Race of the Gods

YOu know I am really excited to to hear you guys talk this out.. it makes me feel like at least Ive got something cooked up enough for you all to work it out.. Its true.. I do have something.. sort of planned at this ball.... but if you guys figure out what you need to figure out before the ball.. then I may just have a court and send you off.. It all depends on how ... you view the puzzle I create for you.. Every person will have a part to play in evey part .. whether good or bad.. I made it that way so .. people that are shy about posting will always have something they will have to wonder about .. hense the prior to starting pms.

This is my first time doing this sort of large scale stuff in board setting that didnt require dice rolling. So bare with me .. I might be a bit stiff. but I hoped that this confused you all enough that you are surprised at everytime something is revealed. THat has always been my intention.

I really like how you all are talking your thoughts out here..

as for BEL, I know you seem to not know what to post, but ... if you can always post how confused you are.. what are your thoughts on the delimmas that are presented around you :)

Since our numbers are short I am going to have a few changes done in the pieces... since we dont have our nunmber... so that is the reason .. I guess when things become odd.

Also this is the first time I am working as both sides.. you see. So bear with me.. :) thats all I wanted to say... Thank you so much for your wonderful posting and I hope you all continue to enjoy it .. I am also going to be puttting up a casting call.. so... hopefully.. we ... will have somemore interested in taking my npc's places.. otherwise.. we will just keep going..

Good POsting all I love the way this is working out :)
Just poking my head and finding out how everyone is doing with the thread.. jsut wondering if I am leaving anyone out .. also GM great post I likey a lot ..
i would like to join the storie on the side of good, if all the char slots are filled you can just use my char as a fill in or something.

Name: Tela
Race: 1/2 elf 1/2 ??
Hair: dark brown with white and silver strands much like that of a wolf's fur.
eyes: terqoise in color
hight: 5ft"4in" weght: 120lbs slender of build

Unsure of who her parents are. Tela was found near one of the elven villages and raised by kindly stranger. She has yet to descover most of her ability's as she has no idea what her parents were. all she has descoverd so far is that she can talk with animal's and shift into the shape of a wolf.
I can't speak for Rozes, but I'd be more than happy to have another person on the thread. You should check out her post titled "Attention people who love RPing." That's her official plea for people to join up.
Hey, that's my story line... LOL.

Welcome Fairy.
PM Lady Rozez and I'm sure she'll be more then happy to help you write yourself in.
Actually Vix is the only daughter of the King of the Elves!

*plays dramatic music*

And I'm the adopted child of the Wise One.

And Pooh's dwarf is a cousin or somthing to the dwarf king?

Bunch of royalty gathered round.
I didn't plan on being royal.
I figured purple hair would = demon or something. Still want to know what Cali's mom was though.

So is it now, "Princess Calixte (lastname), of the Elvin Lands; Countess of the Rouge Queen's Own, yada yada yada?"
Thats a confusing title... I like it.
Wonderful I am so happy to see that everyone is making our new poster so welcome thank you all yah ... (as DT would say woot)

Um.. its going to take me a bit of time to work in LadyF ... I am thinking that (scof.. ) I might split the party .. (play same dramatic music as GM does) and then get you guys in together.. those that dont want to go to the ball and sort of thingie.. also .. ugh .. I am getting a little tied with RL .. so .. I wont be able to post teh ghost fight until .. tomorrow.. forgive me ..

anyway .. its up to you on how you people take it ..

LadyF .. where you are .. the elders are giving you a really bad run around about the information you want (think admin people at a college campus.. nobody take this the wrong way ..).. so if you want you can post about that...
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Just a head's up- next week is an "exercise" here which means a whole week full of idiocy at work, nothing meaningful other then proving I can wear NBC gear and carry a litter.
So probably won't be posting as much as I usually try to do.

On another note- Cali's going to the ball. Least I think she is unless you write otherwise.
Kewl i cant wait to see how this is going to go. :) i look forward to joining you all, and working with you. It will also help me out as far as wording for roll playing and such. :)
i dont know who her parents are hehe was thinking as i said half elf and some horny gods offspring or something along those lines. hehehehe
Believe me, there are a lot of naughty gods out there. Ha ha, just be careful, it might come back to haunt you. I could see some evil god, calling forth to you...

"I am your father."
Ha ha ha.
oh pooh you seem to say the most amusing things.. *she grins mischieviously .. *

yes .. you all should be nervous.. .. well if the everyone goes to the ball then the ball it is ..

also Im not sure that you all know .. that the champions and the evil champions are on a two hour differenece in time.. when teh evil's are fighting the king .. the goodies will be filing into the ball room . ..

Alright people get ready for a party...

and thanks LadyF for waiting..

you can wait until after the ball to start posting or you can post and I will post about the npc's that you are around... and play the elders that you are arguing with ... or you can post about your arrival in the area where you are... and I can start from there where you are posting about .. your inquery ....
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What makes you think I'm not an Evil god?
(wicked laugh.... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha)
lol :) i have my char posted now, i get to see how things goe's (rubs hands togeather) woot i cant wait.
Just a head's up- we're about to enter an "Exercise week" ie 5 days of 12 hr shifts full of bs and military jargon.

All this translates into me not posting too much, if at all. I hate working 5 straight 12's.

Anyhow, I appologise in advance for any hang ups this may cause.
wow seven keys is going really well so great. you all are doing a fantastic job as far as i can see, by what ive read on the board so far. :)
Well, posted as Trianna. Sorry about the delay. Been so busy that posting has NOT been an option.

Anyway, Trianna's going but she's not too happy about it. She would rather be out in the woods shooting her bow and arrow, etc lol.....so, she's a tomboy...
hey I know hte feeling the other is having surgery so .. I wil be very busy taking care of the house.. also .. I have tond of HW to do currently so I will have to wait until fireday to do any posting or the earliest on thursday .. srry for the wait people.. I jsut have to get stuff done.. okay.... I have taken a long enough break from the pile of homework I have been drowning in ..

*takes a deep breath and then dives in once more.. "Dive Captain DIVE!!!..*

I know know Im crazy ... okay okay Im going now ... really
just thought i would let everyone know that my baby is due around december 17th so i may be away from the computer for awhile, or at least not on as often hehehehehehe.