OT/OOC: Anyone possibly interested in an adult Marvel Universe game?

right... I hope these will be allowed...
1] optic blasts: optic blasts are heatbased and can melt through a solid metal door in ten minutes at full blast. energy for these blasts are stored within Demolisher`s body and effect his healing abilities severely if overused. Demolisher could go into a coma if the limit is pushed too far and will remain in it until his body has sufficiently powered up again which can take up to 14 days to do.

2] advanced healing: the energy stored within Demolisher`s body affects his body chemistry to the point where Demolisher heals faster then the average human. the further the stored energy is depleted from his body, the longer wounds will take to heal and in case of very low energy levels he will actually heal slower then an average human even to the point his body will start to consume itself.

3] bone claws: Demolisher posesses six claws in his forearms which are the result of a powerfluctuation in his younger years which caused his healing powers to grow them. they are ordinary calcium claws that can cut through standard doors but are ineffective aganst metals. the bone claws can break easily leaving Demolisher injured and will require three days to grow back fully.
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I say you are good to go again AP.

Have you editted your post to exclude your 'sensing' of the others yet?
SoulcatcherX said:

I say you are good to go again AP.

Have you editted your post to exclude your 'sensing' of the others yet?
not yet and I will.however I`ll need to edit a few earlier posts aswell since he has used the senses to see if Net wasn`t a mutant.
edit: all enhanced senses references removed from thread.
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My problem was the sense thing. but it look sorted out now.

1. Wall Crawling
2. Light Web Generation
3. Moderate Agility

Wall crawling gives a huge advatage alone, because Arko can climb almost wall or ceiling. Disadvatage would have to senstive and hairy feet and hands.

Light Web Generation, is a power, but not great as the webbing isn't so sa normal person. His Agility has disadvantage vbecause their are mutunts with better agility.
I have a question, my character is a trained pararescue special forces person. I noted his hand to hand combat as well as his medical training (a medic in the group, go figure :)) I was going to have some of his past skills as background stuff, like parachuting, marksmanship, camoflage, etc, but these are relitivly minor. (Unless you want me to jump out of an airplane, land in the jungle, sneak through enemy territory, rescue Netshocker and raido for an evac while sniping bad guys with a sniper rifle)

Basically, although he's highly trained, he's still just a normal person. How do you want me to do this?

In the meantime:

1) Power nulification: With medical and scientific manipulation Sentry can 'turn off' mutant powers temporarilly. This is a focused effort, either dampening it in about a 10 foot radius around him or directing it at a single mutant at longer range. Disadvantage: This is a directed effort, it does not work when he is sleeping, unconcious, etc. It does not undo mutations, only suspends them. It is completely useless against non-mutants.

2) Pararescue training. Specificly, hand to hand and medical training. See above before any details posted.

3) I'll go out on a limb and say his 'sneak suit'. A jet black body suit made of light weight but durable ploy-material The suit is padded with a type of foam rubber which blocks heat signatures and radar reflective wire through the material. It also has light kevlar pads protecting the torso. The last bit of high-tech equipment he kept from his escape from Counter Force. It gives some protection from weapons fire and by coincidence, some added protection against cold and electricity. Mostly, it's for sneaking, like the name says.

That's about it.
Mantra, you are good to post.

*lol* I would hope that Net would never a rescue op, but it's good to know it's available if so.
Here's my power info.

1) Telepathy. Seer can read minds at will. Non-psychic, non-trained minds are immediately accessible. Psychic and trained mutants or persons can fight it off or guard their thoughts/memories/secrets. IE: Wolverine would be immune because of his Weapon-X training and any other the well known telepaths could also fight it off for obvious reasons.

2) Telekinetic. Simply the ability to move up to 500lbs with his mind. He can only do this for a short period of time before feeling the strain.

3) Psychometry. The ability to read strong memories or scenes attached to objects. Seer can only perform this by focusing his mind on an object while touching it. Also, the power only reveals the strongest memory attached to an object. For example, say someone is murdered by being stabbed repeatedly by a steak knife. Seer would see this scene by focusing on the knife and not the killer eating dinner with the knife.

Hope this is ok. I've been working on more of a past for Seer as well. I'm think having him be either a former fire fighter or police detective. On the one hand, if I go with the latter I'll have to adjust Seer's age. On the other hand, I have a bad habit of playing former police detectives. I think I just figured out what I'm going to be. I'll post that later.
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Good power set Gecko. With all these 'animal-ish' mutation a stronger psy is a great asset to the team. (when we actually become a team that is. :p )

For all intents and purposes, consider the post-lock lifted for the RP thread, however if you haven't yet posted your expounded power set, please do so first.

Time for me to get to bed or else I'll never be able to make it through my early class tmo.
Thanks, SC. I wanted to keep power suppression, but since you and Sentry seem to have variants of that power, it seemed like overkill to have it. Besides, if we face a particularly nasty mutant, I can always make him forget he's a mutant.

"How was I fighting them? With plasma blasts? You must be smoking some strong herb."- Mutant who recently forgot he's a mutant.
Hmmm, glad things are all settled. Hee hee, reading it from behind, looked a little hairy there for a minute.

Let me see if I can explain this as easily as everyone else has.

1. 6th Sense Fighting technique. The suit makes him able to detect all opponents around him, and attack both defensively and offensively. Limitation: He can't take off the suit, he can't turn the suit off. He doesn't know what he's doing, and it's only a 5 foot radius from wherever he is standing.

2. Certain pieces on the suit cover vital areas. Chest, stomach, shin, and arm guards made of highly advanced material. It's unknown at this time, but has traces of adamantium in it. Limitation: Does not cover all his body, can't get it off, very itchy.

