
Alexander III, king of Macedonia, changed the course of history as one of the world’s greatest military generals. His prowess on the battle fields came from his strategic insight.

In his entourage was a gifted alchemist who sought to create gold from various liquid potions to help fund Alexander’s campaigns. One day, after another failed experiment, the alchemist realized that the cloth that he had used to clean his vessels, when left out to dry in the sun, changed color. And as the sun rose in the sky and the light intensity increased, the cloth actually changed into different shades of color as the day progressed.

When the alchemist showed Alexander his unique discovery, the insightful general immediately recognized it’s potential: he could have such treated cloth torn into strips that his military leaders could tie around their wrists, and based on the color changes, Alexander could co-ordinate his strategic moves on the battlefield by telling each legion to move into battle based upon the changing color of the cloth strips.

Alexander’s subsequent successes have been passed on down thru history. As has the accidental discovery that led to those victories, which became known as Alexander’s rag timeband.