Q spot

Today has been slammed. It looked nice outside. I'm hoping to get out for a moment tomorrow. Hope you had a great day.
I did!
I got out of the house today!
Grant d it was to a lab drawl, but I got to feel the sun and the wind in my face while we drove to the building!
I have never wished evil on a man before January 2021. In fact I likely gave most men the benefit of the doubt before 2020. I made a firm resolution on the first post not to have any political bologna in this thread and I aim to keep to that policy.

Then what is this all about Q?

Having brain injury that opened anxiety wide open and left verbal communication a challenge forced me to become more introspective.i have a lot of time alone with my thoughts . My personal takeaways from the events of the past few years are as follows:

People in general suck. Maybe they mean well maybe they don't, but in the end, we all will fail each other in some way or another. Humanity has peaked as a species. It is NOT going to get better.


No, the shit show known as life currently is not the only personal takeaway. The other main takeaway evolved from a value I hold dear: personal responsibility. No matter what the norm degrades to, no matter what the natural response is, I alone am responsible for how I react.
Evil people like my current villains will always exist. They have always existed. Disposing of one only leaves space for another to take their place.I can do nothing about them. I can however confront my hatred. I cannot stop the irritating stupidity of the masses but I can control my reactions to them. I can choose to be kind or judicious. This is then the reminder to myself to stand in the face of my enemies and smile and choose to be beautiful in the face of the ugly.