Pathfinder: OOC

Really, Rysil... Really? I put my heart and soul into that last post and I don't even get a chuckle out of you? Really? Way to hurt an apple polishing lap dogs feelings... *Runs away weeping like a bitch.* He doesn't love me anymore!!!

Edit: how do we want to run skills, Rysil? I've got perception training but It's not great. I wannt to notice what MFB's character Rose has been up to on those purse strings, and generally add to amusing mayhem when I do.
Like quietly attempt to intimidate her for half of it. XD[/QUOTE]

Oh i do declare my dear sir how rude of you....trying to ruin my innocence....tsk tsk...keep away from my purse ;) *hugs gold*
*assigns a permanent invisible stalker to follow behind Fulgarn to erase Graffiti*

watch that graffiti Mr. we don't tolerate defacin in these here parts.

I have news. I am posting here because this concerns mostly those here. The Cosmos has decided my ass is worth saving one more time. Don't ask me why, but apparently I get 5 chances. This woman I shall call only Swan, has mesmerized me pretty well. Well enough in fact that when she asked for my undying monogamous love I said yes. That is not to say a legal contract is in the future, and frankly I am appalled you sick puppies would even think such things....yet. But in the interest of one last shot in the dark, I have agreed. If you are here for my ego and my penis, sorry my ego will have to do, and's way bigger.

If any of you have found yourself outside a relationship and thinking that you need a break, when all you have done is try to chase down the next "One" for the last 16 years, and then the cosmos slaps you in the kiester and says, "How would you like something awesome?". Yeah I don't know either. I can tell you that after 4 different women that have left me with a taste in my mouth somewhere between four day old morning breath after gargling vodka for 18 straight hours (This isn't pretty), and bobbit's cock after being in the field a few more days. Yeah women generally suck me dry and when my penis and wallet are empty they find the next "Mr.Right in my cunt". So to say my track record is checkered? A lot like saying it's dark at night. But Swan is everything I didn't know existed. I had no idea women came packaged like her. So I am gonna play sucker one more time. If it's worth having it's worth working for. Maybe I am living insanity, but it beats dying. :D

OOOH! I am SO happy for You Rysil! (hug) My best wishes on the relationship.

On a side note... Do any of You know what a TRULY disgusting feeling is? My baby just sneezed and I got a tremendous glob of snot on my boob. EWWWWWW! To say nothing of having my nipple shot into my boob as well...

*wipes snot and milk off boob* Poor dear is all stuffed up and HATES having her nose cleaned...
*wipes snot and milk off boob* Poor dear is all stuffed up and HATES having her nose cleaned...

I hear if you put you mouth over their nose and suck, then spit you can clean them out super fast. I once had to get a mechanical pencil eraser out of my step-daughters nose that way. Yes, gross, but hey it worked and she will thank me later >.>

Really, Rysil... Really? I put my heart and soul into that last post and I don't even get a chuckle out of you? Really? Way to hurt an apple polishing lap dogs feelings... *Runs away weeping like a bitch.* He doesn't love me anymore!!!


Anybody else here anything? *Noise of crickets chirping* Yep, didn't think so.

I thank you for you kind hearted compassion, and stroking of my ego, but until I see more worshipers young man, you're grounded!

I jest. Thank you Raven and all of you for your kind words, it does mean alot to me. I will do my best to follow through on my obligations as you DM, but if I am slow to post it's because we are creepin up on my busiest time of the year for the next 6-9 months. please bare with me and I promise to do my best to reply and allow you to feel that this game is yours. Please enjoy. Thank you.
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Oh i do declare my dear sir how rude of you....trying to ruin my innocence....tsk tsk...keep away from my purse ;) *hugs gold*

Ah, but madmoiselle you are under the impression I am anything other than an innocence thieving demon straight from the lowest levels of the pit. I do not steal your innocence out of impropriety, but because it is a delectable morsel. I taste it like the first bite of a dish to understand the rest of the dishes flavor. In short, miss, I do it taste your soul.
Your purse strings are merely an object in the path of my feast.
Ah, but madmoiselle you are under the impression I am anything other than an innocence thieving demon straight from the lowest levels of the pit. I do not steal your innocence out of impropriety, but because it is a delectable morsel. I taste it like the first bite of a dish to understand the rest of the dishes flavor. In short, miss, I do it taste your soul.
Your purse strings are merely an object in the path of my feast.

