OT/OOC: Anyone possibly interested in an adult Marvel Universe game?

don`t worry Orlanth, the optic blasts Demolisher has are powerfull but he`s too affraid of killing accidentally with them to use them in a fight and he can hold his optic blasts back but doesn`t have control over intensity and would need to let them recharge for a while after a shot. he prefers his claws anyway. so basicly it`s similar to a last ditch attack if Demolisher uses them.
Arachnid Prime said:
don`t worry Orlanth, the optic blasts Demolisher has are powerfull but he`s too affraid of killing accidentally with them to use them in a fight and he can hold his optic blasts back but doesn`t have control over intensity and would need to let them recharge for a while after a shot. he prefers his claws anyway. so basicly it`s similar to a last ditch attack if Demolisher uses them.
I'm talking about Demolisher's senses

Are they enhanced or super? As he did sense alot of valuble information.
Not to be a dick, but I agree with Orlanth. It seems you just smushed Wolverine and Cyclops together and sorta scaled their powers back a little but not so much as to lose the fact that he is a Cyclops/Wolvie hybrid.

That may have come off harsher than it was intended to be. But it's what I think.

Also, mad props on your X knowledge.
Demolisher`s senses are enhanced yes but the info he picked up was merely a combination of scent, sight and hearing. he saw Geogina slip inside and smelled the furr on her body as feline and he heard her tell the others to stay quiet. he simply combined those facts to come to his conclusion. there was also the fact that Eclipse had not too long ago walked up the hallway and he picked that smell up aswell. I regularly talk to Screech and most certainly Red-Lupine and of the three trackers Demolisher`s basicly the middle best when they`re all in humanoid mode and the weakest when Canimalia is in her wolfmode so if Canimalia could smell Demolisher is a mutant in her human form, Demolisher should be able to aswell.
Arachnid Prime said:
Demolisher`s senses are enhanced yes but the info he picked up was merely a combination of scent, sight and hearing. he saw Geogina slip inside and smelled the furr on her body as feline and he heard her tell the others to stay quiet. he simply combined those facts to come to his conclusion. there was also the fact that Eclipse had not too long ago walked up the hallway and he picked that smell up aswell. I regularly talk to Screech and most certainly Red-Lupine and of the three trackers Demolisher`s basicly the middle best when they`re all in humanoid mode and the weakest when Canimalia is in her wolfmode so if Canimalia could smell Demolisher is a mutant in her human form, Demolisher should be able to aswell.
Can't you see how enhaced senses, healing, claws and optic-beams unbalances Demolsher?
err... no. sorry if I had but basicly he has those mutations but only knows how to use his enhanced senses properly... the claws are only a side effect from the healingability really and thusly weren`t meant to happen. his true powers are the healing and optic blasts, the claws are only an unwanted and very painfull bonus really.
So Arko can have wall claming, aggility, web-generation, strong spider-sense.

And you wouldnt see a problem?
It doesn't matter if he knows how to use them properly or not. The fact remains that having all of those mutations unbalances the character. Most mutants characters in the Marvel Universe only have one power and just know how to use them in nifty ways...ie: Iceman can do a lot of stuff with his ice powers, but he can only create ice, or Gambit can only charge items. True, there are insanely powerful mutants like Magneto and Professor X but they're exceptions and not the rule.
Strolling Gecko said:
It doesn't matter if he knows how to use them properly or not. The fact remains that having all of those mutations unbalances the character. Most mutants characters in the Marvel Universe only have one power and just know how to use them in nifty ways...ie: Iceman can do a lot of stuff with his ice powers, but he can only create ice, or Gambit can only charge items. True, there are insanely powerful mutants like Magneto and Professor X but they're exceptions and not the rule.
errr... that isn`t accurate actually. Emma Frost really has two distinct mutations namely her telepathics AND a diamondhard skin which was revealed after Genosha was destroyed with her on it and she walked out of the wreckage using her secondary power. furthermore Nightcrawler has the same with his wallcrawling and blending abilities which are severely diferent from his teleporting abilities. it`s rare to have a mutant with two diferent abilities but it is certainly NOT impossible.
Arachnid Prime said:
errr... that isn`t accurate actually. Emma Frost really has two distinct mutations namely her telepathics AND a diamondhard skin which was revealed after Genosha was destroyed with her on it and she walked out of the wreckage using her secondary power. furthermore Nightcrawler has the same with his wallcrawling and blending abilities which are severely diferent from his teleporting abilities. it`s rare to have a mutant with two diferent abilities but it is certainly NOT impossible.
But how rare is three-super-mutations on one mutent? The 3rd isn't really a mutation, but is due to one.
um, I already named one in my previous post Orlanth... and good old Kurt actually has four or five if you include his true fuzzy blue keister to the list of his mutations.so I would say that while rare Demolisher`s mutations are certainly not impossible.

