Portal to Adventure

My eyes remained closed as I felt my body being lifted onto a make-shift pallet. I hoped that gin'iro had stayed safely away from the fight, and knew that she was okay as I squinted and saw that it would be she who would take on the responsibility of moving me to our next destination. I winced with pain as the litter was tethered to her, but soon slept as I heard someone softly cast a spell of sleep over me.

OOC:please forgive the handling of your characters, everyone. Just trying to get us together and camped.

Finally, we had scoured the area, gathered everyone together, and taken our wounded to a safer campsite, by a stream sheltered in the nearby forest. I hadn't had an opportunity before now to give the infant and the warrior Jothal had found more than a cursory examination, so I gave them both a careful going-over. The baby was sleeping peacefully, thanks to a lullabye cantrip our sorceror had cast. The only thing wrong with her that I could find was that she was in desperate need of a diaper change, something I knew nothing about. I grinned at Alyson, "I seem to remember someone telling me about how she used to babysit all the time in high school...," and handed her the baby.

The night air was warm still, but it did not prevent a chill from running down my spine as I got a good look at the injured warrior. "Val! Come here, will you?" She had been working with the other fighting types, setting up a watch rotation and perimeter, but came over to me, concern on her face. I merely pointed to the warrior's face, and she gasped. "Yep, you recognize him, too, I see. Bail. Question is, is this just Bail, or has Matt inhabited his body, like we did? Matt wasn't going to play that night, back in our world, so I figured he missed out. I didn't think he was going to play Bail, anyway."
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OOC: Sorry for the delay everyone. Between the new thread that Neale talked me into and my unpacking and settling in, I am running around in circles.

IC: Val, like a good leader, had led everyone quite a distance from the undead encampment and was just setting up watches of which she was going to take the first of when Alya called to her.

Her shock at seeing Bail was evident on her face and she shook her head in confusion.

"I dont know, Neale. He was Matt's favorite char but, if you remember correctly, the professor didnt allow him to use Bail too much because of his chaotic nature. And, when he did use him, we had a hard time keeping him under control and with the group. Especially when Val came in and was made leader of the group."

A pained expression crossed her face at the last statement. Val had not been leader very long since Michelle was pretty new to the game. But soon the amazon player had become the strongest and steadiest of the group, aside from Kai, and the professor had put her into that position to test her out. Twice he had let Matt play Bail while she was leader and both times they almost lost people because Michelle had a hard time controlling the chaotic cleric.

Now, this did not do much to Michelle except fill her with frustration when it was a game. But now....now they were playing for real.

Drawing Alya aside, she spilt her worries out to her, glancing at the body of Bail each time. Not for the first time the duties of leadership seemed to almost overwhelm her and she wished she was back into her petite little body, dancing late into the night and having nothing else on her mind but how to deal with the hangover she knew she was going to have when she woke up in the late morning.

"The problem is," Val concluded,"Whether or not its Matt, he is one of our group. If it is Matt then the professor must have sent him after us for some reason. Maybe with a message though judging by the professor's reputation in this world I dont think he has our best interests at heart. In any case we cant leave him. But I'm afraid that it will be just like the game back home....only this time it isnt hit points we are dealing with its real blood flowing from open wounds!"

"Well, if it is Matt in there" I said, nodding to Bail, "then he should be able to keep his character persona in check... and as for being 'Bail', maybe the professor... er... Beren... thought that having an 'inside man' with the Black Network would be useful to us."

I sighed, as I unwrapped some of my trail rations. "I'm really not looking forward to eating this... this bread is certainly isn't white..."

OOC: Isolde thx for the mention! hehe ^_^

IC: Looking Bail up and down w/ his usual feeling of caution mixed with mistrust, he said, "If it is him then alls well that ends well.. but if its not Matt... We may have a rpoblem on our hands... I just hope it is him..."

Glancing at Jothal, Kiai noticed his look of disgust at his rations. Letting out a slight chuckle, Kiai reached into his backpack, and threw Jothal a peice of cheese. "I know its pretyt bad itself, but its better then well.. that" Kiai said with another glance and chuckle at the slightly moudly bread.

I looked at Michelle, and scrunched up my eyebrows in puzzlement. Chaotic cleric? What on Earth is she talking about? "Oh! No, you guys are getting Bail confused with Matt's other character, Bain! Bain was Matt's evil cleric, from that one night when the Prof was trying out letting us play characters who weren't good or neutral. Remember? I played that Raistlin rip-off, Rastaman, who was always lying to you all about the magic items he was identifying?"

