part 11 of the China Pearl Inn

I make my way down from my loft. There is a pronounced chill in the air but there is a cheerful blaze on the hearth and the aroma of fresh brewed coffee. It seems Poo Ming has been up early and been very busy.

I do hope the girls are safe after all Poo Ming is a roughish character. Ah time for morning co e and a start to the day. G'day to any who may be about and to those that hide in the shadows.
Glad nice to hear your doing well.

Boyd never fear your safe. A roughish wink just for effect
Does a pseudo karate chop... letting him know he knows karate.... or rather... how to spell it..... at least.
Very impressive Boyd.............. I comment as sip my coffee and clean my Webley.

Coffee, Tea, or something stronger Boyd?
Rum and coke if you don't mind.... Helps hone in my masterful karate chop skills. The more of those I drink... the more lethal I think I am.
Rum and coke if you don't mind.... Helps hone in my masterful karate chop skills. The more of those I drink... the more lethal I think I am.

Clearly, it’s all in ur head.” He smirks.

“Have any pineapple juice CG? Has been sounding good lately.
One rum and coke Boyd and one pineapple juice for you Glad. I mix the drinks and slide them down to the two gentlemen.

So, let me get this straight Boyd the more you drink the greater your powers and masterful of karate. I pounder Boyd's statement.

Ah it is like the marshal art's in China of the Drunken Sword.
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Accepting the glass from cg he takes a long drink. “Hits the spot. Wonder if I need more vitamin C.”
Glad you should overdue a good thing. If one does it often has ill effects.
One rum and coke Boyd and one pineapple juice for you Glad. I mix the drinks and slide them down to the two gentlemen.

So, let me get this straight Boyd the more you drink the greater your powers and masterful of karate. I pounder Boyd's statement.

Ah it is like the marshal art's in China of the Drunken Sword.
Nope... reread my pondering... the more lethal I THINK I am... not that I am any actually more lethal. Lol
Yawns and stretches out while plopping down on the sofa, looking around and smiles at the activities.

Hope everyone is having a good day! I could use a rum with apple juice and frozen fruit please Sir..
Yawns and stretches out while plopping down on the sofa, looking around and smiles at the activities.

Hope everyone is having a good day! I could use a rum with apple juice and frozen fruit please Sir..

Sounds tasty, how have you been?
Life has been.... Challenging. Very, very challenging. Though, things are finally chilling out a bit. How about you? Hope life has been treating you nice.

Its been, a lot to say the least there are good days, keep reminding myself of that
I listen to the conversations as I sip my coffee. It is good to see Kat and to hear things are improving for her.
The skies are leaden, a cold rain, intermittent snow, make me pleased that I have my coffee, my old leather chair by the hearth and a blazing fire on the heart slowly devouring virgin logs. A touch of brandy in my coffee cheers my spirit and warms the body. At the moment the inn is quiet.

Good day to any who may be about and to those that hide in the shadows.
Glad a brandy coffee, a fire on the hearth, and a warm sweater help to warm the body.

Boyd yes there are a few of us about for a touch of convivial conversation.
“I am writing here again finally. It’s been far too long. I still write with my Lily elsewhere and never stopped, but this is my first story on lit in some time since she and I stopped writing on lit together. I tried a couple other stories after that but my health always got in the way. I’m hopeful this pans out well.” He is smiling as he speaks.

“Do you think Phoo ming has the recipe for dr. Pepper?” He asks with a chuckle as he heads towards the bar.
Oh, Glad I think Poo Ming has the recipes for many things even Dr. Pepper. ;)

Pleased to hear your writing again here on Lit Glad.
Oh, Glad I think Poo Ming has the recipes for many things even Dr. Pepper. ;)

Pleased to hear your writing again here on Lit Glad.

“He is a resourceful fellow.” Accepting a ice cold glass the elf moves to a chair to sit by the fire. “I am glad too cg, I’ve always liked to write where I could feel like people would be reading it.”
Glad I have no problems of folks reading my stories. I just have problems with writers ghosting me. I really do not like these silly GAMES SOME PLAY.
I love knowing people are reading my stories here, I find it pushes me to write better. Is it games or is it real life is a cruel mistress?" he asks curiously as he sips his soda.