Post Office (14)

I'll throw you a bone, Tio

How about when a guy posts a picture of his Maine Coon cat and captions it with "What do you think of my pussy?" --Well, given the soupy weather, I can't see through your window from 1/4 mile away!
I suspect he pouts over your lack of x-ray vision.
But he may feel it was just said out of spite.
Interesting. How can he feel spite just because I don't have x-ray vision to witness him scarfing down 2 dozen Tim Horton doughnuts in less than 10 minutes? Maybe sending him some fresh-baked pitas will assuage him!
As far as I know him, I'd expect him to prefer tapas and be willing to scarf them down unobserved.
Ah...but would he need an atlas to see where the tapas known as pan tumaca comes from?

p.d. I think Tim would take it personally someone didn't buy 2 dozen of his doughnuts. :unsure: :D;)o_O:ROFLMAO:
Tim's head office is in Brazil now, I believe, and his insistence on a priority for drive-through customers has him on the slate for a personal boycott.
I expect he's still at it, unable to finish the task.
That's because he got distracted by online shopping. Given that his hobby is part time circus performer, and being disadvantaged by the fact he is a mono-ped, he has a hard time finding a vendor that will supply him with a single stilt
That's because he got distracted by online shopping. Given that his hobby is part time circus performer, and being disadvantaged by the fact he is a mono-ped, he has a hard time finding a vendor that will supply him with a single stilt
And I hear that online shopping has facilitated fingers in the tills.
And I hear that online shopping has facilitated fingers in the tills.

Easy money for IT workers, many of whom have to finance various addictions, or, like one in particular that I know, pay blackmail to the person that caught them drilling a gloryhole in a stall.