Dude, I'm a guy, and like straight and stuff....but that made me wet..../drools for the girls

Get him while he's still available ladies, cause if you don't he's gonna have to deal with me playing Amieko trying to pin him down for a ride on the bologna pony. DO you want to see him go through that? Couldn't one of my faithful minions...err followers please help this poor man, I beg, I plead, there's treasure in it for you *Whistles* Woot Woot Runs-wit-the-night here boy. C'mon who's a sexy druid. Awww yeah, now go get me followers :D I'll give you more than a cheeseburger, I'll give you a hawt elf chick who only dreams of hawt steamy druid boi sex. Whadda ya say?
I take no responsibility out of what comes from your bartender screwing with my character, Rysil. :p
I take no responsibility out of what comes from your bartender screwing with my character, Rysil. :p

Go see my response. You people are so small minded. I guess when you are a living god you think on bigger terms...who knew. The universe, of this game, is my oyster...LET'S EAT!!!
Because of real life issues creeping in on my limited writing time, I have to drop from the game. Sorry, guys. Have fun!
Because of real life issues creeping in on my limited writing time, I have to drop from the game. Sorry, guys. Have fun!

*sigh* It was bound to happen. We will miss you and I shall do my best to keep her alive. Thank you for wanting to play.
sorry ladies, gents, and creatrues from the darkest swaps, I shall post when I get around to it, but currently.. busy.

Though I do not know what to do now that the dear bard has left.

And... I would have reacted to a prev. post if given the time to respond. I feel... kind of "trap" because I was busy working...
Hey, Emipet, I think that whole explosion magic killing thing was something that happened in only my perspective. No one was randomly murdered by me shooting lightning.
sorry ladies, gents, and creatrues from the darkest swaps, I shall post when I get around to it, but currently.. busy.

Though I do not know what to do now that the dear bard has left.

And... I would have reacted to a prev. post if given the time to respond. I feel... kind of "trap" because I was busy working...

First off, let me assure you. I have no intention of making anyone suffer for what many might think are poor choices in the beginning. Let me say it this way.

"In this game there will be no wrong choices. There will be actions and poor reactions, sure. I will not, however be impugning character or laying down an unholy wrath. I have a vision for this game that looks a lot like Clash of the Titans. Please just have fun and let your DM play cleanup? This is fun for the players. If it isn't then please tell me how to help. If I can I will."

So for those of you fearing things getting out of hand? Just sit back and think about what it would feel like to suddenly become Hercules, Achilles, Odysseus, Pandora, whoever you feel is your cup of so. The 6th god is not here to condemn, only to ensure his players have fun :) Hope that helps

Oh, and Jack. I have hinged over 90% of this game on your Paladin. So if you screw this up, the game falls apart. No pressure.

no i am kidding, but I have put a lot of weight and responsibility in at least 4 of my players hands already. and a 5th had several options, but life got in the way. It happens to all of us. Could happen to me eventually. Who knows. For right now just play as is the most fun.

My briefest vision was for a group of people to come together in the town of sandpoint. At their gathering would be an event or events that would be Bardic in Nature. I didn't even really want to tell you now, as it would let you have a longer process of discovery, but I did want to let you know the scope. Each one of you now has the power to rip this game wide open and destroy it. You also have the ability to craft this into an epic tale of heroic proportions.

Just Remember...

"With great power comes great responsibility. Use it wisely." ~ Name the author of this quote and you just earned 500xp​
"With great power comes great responsibility. Use it wisely." ~ Name the author of this quote and you just earned 500xp[/CENTER]

OOOH! Peter parker's uncle in the Spiderman Movie! YAY me! *dances about happily*

I reset the scene on purpose, yes I did, but with very good reason. I tried to explain above that this has always been epic for me. I didn't intend to play myself as an all powerful being. That started as a joke. But with what I wanted to do, it ended up making weird sense. You really have to understand how I think, which as Dramatic and Raven can probably tell you, is quite dangerous.

So here is what each of you knows. All of the posts that come prior to the reset are 100% valid. Only, it is only the 6 PCs and the gods who know what really happened. So consider it kinda like getting a mulligan from god. But the reason I am doing this will cause a spoiler so I will refrain. Just know this was intentional for a reason. This wasn't a mindless "Ooops, I think I'll reset." It was my intention all along to Introduce the major role the gods play in this over all campaign. It is my intention to run The Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path. It is not, however my intention to redirect you at any time. Whatever path you put your character on I will follow you. If that splits the party (Please guys be nice), well I will follow. In the end I want to thrill you with the chance to play something powerful and see where that ultimate power takes you.

