Portal to Adventure


Id post more cause im really eager! but that off charcater! gotat remain atleats semi-dark! hehe ^_~ comon everyone! brigandes! "easy" pickings.. or so we think ^_~
Val nodded at those that volunteered and turned to the girl.

"Tell us exactly how to get to your house, how many men you think there are and what kind of weapons we will be facing. I know its not fun trying to remember these details but I cant lead my people into a fray if we dont know what we are facing. Especially not after we just exahusted ourselves fighting the undead."

I take the wand from Alia with a nod of thanks, and slip it down inside my boot. I reach under my cloak and pull out two glass hip flasks, which I hand to her in return. "If our dark friend comes back, bathe him in these. A gift from a priest friend of mine."

I smile and move off to join the others going with the girl. "I will accompany you, Valencia, if I may."

"Oh, thank you, Lady Warrior! Thank you!" Mara is in tears at this point, and starts to scratch a rough map on the ground, showing the way to her place. She explains it is only a few miles away, no more than 10. "There are about a dozen men, ruffians all... They have swords and spears, and their leader is part orc, I think."

OOC: I'm headed out of town until Sunday. If you guys want to get yourselves to the farm while I'm gone, go for it. This will be the first thread I check when I get back :)

Mara looked down at her dirty, bruised and battered feet, "I was only able to get away after the bandits started drinking. Most of them were very drunk when I left. A couple of them were out in the barn, doing... things to the sheep." She burst into tears.

OOC: Okay, I'm back. Anybody ready to play?

Val looked at Alia and nodded towards the girl.

"Take care of her," She said and then turned to the others. "Lets mount and ride. We will dismount and proceed on foot when we come within two miles of the home. I want to take them by surprise. If they are very drunk, we may be able to do just that."

Looking around the group, I said something that sent chills up and down my own spine.

"We go in there posed to kill," I said, knowing that this would revolt the modern side of those from my world,"I dont care how but we come out of this alive...even if we have to take everyone of them out in their drunkeness."

I could feel Michelle's stomache blanch in defiance of what I had just said but, at the same time, I could feel Val's blood sing at the thought of battle. It was a disturbing conflict.
Kyle Blackbyrne, Paladin of Tyr

"Let's hope, for their sake, they're not too inebriated. It's tough to serve Justice upon a sleeping drunkard." I remarked. In an ideal situation, we could try to capture them and bring them before a justicar or magistrate, but these were not the best of conditions, and their deaths may be necessary.
OOC: *sighs*

Okay... have I managed to bore everyone to tears and into abandoning this thread? Options include: continuing, albeit slowly; abandoning thread and whole concept of running D&D style threads in general since I seem to kill them; starting a fresh thread with or without the same characters. Please post opinions, or email me.

Well im stil here, but my computer went ont he serious frizty side a lil while ago, and now im going away this weekend.
I have a suggestion...

Abandon Portal (I hate to say it) and make a D&D style thread with those that still want to participate. But change the story just a little bit.

I have an idea, Neale...I will talk to you about it over AIM and we can see what you think.
Dead, dead, deadski

I'm starting a new fantasy thread, on the SRP side, "Knights will be Ladies?"
Everyone is VERRA welcome to join in... I'll probably do a straight-up D&D and/or Hackmaster thread before too terribly long.

I really hated to declare this one dead, but too many people dropped out to keep it viable. Hopefully, the new ones will work out...