Nightcrawler as he currently appears in the X-Men comics and no, that is NOT a mask and gloves.
if I offended you Orlanth I am sorry.that was not my intend. however the multiple mutations are around in the marvel universe with Nightcrawler being a prime example. his body and tail are seperate from his teleporting and wallcrawling and you could say that the enhanced agility he gets from his appearance is a side effect similar to Demolisher`s claws which you ruled as a seperate mutation. that alone already brings Nightcrawler far over Demolisher`s powers and I didn`t emntion his ability to blend into shadows yet which brings it up to five powers. that is almost twice what my character has...
Multi powers isn't my concern, as Arko has 3 himself. It is my concern how powerful Demolser is.
Orlanth said:
Multi powers isn't my concern, as Arko has 3 himself. It is my concern how powerful Demolser is.
well, if Demolisher is hit by a plain old truck he`ll still be in the infirmary for a week to 12 days at least. he heals yes but much slower then Wolverine, Sabertooth or Wild Child. the fact his mutant healing factor deals with his smoking faster is because it`s a far less damaging abuse then he`ll get in combat.
Arachnid Prime said:
well, if Demolisher is hit by a plain old truck he`ll still be in the infirmary for a week to 12 days at least. he heals yes but much slower then Wolverine, Sabertooth or Wild Child. the fact his mutant healing factor deals with his smoking faster is because it`s a far less damaging abuse then he`ll get in combat.
If Arko was hit by a truck, he'd be dead.

My point is those powers make him like a god.
if Demolisher was left unattended he would be too. it isn`t that he`ll heal but that the first few days after that he`d be clinging on a thread much similar to what a regular person after that would be.Demolisher needs to be conscious to heal really and if he blacks out the enhanced healing will stop it`s work.
Things To Say:

Might as well tackle the big one first.

Demolisher's power set:
The more I considered it, the more apparent it became to me that there are imbalance issues. I don't feel that I really need to explain myself in depth in this matter, especially since debate is just that... and not likely to solve the problem. So... instead I shall provide a proposition for solution. One thing has to go, either the optics or the enhanced senses. I suggest dropping the *** senses just because it would be alot easier to do. Net has already commented on the optic thing so if you went back and edited your post I would have to do the same for mine.... See what I mean. With the ***.sense dropped, then it's a simple matter of you revising one short post and the thread continues uninterrupted and with little modification.

And to be fair, I move onto my next subject.

Everyone's power set:
Honestly, I should have thought this through a bit more before approving people's bio's, but I didn't because I am human and fuck up every now and then. In response to the aforementioned character, I think it becomes painfully necessary for me to impose a three (3) power limit on all characters. This includes any/all mutant abilities, technological advantages, and specialized training/occurences (like imbibing a super-soldier serum or bombardment by gamma rays or cybernetic implants, etc). Thus if your character is over this limit, you need to revise your original bio and tone it down. Remember the funnest part of RP sometimes is the challenges you are faced with, so self-imposed limitations are great and encouraged. Everything should have a plus/negative side if possible. (Example: You may be a very good telepath but extended or straining use of your power causes intense physical pain or long-lasting headaches, or perhaps you stand on such an elevated moral high-ground that just because you could turn someones brain to mush doesn't mean you ever will.