"What if I decide to go evil?"

So yeah, it is my hope that you all work together to become heroes for, at the very least, balance through altruistic intentions. I am not asking you to help every waif who asks for a copper. No more that you don't let your own power act as an agent of evil and chaos. I however cannot stop some of you from trying to rip the game apart either. If it is or becomes your desire to serve your own ends and destroy your fellows? I am sorry but I can only allow that to a point. I mean think about the damage that a titan could cause with even a minor temper tantrum. Does that mean I don't expect Hercules...err Fulgarun, the son of Tiamat with the Strength of 500 men, to not flex his literary muscles? No, it doesn't. I just hope he doesn't decide to play like he is the son of Hades and try to destroy me Dramatic...this would end badly for all, and I am sure you already know that. :D Will Rysil try and stop him? You bet your sweet bippy he..err I...err oh you know what I mean.

So, Evil is right out! Just to be clear. If you slip to far along that slope I will politely remind you in PM's and if you choose to continue? Do so at your own Peril, because even the 6th god answers to a higher power ("Coming Mother." NO! I do not live in her basement....just ...the...ah...erm....attic). And eventually I will ask you to hand in your sheet. I hate that as a DM more than anything. I hate having a player hand in their sheet before it's time. It's always like someone took one of my babies *sniffle*. But in all seriousness I hate it. Please don't force my hand. :D

As to the rest? Have fun and stick around. It should be quite the wild ride.
Okay. Information confirmed. I'm going to wait until you post my modified sheet to post myself. I want to know what literary muscles I have now.
Also, can I pleases, please shoot the sheriff out of hand?
"Hey, cowboy: eat lightning."
Xp Award

Actually, that's a Voltaire quote, and Stan Lee's Uncle Ben was not the originator.

I would have accepted either but since you are so smart?


Emipet(Aruku) 250x for knowing one part but not the name.
Dramaticflare(Fulgarun) 750xp for knowing the originator and Uncle Ben.

From now on the XP meter is running. I will be posting XP when I feel like it as you all have more than enough power to last you for quite a few levels. I however will throw things out like this to add in awards. Mostly geek trivia.

Regular in Game XP will be done as an awards post here
If my XP tally is ever off, it's usually my poor bookkeeping. So please don't get mad, just send me a PM and help me correct the error.

once we get the introduction settled and everyone is functioning more as a group? Then we will start the adventure proper. Also because of the above mentioned nature of the game, staying on the Adventure path is completely optional. But I highly suggest each of you figure out where you fit in the party. Define yourselves and get into your niche early. Then figure out how to work as a cohesive unit. Elect a Leader. Elect a Spokesperson. And define a Military type chain of command for combat if needed. I do not expect you to do all of this, but what I can tell you is that the best groups I have ever seen, do exactly what I just said. They define their roles, stick to them, and have each others backs. But once again, suggestions.

Any questions on anything I have posted recently I would be honored to receive.


P.S. scare me...*hides*
Okay, so I edited my post and thing i did a clever little thing. I used my original opening post and edited it in ways that would reflect how Runs would have taken a slightly different path of actions from the original time line, but kept things as close to the original as I could. I hope it's entertaining.
Takes a moment for the Paladin to focus... he has a 10 in wis and int... :p

And I don't think cmky will be coming back :/ so I am... leaving the bard alone.
Folks I am doing something different with DM posting. I am going to re-edit your posts into a cohesive story. If you like how I have done it after you read it please feel free to comment. If you don't like it, or don't like the way I have edited your characters, please say so and I will just go back to the old style

I hurt my arm. typing and editing with a bum shoulder sucks. My IC post will be post poned for a few until it heals. I apologize for the delay. Feel free to react to Dramatics post and get together as a party. Consider the bard to still be a PC an she will be hovering around you all after she hides the wanted poster. I have much more to do for you all, but if you would like to figure things out and interact with sandpoint feel free as well. I will not likely post for a week as I heal. This post was typed by a friend so I could let you all know. Thank you for you patience and I will hopefully be back in a week. I apologize.

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also sorry about the delay, busy work week, and my commitment to other stories kept me distracted.

Take your time.
Hey Jack, Kaijitsu is the barkeep. she's also a pretty bard but she's not our pretty bard.
Just making sure you knew.