OT/OOC: Anyone possibly interested in an adult Marvel Universe game?

With Arko, he will join Force-X, but not easy as the other two were.

I am trying to get his personality set, of a young man finding it hard to deal with what he is, and feeling he has to do it alone.
Orlanth said:
With Arko, he will join Force-X, but not easy as the other two were.

I am trying to get his personality set, of a young man finding it hard to deal with what he is, and feeling he has to do it alone.


You just have the unfortuante lusk to be the first PC to meet Force-X's numero uno major "baddie"

Details forthcoming tmo. (No classes tmo so I will be around alot tmo... after I sleep off this inevitable hangover that is) ;)

Everyone else, side-questers included, expect tmo to be a major plot-pushing day. We've stalled enough getting to base, teamed, et al. Net will take you to The Compound, hook you up with your own private bunkhouses (read: rooms/quarters), then we will have a crash course in Team Dynamics 101. Expect this by 1pm
I've been slacking the past few days, mostly playing around with my and my wives pic thread, but the first half of my waking hours will be diverted into here.... If I make multiple posts sans adequate response time for everyone, then I beg forgiveness... I'll be doing a bit of presumtion posting (ie: telling Net you're Codenames, laying out your primary mutant powers... etc), so I ask that you bear with...

Orlanth, you can pretty much sit tight until my NPC's bio is posted and I make an intro-post on the RP *unless you had something absolutely crucial to interject prior to 'It' happening.*

Look for my first Villian/NPC bio to be up tmo prior to that posting on the RP.

And aside: To Sentry and Joe, just hang tight a bit longer... Force-X will be on-mission soon.

I was going to post, but thought I should wait for you.

It'll be good though, besides poohlive, I think I'm the only order experianced Lit ORPer, so the confrutation with the bad guy should be good.
Orlanth said:
I was going to post, but thought I should wait for you.

It'll be good though, besides poohlive, I think I'm the only order experianced Lit ORPer, so the confrutation with the bad guy should be good.

I'll be posting shortly. :)

Got a bit later start than I had wanted to today.

NPC's bio will be posted momentarily, then I'll attack the RP (with both her and the plan I mentioned above... :p )


Codename: Rewind
Real Name: Unrevealed
Nationality: American (US)

Appearance: Rewind appears to be in her early twenties and in exceptional health. She wears her light blonde colored hair cut at her shoulders. Her pale green eyes are usually hidden behind a pair of sunglasses. Her “uniform” consists of a loose tank top cut off just under her breasts and a simple pair of tight low-rise shorts, stockings, and low-heeled thigh boots. She is one of those types of women who probably look as beautiful crawling out of bed as she did when she crawled in.

Background: Rewind was raised in a moderate, middle-class family. She, however, was never pleased by anything her parents could provide. Always wanting something better or more expensive she started to shoplift at a young age. When she was 13, she was caught by mall security, and as she was being led to the security office to be detained, her mutant power manifested itself allowing her to escape. Not long after that she ran away from home and struck out on her own. Recently, she has aligned herself with a mysterious ally and has been assigned to follow a particular mutant. She has finally found her target and is ready to proceed to the next stage of the plan

Powers/Skills: Limited temporal-misalignment. Rewind is able to freeze and replay a time period of up to five seconds in an indefinite loop. This ability is greatly hindered, though secretly, by an adverse medical condition when her power is activated. Although the rest of her body continues to function outside of her loop, her heart is tied directly into it. Thus, if she loops a one second time period for say 10 seconds, her heart is not beating (or doing so on a severely delayed basis like a heart murmur) for that 10 second period. Extended use or repeated short use of her power leaves her weakened, not to mention the other nasty side-effects that could occur. She has no other specialized skill or power besides a basis instinct for fighting.

Misc: Rewind is not aware of the true identity of her ally which has left her a bit wary of his intentions. The money she has been given for this job has quelled her suspicions for the moment however.
No prob.

Poohlive and I are still making stuff up as we go anyway. I'm sure Sentry's past and personality will come out bit by bit at we go along.
How do I work Rewind in, and how do I use her powers?

By the want be able to post for a few hours.
Orlanth said:
How do I work Rewind in, and how do I use her powers?

By the want be able to post for a few hours.

Don't worry about it. I'll play her for you.
Character Update

Real Name: Jack Sullivan

Code Name: Seer

Nationality: American

Hair: Light brown

Eyes: Bluish-Green

Ht: 6'0"

Wt: 180lbs

Age: 23

Personality: Lighthearted, optimistic, always looking to have fun

Powers: Telepathy, telekinesis, and psychometry

Bio: Jack Sullivan, aka Seer, is a powerful telepath. His powers first developed when he was just 15 when he witnessed his best friend, Alex Johansen, come under attack by a gang of thugs looking to attack mutants. Alex had just developed a mutant leaping ability along with a slight reptilan appearence in his eyes. Jack's powers ripped through the thugs, not killing any of them but instead tossing them about without touching them. After the incident, Jack also noticed that he would get flashes of events that had passed years ago from holding an object and he would here people talking to him before without moving their lips.

He hid it from his family for as long as he could, but eventually, on his seventeenth birthday, his parents discovered his powers and promptly sent him off to the Xavier Institue of Higher Learning in hopes that he would be "cured" of his problem.

Under the guidence of Professor X and two other telepaths, Jean Grey and Betsy Braddock, Jack learned not only to control his powers but also how to use them for the good everyone. It was through Betsy that Jack, now nicknamed Seer due to his psychometry ability, met Dean Braddock aka Netshocker. this is how Jack become a member of Force-X.

I hope I didn't step over any boundries with the new bio. I decided that Jack would be more fun to play if he was a little more light hearted and fun. Also, I figured there needed to be a reason for Netshocker and Seer to be team members all ready. Both of us knowing Betsy seemed like a good choice.
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Re: Character Update

Strolling Gecko said:
I hope I didn't step over any boundries with the new bio. I decided that Jack would be more fun to play if he was a little more light hearted and fun. Also, I figured there needed to be a reason for Netshocker and Seer to be team members all ready. Both of us knowing Betsy seemed like a good choice.

It was a great choice. Nice post too.
Hey guys, (and ladies) Is the story done or are we just having an extended Holiday lag?