Pathfinder: OOC

bit busy with family death which is "fun" needless to say so sorry about not posting xx
bit busy with family death which is "fun" needless to say so sorry about not posting xx

I have wondered why I have not seen or heard from you much. You have my sympathies for what you are dealing with. I will let Ruby stay in the back ground for now and play her as needed. She is in a good place right now as she has gone off alone in a place I can use her from if I need to. So just come back when and if you want and can. I plan to have postings done about once a week, so if you are not here I will just let her stay where she is or play her appropriately.

In the mean time please take care and you have my prayers.

I'm here.'re not all there. :D I am sorry it had to be done.

I am going to say from now on that after about 2 weeks I may just ad-lib some of your PC's in case of emergency, but other than that please don't feel overly obligated to post other than to let us all know if you have the ability or time.

Your DM :D

Have a blessed day. (Creepy)

Almost forgot. New post in the Story thread.
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Start date change

Timekeeping in Golarion

Time travels on Golarion much as it does on Earth. Sixty seconds make a minute, sixty minutes make an hour, and twenty-four hours make a day. The people of Golarion measure time with seven days to a week (Sunday, Moonday, Toilday, Wealday, Oathday, Fireday, Starday), and twelve 30-day months to a year of 360 days.

Years are marked since the founding of the last great empire, that of Aroden, the Last Man, 4707 years ago. Although the empire has collapsed, its calendar remains in use to this day, with the current era still under the Absalom Reckoning (AR).


The months in Golarion correspond roughly to our own, with each new year immediately after the winter solstice. The name of each month is etymologically tied to a specific god—residents of Golarion see the gods reflected in the changing of the seasons, and their names for the months reflect this. (Gozreh's month, for instance, is a time of budding and new life, while Zon-Kuthon's is seen as the death of the old year.) In order, the months are:

Abadius (January)
Calistril (February)
Pharast (March)
Gozran (April)
Desnus (May)
Sarenith (June)
Erastus (July)
Arodus (August)
Rova (September)
Lamashan (October)
Neth (November)
Kuthona (December)

The campaign begins on the 20th of Rova , 4701 AR.

Please note I had the Campaign start date incorrect. Please adjust any notes if you need to.
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I hope it's not me killing the game. That would be sad. Fulguran throws his weight around but he'll wind up agreeing to whatever plan ends up happening.
I'm muse locked, writers blocked... just cannot type what I want.

I am waiting for the rest of the party to gather at the room. >.< I got orders. :p
Maybe... *giggle* POKE WAR!

*sneaks up on Jack80 and POKE* MWA HAHAHAHAHAHA!
We have lost two for sure, Runs is missing, Jack is blocked, and I am starting a new job.

I will not lie and say that all of this is not a hindrance, but it can be. If we vote to table this game then I am at the mercy of my players. If we want to continue I shall be happy to post a long reply as I have been once a week.

I leave it in your hands. Do as you will :) (but be gentle)