I'm sorry if this feels like a major shake-up or crimp in your RP experience, but as the GM for this game I have to look out for everyone to ensure they are going to have a fair shake and a good time.

The Cyclops brain injury thing:
I figured it was the plane crash but having some big holes in my collection (especially from the more recent years, 1999-2002ish) I didn't recall reading it anywhere.

X-Men Legends:
I am dying to get my hands on the PS2 release. I am a jealous mo'fo' of anybody who has it already. Going to go and search for screenshots and stuff on the net after I am done here.

RP time era:
We are playing this as if it is modern day. All backstory/source for MU core-characters stand as up to this month.

One more thing:
I mentioned this at the top of the RP thread but didn't say so here.... PLEASE turn OFF sig-lines if you have images or several lines of text in them. If you see a post of yours with it there, then please edit the post to remove it. Thanks in advance.

Guess that's all for now. If you have anything you'd like to talk/discuss and you don't want to post/ask it here, then PM me and I'll see what I can do to help/answer you.
I have a feeling that the senses aren`t as much what is bugging Orlanth but the claws healing are... I`m willing to work any problem out just PM me or contact me on aim, msn or yim to calmly discuss it is all. if my character has offended people, I do wish to apologize since that was NOT my intend...
Okay... How's this then:

Everyone pick and post up to 3 powers/skills and breakdown, if possible their intent and disadvantages (if any apply).

That's not to say to total revamp your char. No No No...

What we are posting here and below are the finalized power revisions just so they are clear and any concerns can be immediately addressed before further RP posts and we really get a big mess on our hands. This is as it stands is not problematic to the game thread (barring a couple of revised posts if needed) and a small issue.

Like I said before, it's really my fault for not being clear and defining a few more in-depth rules as far as story/chars go. I didn't think I'd actually get such a large cast so I was wasn't thinking too far ahead as far as game structure at the time. Now I'll have to tighten the nuts as they wiggle loose on the fly.

Don't think there should be any major issues with my skill set but if anyone disagrees, let me know.

Netshocker's Power/Skills
1) (Primary power) Sub-synaptic Control
Net is able to mentally attack the central nerve system of sentinent life forms. This allows for temporary paralyzation of fine motor control, inducement of mild shock, confusion, sensation of intense pain/pleasure hot/cold. LIMITATION: This ability must be cognitantly controlled by Netshocker. If loss of control does occur his power begins to affect all subjects within his immediate area. While sleeping Net wears a specialized suppression bracelet to dampen his power.

2) (Secondary mutation) Telekinetic
The ability to lift matter with use of the mind. LIMITATIONS: Net has a very limited ability over this mutation due to lack of training in it and the strain of controlling his primary power. When he concentrates he can lift and carry a maximum of 100-120lbs with his mind for brief periods of time. If he strains to hard in the use of this power, his control of his primary slips and it is possible for him to 'attack' those near him.

3) (Trained Skill) Advanced Battlefield Combat
Net has advanced training in the use of light-heavy firearms and hand-to-hand combat due to his specialized training with the Marine Corps. LIMITATIONS: N/A other than having to possess a weapon. :p
Right then, in accordance with the OOC in the main thread, here are Georgina's powers

1. hightened smell, sight and hearing.
2. cat-like claws at the end of her fingers
3. hightened agility

Her sense of smell has improved to a degree that she can indentify different people's scents, as well as any other smells she has been trained to recognise. Her hearing can pick up sounds outside the normal range of human hearing, and can withstand a greater level of sound without causing disconfort. Her eyes have developed so that she has improved nightvision

As opposed to having normal nails, Georgina's hands have developed so that toughened claws protrude from the ends of her fingers, making perfect weapons, but difficult to type

Her sense of balance has increased to cat-like levels enabling her to walk across a tightrope with relative ease, and enabling her to perform intricate actions while jumping or falling as well as giving her increased reflexes. . Also, her leg musculature has increased, enabling her to jump up to 4 feet into the air
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