Looks of rememberance cross the others' faces, and I continue, "Bail is Matt's warrior. Mainly neutral, as I recall. Maybe Lawful Neutral? We'll ask him when he wakes up, which probably won't be until after I heal him in the morning. That is, if Matt really is in there..."

/OOC: We have no clue that he is a bad guy at all. Alignment detection by the paladin will only reveal a non-evil aura, not really super-good like some of us, more mercenary in alignment, if someone is capable of detecting such things.

OOC: Sorry, My screwup...I have been out of the loop too long.

IC: Michelle's brow furrowed in a frown. It was offical. She was as confused as hell! Groaning, she put one hand behind her neck and begin to massage it as she stared up into the starry night. What she wouldnt give to be off somewhere right now simply laying under those stars with not a care in the world.

Sighing, she said,"All I remember is that Matt gave me a hell of a go when I was leader in the game. But he always was a good player. I hope he is as good in real life. If that is him."

Looking at Kai, she said,"Go and get your arm tended to. I am sure one of the healers can at least bandage it so that it is less painful during your wait for their powers to recharge. I have first watch as you are on the injured list so to speak."

Calling out to the group, she said,"Our magic users need their sleep to recharge. Which of our fighters wants to bid for second watch?"

"Have I ever let a little wound stop me." Kiai said as he winked at Val. With a shot of pain though im he said, "Maybe i should get it bandaged up.." with a slight grin mixed with pain.

Bandages? We don't need no steenking bandages! "Uh, Val... I kinda forgot to pick up any bandage material. Running out of juice didn't really occur to me." I blushed furiously, "Score minus one for the platinum blonde elven bimbette, huh? C'mere, Kiai, I've got something that'll take your mind off the pain."

Kiai looked at me curiously, but came over to where I was rummaging through my saddlebags. "Ah ha! Found it!" I pulled out a carefully packaged flask and handed it to him. "Elven spirits. Not Elverquisst, but it does have one hell of a kick! A few shots of that, and I promise you won't be too worried about that wound. Speaking of which, I do have a little 'juice' left." I made a brief prayer of thanks to Corellon as I sprinkled a little water on Kiai's arm. The blood washed away, leaving unbroken, if rather tender-looking, skin.

"That'll keep it from getting infected, anyway. Now, take two shots, and call me in the morning." I shared a grin with him, and went to prepare myself for rest.
Takin a sniff of the bottle, Kiai pulls is head with a :eek: look on his face. "Now THAT's the good stuff!" He said with a Grin. After neale/alia tended to his wound Kiai nodded and said, "Thx. I was afraid I'd have to lose my arm! *chucckle*"

Going over to Val, Kiai raised the bottle of sprits and said to her, "This stuff should be able to keep us both up. Why don't we just both run a double shift toget...." He ended in midsentance as a few looks from the others fell upon him. Kiai started blushing slightly and turned away so that no one would see past his warrior's exterior. Turning back around coughing slightly, he said, "Rather i mean.. I can accompany you on your shift, seeing as u may need my help." Kiai then just turned away slightly, winked at Val and walked off.
In the camp

Kiai and Val had just reached their intended watch spot when a figure burst out of the bushes in front of them. A young human female, tired and out of breath, ran up to their swiftly drawn swords, and gasped, "Please...please...help..." She then promptly collapsed into Kiai's arms.

OOC: thx neale! u know how i am w/ women! hehe ^_^

IC: Not sure what to do, she grasped around him and Kiai could do nothing because he was completely dumbfounded. "Um.. Hello.." Kiai said with an extremely confused look then glanced at Val, as she tried to hold in a giggle from this odd site.

Valencia raised her eyebrows and looked from Kai to the girl and back again. Clearing her throat, she tried not to laugh as she spoke.

"Umm....friend of yours? You need me to leave while you two get better aquainted? I dont mind. I can just watch the area to make sure you two are not interrupted. I am sure she couldnt find a better place to recover than right in your own strong arms."

Fighting not to smile or laugh, she tried her best to look seriously at him.
In Kiai's arms

Kiai couldn't help but notice the girl was scantily clad in a simple peasant shift, torn from brambles. Her long, smooth legs, shining in the moonlight, were obviously badly scratched, and her feet were bare and filthy from running.

