us wondering "Who was the dwarf?"

So, I ask you: Who was the goddam dwarf anyway?

Help me!
Elwood Gutworthy played by Lee Arenberg.

*GOD! How big of a geek am I!?*

...Don't answer that.
The following is a series of statements that prove I am an RPG and computer game junkie:

I can name every town and city from both Fallout and Fallout 2.

I can tell you how to beat fallout 2 by level 16.

I recite the names of all the NPCs in Baldurs Gate 2 in my spare time.

I still remember the plot from Baldurs gate one.

I beat Age of Wonders WITHOUT cheating.

I dream about Viconia in my sleep.

I do not think of Warcraft when I hear the term " half-orc"

I bought Septerra Core just because it was an RPG.

I finished Septerra core without going mad over the length of time it took me to do it.

I scream in fury whenever my character dies.
Ravenloft said:
Elwood Gutworthy played by Lee Arenberg.

*GOD! How big of a geek am I!?*

...Don't answer that.

Elwood... Gutworthy?!

Bwa hah hah hah!

Thanks, by the way!
Bach. you ain't a computer gamer until you beat Crystalis