Picture This

No worries, take your time. Posting here should be fun, not like work. :)
Anddddd the company that Mr. uses for co-location of his server has suddenly with like 24 hours of notice closed up shop. So currently he's managed to back up all the stuff on his servers but they are currently offline for the foreseeable future while he looks for another data center with reasonable pricing and speeds. Sigh.
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Anddddd the company that Mr. uses for co-location of his server has suddenly with like 24 hours of notice closed up tshop. So currently he's managed to back up all the stuff on his servers but they are currently offline for the foreseeable future while he looks for another data center with reasonable pricing and speeds. Sigh.
Hope you haven’t lost all your lovely pics. Not a lot of notice to back up a whole load of data. Hope he can sort it soon.
Hope you haven’t lost all your lovely pics. Not a lot of notice to back up a whole load of data. Hope he can sort it soon.
I haven't thankfully, as I've also got an external drive I back up to. He's still trying to get pricing sorted with a new company AND figure out where the fuh they put his hardware so his friend out in LA can go get it when he settles on a new data center. It's a mess. Ridiculous shit.
Temporarily I'll be using Dropbox. Sadly, cus it's a free account I only get 2G of storage so I'll have to swap out as I go. Oh well.

September to October 1st
Looking good as usual. I see you liked being on the ’stage’.
Thank you, Thank you. :kiss: It feels good to be on my game again. Although I will be much happier when Mr. gets his server stuff fixed cus a 2G limit is for the birds lol.
Could be worse, think back when limits were in MB (this does not stand for Micio Boobs or Micio Bare) or even bytes. But, fingers crossed on Mr. getting his server stuff fixed.
Could be worse, think back when limits were in MB (this does not stand for Micio Boobs or Micio Bare) or even bytes. But, fingers crossed on Mr. getting his server stuff fixed.
Oh I know! Lol

And the company that took over the data center site is fuckin round. Terrible business dealing IMO but he can't do shit til he knows where it's at
Man! (correction: Woman, oh wait or should I say person), I hate autocorrect...teaches me not to use my phone to respond.
Woman. It's definitely woman for me lol. No worries. It's a pet peeve of mine. I try and control the instinct to correct folks. Try* lol I don't always succeed :p
Woman. It's definitely woman for me lol. No worries. It's a pet peeve of mine. I try and control the instinct to correct folks. Try* lol I don't always succeed :p
You are a woman. Correct away my fellow lit woman ( I am not sure where the "friend" starts and ends, we banter a lot but didn't want to offend by mischaracterizing). I digress.

I only wear clothes when the dog(s) nature calls as to not shock the neighbors. Maybe when I move into my secluded wooded getaway, it will naked all the time (🤞). :p
You are a woman. Correct away my fellow lit woman ( I am not sure where the "friend" starts and ends, we banter a lot but didn't want to offend by mischaracterizing). I digress.

I only wear clothes when the dog(s) nature calls as to not shock the neighbors. Maybe when I move into my secluded wooded getaway, it will naked all the time (🤞). :p
We do banter back and forth a bit, Lit-friend works.

Wouldn't it be great if folks weren't so offended by every little thing especially stuff like boobs n butts n uncovered bits?