Trepidations About Republishing

I’ve been writing on this site, and semi-regularly reading the AH for about three years and it has taken me until now to come to the (what probably should have been gobsmackingly obvious) conclusion that in its highest form, this site is about writing erotica.

I’ve written and posted here content that I would say is smut, and also content with a higher ambition. When the focus of my writerly ambition has been primarily non-erotic, the ratings and view numbers have suffered. I might still post that kind of content again in the future, because at least it does get some readers and some engagement here.

But I think the best use of this site, if I want to continue to grow as a writer, is to try to engage readers erotically. I’m defining erotic here to imply an artistic merit higher than porn. If I can write something someone gets off too, that’s a cheap thrill. That’s not bad. It is what it is. But if I can write something that engages someone intelligently and emotionally in a way that stays with them even after they’ve clicked out of it, then I’ve achieved something that takes skill and insight, and that helps me to develop as a “real” writer.
But I think the best use of this site, if I want to continue to grow as a writer, is to try to engage readers erotically. I’m defining erotic here to imply an artistic merit higher than porn. If I can write something someone gets off too, that’s a cheap thrill. That’s not bad. It is what it is. But if I can write something that engages someone intelligently and emotionally in a way that stays with them even after they’ve clicked out of it, then I’ve achieved something that takes skill and insight, and that helps me to develop as a “real” writer.
Aim high is a wise approach, aim for the sky.

If you write for the lowest common denominator (ie: predictable, repetitive, same old same old stories), I reckon you just dumb yourself down.