Picture This

I get broken links. Sorry.
I've just checked them all and found no issues. Are you clicking the recent ones?

All my links have expiration dates cus Mr. likes me to limit traffic to his server. So anything more than 6-8 weeks old won't work.
I never noticed you were behind, more like a lot of front from where I’m sitting.

I kept getting site down over the last week or so when trying to view even your recent postings, probably the VPN I was linked to.
Well I am glad you were able to view them, Sir

I knew if I thought about you hard enough, you would post.
And poof, it WORKS!!!
Again, you have succeeded in making me hungry and horny.
You must really love that park / nature preserve you "visit" there A LOT!!!
Yous a psy-chic lol 🪄
Oh Nooo, noooot thaaaat 🤪
Yeah, it's our go to spot these days. :)
I have had a busy couple weeks between moving a kid and big bros appts. I'll work on loading some pics up tomorrow in between runs. Please don't hate me. :kiss:
I have had a busy couple weeks between moving a kid and big bros appts. I'll work on loading some pics up tomorrow in between runs. Please don't hate me. :kiss:
Could never hate you.
Miss you, yes. Helping family is much much more important, in my humble opinion.
I apologize for my lack of posts recently. I have a month of stuff I could share here and I just can't seem to motivate myself into uploading it. Idk what's with me. But I I'll keep taking them and hopefully sometime this week I'll get my ass in gear and upload.

Sorry folks :kiss: Thank you for understanding.