3. Strength. The suit, in combining with his muscles and whatnot, allow him to use them to his full advantage. He can jump, run, climb, kick and punch harder than any regular human. Limitation: While the suit does give him 'upgrades' to his body, he's still using his own muscles for the work. So, he can not do things that are not humanly possible. While majority of the people can't jump higher than 4 feet, there are certain people, olympic athletes and whatnot, who can jump almost 7 or 8 feet.

I suppose the sword does give me a little overbalance. So, I can take that away. Haven't written about it yet... so won't be a big problem.

Glad we got this straightened out. Would rather have done it now, then when we were in the middle of a fight and had to unclog everything.

Okay.. hope i get this out right.

(1) General "canine" Senses such as an increased sense of smell and "Canine" Sixth sence like getting a bad feeling aobut an approaching thunderstorm sort of thing. Not overly Pronounced in full human form. Only other features seen in her usual form are her reflective eyes and her hardened finger nails (both are asthetic in this form)

(2) In her Graduated shifted form (similar I guess to a were wolf) Her sences become less human and more canine (A dogs sight isnt as good but say a dogs hearing and sense of smell and taste etc are increased) She becomes slightly stronger but no taller and her reflexes are improved a little (this form is fairly obvious to be spotted so she rarely stays this way for fighting), Her fingernails turn more into "claws" or canid toenails Her speach becomes slightly impared but still understandable.

(3) In her fully shifted mode. Her canine form is slightly larger than a normal canines body (depending on which species of dog/canine she chooses to shift into to make up for her body size, if she were to shift into a fox it would be huge compared to that of a normal fox (about the size of a wolf) So she trys to pick sopecies that dont stand out too much like Wolves because they are physically larger. Depending on her need she will choose different speices like speed she would change to a Painted dog (wild breed of african dog that can run fast due to their long legs) Etc. Her senses are exactly like her form If she becomes a wolf she hears,sees and sniffs etc like a wolf, Maybe slightly stronger than an avarge dog due to size form from human state, But can not speak. Can understand human languages and read in this form unlike a normal dog/etc. Her Wild instincts can often overide her human commonsence in this form (Run first ask questions later).

Hope that clarified my abilities. Sorry about the huge amount of detail. But suming it all up - Graduated Canine Sences, - Appearence and skils of any wild canine she chooses, -Canine instincts. (only present in full shifted form)
Oh, quick question - can Georgina still have the tail and fur? The tail helps with her balance and the fur is purely cosmetic
Screech said:
Oh, quick question - can Georgina still have the tail and fur? The tail helps with her balance and the fur is purely cosmetic

I see no probs with this. They both mainly just affect outward appearance and if anything would be considered a flaw rather than an asset. though I'd wager you'd fair better than Net would on a cold, winters night. ;)
Are we going to do this RP kinda like the X-Men cartoon where we don't just have one bad team, but have a lot of diffrent enamys?

I mean like will the RP thread will be about Force-X vs "So-and-so"?

Or will it be like a series, where Force-X vs "Bad-guy A", then Force-X vs "Bad-guy B" and so on?

Will the bad guys be NPC's?
Good question Orlanth....

I have in past experince played things two different ways.

1) Allowing pc's to introduce villianous NPC's as they see fit and TRYING to accomodate the story for everyone's intended purpose.


2) Locking NPC villians into a GM induced (story-arc) scenario.

Truthfully, I've had fun with 1 but the best stories (and longest running) come from 2. It's contained and with proper management still manages well with balance and enjoyment all-around. Not to mention that it seems to keep the focus going and prevents side-strolling with characters running doing one thing and others doing ten others.
Orlanth said:
I don't know which I like, as my SW mostly used #1.

I think i'm going to keep major story-arcs on a GM induced level, but allow side-plots (like the current one involving Joe and Sentry) to play out. Just as long as they don't get too outrageous or out-of-hand.

Off to post. Hoping to get everyone from the apartment scene relocated to The Compound and then we can all gather sentry and Joe. Once that is done we can actually begin our first major arc.
Sounds like a plan! And lets hope Xaosect posts for Toshiro soon, too! I have PMed him, just awaiting a response
Hey don't forget your psy-guy! I still need to get pulled into this. I wasn't sure of where to go after my last (and only, lol) post so I just sort of left it hanging. Suppose Seer is all ready on the team and after the bar incident he returned to the compound? Does that work for you guys?
Strolling Gecko said:
Hey don't forget your psy-guy! I still need to get pulled into this. I wasn't sure of where to go after my last (and only, lol) post so I just sort of left it hanging. Suppose Seer is all ready on the team and after the bar incident he returned to the compound? Does that work for you guys?
sounds fine with me dude.of course since none of our characters are trained to raise telepathic shields he could also catch a stray though of one of the group as he walks by.
Strolling Gecko said:
Hey don't forget your psy-guy! I still need to get pulled into this. I wasn't sure of where to go after my last (and only, lol) post so I just sort of left it hanging. Suppose Seer is all ready on the team and after the bar incident he returned to the compound? Does that work for you guys?

I like the idea. It expediates things a bit and gives poor ol' net at least one person to help him out a bit. You could just be arriving, but know the location/access codes to the Compound. We'll just play it off as net having talked with/recruited you already...
I like the sound of that. Another idea is that since Net is having some problems roping a few of the characters in, maybe he calls radios Seer to come and put everyone at ease. Whatever works.
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Strolling Gecko said:
I like the sound of that. Another idea is that since Net is having some problems roping a few of the characters in, maybe he calls radios Seer to come and put everyone at ease. Whatever works.
Hey, I got to have some fun, and I need to get Arko's personality flowing in the posts.

We can't alll be tusty and kind. :D