She recovered her breath as Kiai stiffly held her. "My name is... Mara," she gasped out, in a breathy voice. Mara looked to Kiai with soulful eyes, glittering with unshed tears in the soft moonlight. "I've escaped from a band of brigands who have captured my family's farm. They don't know I've gotten away, and will kill my family when they find out! Please, please help me!"

OOC: oh thx for the tempting! hehe *must resist... must fight temptation* lol

IC: "Alright Mara, I'm Kiai. Calm down. Your family has been taken by brigands? I think we can help you." He said in a reassuring voice. He then looked at Val and asked, "What do u think we should do? Whatever we do We'd better hurry." Kiai said all this while - being the gentleman he is - trying not to look at the girls scantly clad body =Þ

Val's face quickly lost its smile as she heard the woman's story and saw her state of being. A darkness entered into her eyes as she considered the possibilities.

Shaking her head, she said,"Our magicians are tired and our warriors injured. I will go myself but I will not order anyone to fight this while they are in this shape. I will not knowingly order someone to their deaths."

She sighs and says,"I guess we do what Uncle Sam always does before enacting the draft. We ask for voluteers."

Moving away from them, trusting Kai to bring Mara over, she went to the middle of the camp and cleared her throat in order to get everyone's attention.

"Everyone, we have an unexpected development. It seems that brigands are attacking this young ladies home and her family is being threatened. She has come to us for help."

"I cannot ask any of you to go into the fray without rest considering what we have all just been through. I will take volunteers however and no one will feel less about those that are simply to exahusted to continue. I promise."

"I cant guarantee that there will be anything left when we get to the woman's home. I cant even guarentee we are going to rescue live people instead of corpses," She winced as she said this knowing full well Mara was within ear shot but she didnt have time to soften things up if they were going to have any hope of saving her family at all,"All I know is we have someone in trouble and I am going. Any who would come with me are welcome."

walking over to Val witht he girl stil in his arms, he said, "It wouldd appear that fate has decicded that I was in fromt he beginning! but then again! have you ever known me to turn down a fight?" he said winking to Val.
Jamie / Jothal

"How can I refuse a damsel in distress?" I said, flashing Mara a reasurring smile. "Count me in, Val. I think I've got more than enough magic left in my veins tonight to help handle a bunch of brigands."

I stand, "May Corellon be with you, my friends, for I cannot. I'm sorry, Mara, but my place is here, with those who cannot be moved. I haven't forgotten how to swing a sword, though.." I grin wickedly, "and elves don't really sleep. I can hold the fort while those who want to, go help you."

As the girl catches her breath and tells her story, I leave off making camp and stroll over to Alia's side. Pitching my voice for Alia's elven ears alone, I whisper "I'm suspicious of this. have you a spell remaining to tell this girl's intentions?"

I respond to Alyar in the same low tone, pitched for his ears alone, "Unfortunately, no. I've used all my energy for healing. However, take this wand. Its command word is aieliahr. If you see anyone in dire need of healing, it will help a little bit. Don't worry about the charges being expended, either. It holds 42 charges at the moment, and I can always make another. If you perceive the need, I trust you to use it wisely."
Kyle Blackbyrne, Paladin of Tyr

"Count me in. I'm always ready to offer assistance to those in need."

I'm trying hard not to ogle the pretty young woman, fortunately my task is made easier by the knowledge that I'm married, and the sudden reminder that I'm no longer a man. I manage to turn what was fast becoming a leer into a reassuring and confident grin.

"I'm staying as well. That fight really took it out of me."

I leaned back against a wall and watched the others getting ready to leave. How could they have so much energy? Strumming gently at my harp, I relaxed and let the tension flow out of me. At least Alia was staying so I wouldn't be alone.

OOC: I hope the thread is moving along well enough for everyone. There are several members who seem to have more of a life than I do, at least, who can't post as often as others. I promise you all, that I am not giving up on the thread anytime soon. Please continue the wonderful job you are each doing, and we will slowly but surely have a great time!

I slept, not hearing the other's depart....dreaming of a meadow and soft rain...a memory that could only belong to this world, and not my own.

OOC: Sorry this is so short! I'm not quite sure what to do with her until she's healed completely, and I am moving tomorrow, so I'll be off the boards for about a week. Neale, would you please just drag Sutashi off to wherever if need be? *grins* See you all after the move!!!!