Race of the Gods

I can't speak for Lady of Rozez but we've tried to leave things open so people who weren't posting as frequently could bring thier characters up to speed.
So pick a person to follow- Cali, Yris, or Ramas and the slave girl. Then write yourself onto the ship, I suppose. Tis a good meeting point for all of us.
Vix is right. I sorta figured that the ones who weren't posting as frequently had some sort of conflict going on. It's good to have you back, BEL.
YEs I am soooooooooooooo glad your back , For a while I thought you bailed on us. .. Yes., I would love to have you back and hope that we will get more interaction too.. :) from both your characters :p
Thanks guys, I will read and post asap.

And, nope, didn't bail on you....my finances did lol
meh im lost again,whats happening,who am i?what am i?
you gys post to fast>.<*whines*
i don know whats happening half teh time Lol>_>
sorry guys I have been traveling greatly and have not been able to get to a comp so will post as much as I can for a few days, dont count on me for the weekends though thats when I am traveling, during the week I am okay. I love you guys.. this is by far the best group I have worked with in a long while :) THanks for sticking with it.


PS: hey SIREN I am sorry you cant stay with us, I understand completely, thanks for trying, and If You dont mind I will npc your character,so that we will still have seven, and hope that if someone will come to pick up your character I will relinqush it. :)
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Alright peopel we are back in action, I am back form all that traveling and the one week I was really really sick, advise to everyone,. DONT TRRAVEL ALOT IN ONE MOTH IT MAKES YOU REALLY REALLY SICK... it took me a week to recover. Well hope to see more posts from you guys. Feel free to ask me any questions on the thread, and post here lets make use of our OOC. and ugh im I need some adviose on what do do with our MIA people..
NPC them along after us?

I may not post too much this weekend but should be back in form by Monday.
They could die bravely, fighting for their country or whatnot.
We could write some great death scenes for them. Like, torturing them for information, or seeing just how many limbs we can tear off them before they die.

Ha ha, well, that's just an opinion. I'd say, for now, we just forget about them, move on... If they join up, great, if not, well, they're always in the background, or gathering information or just happened to be really heavy sleepers.

Speaking of characters. Lady humbly asked me if there could be another good guy to join the Seven Keys quest, and we came up with a great idea.

Dwarven Noble, of the Eastern Realm.
He stands 4 feet 6 inches tall. With a luxurious brown beard, and beady granite eyes. He has on worn dwarven armor, carried a double bladed ase, and has a handful of throwing axes at his side.

He is of noble birth, born from one of the Emporer's of the last strongholds in the dwarven kingdom. Karak Dezgel, his home. He only ventured out because as a Noble, he's required to represent his people, and he is not in any direct line to the throne. So, he either had a choice of making it out on his own, or sitting deep in a cave and deciphering stupid arguments with long warring tribes.
He opted, of course, for fun and adventure.
Just imagining what a conversation on the docks as the Whisper pulled in.

"Long day, huh."
"How long we been waiting for them to pull up now?"
Checks his watch, "Oh, for the better part of a month now."
"Yeah, that long?"
"Yeah, the last fight was back in the middle of July. Wow, it's been a long time. They must be having fun on that boat."
"I guess. Plot's come to a stand still though. We've been waiting on them."
"They know we're all just standing around, waiting for them to get going, don't they?"
"I don't know... I hope so. They should know. After all, hard to keep a story going with half its people just sailing away for awhile."
"huh... odd. Why do you think that is?"
"I guess, maybe... they want to be fashionably late."
"A month? Fashionably late?"
"You know, these gods may have picked strong champions, but they sure aren't very punctual, Maybe I should give them a watch, help them keep track of time."
"Ha, or the way this is going... a calendar."

Ha ha, all in good fun, but come on. This is getting boring! I'd rather have my ass kicked than not have anything at all happen. We need something... come on.

(as a bad guy, standing out in the field, with my sword.... and my team, alone, looking at the other side, where the good guys are supposed to be)
Do we win by default? The other team didn't show up....
lol, now that's funny.

I reckon we could've been there sooner, but there seemed to be some sub-plots going on that I didn't want to rush.

Besides, not much in game time has actually passed since the last fight. Few days maybe.

I think.

But then again, what do I know?
ha, thanks.
Oh, no, I think we were doing subplots... cause we had nothing else to do. Just waiting around mostly.
Yes, I think it's been just a few days in the game, under a week... but in Real life, it was last July that we had the big fight before all this happened. Ha ha, even short as that was.

Believe me, I'm not trying to put anyone down, don't get me wrong. I just like this thread, and this idea, and want to see it work well.
hey guys just wanted to say thanks for sticking with it, You all are doing great .. I love subplots, just a reminder that on occation I will be sending pm's of info that random people will know or they should know.. based on their characters..

Just a shout out to BEL hoping your still around hun, still waiting for ya. :)
Yah, I'm still around. RL just keeps slapping me around is all.


One day I'm going to get in a hit or two instead of being a punching bag, you know?

Don't know about posting with the thread though, I have already held you guys up enough.
Hey BEL thats kewl I understand life always seems to drag everyone down. Me included :)

In actuality you dissappeared around the boat and well we're technically still on the boat.. so .. you can just show up for the docking and then .. we'll move from there :) You can jsut be our invisible friend that was observing all before that. Now you want in on the action kay?


Okay, hon, I posted. I'm back with the group. Thanks for still wanting me and I will try to post more regularly from now on.
Okay, so I already posted it but it could be shot down if need be.
Having Yris play blind is okay right?
*knocks forehead- shoulda mentioned this before I posted it*
Tis a nifty plan though. And it shifts the proverbial spotlight around a bit.
Anyone wanna make a bet? I bet five dollars (american) that the bad guys will have solved the conspiracy, taken the magical artifact, destroyed the kingdom, and moved onto the next key by the time the good guys ever make it off that ship.
Anyone care to take me on?

Glad to see you back blue eyed lady, we missed you.
meh i wont bet against that pooh,though i will take some of your share by betting that bad guys will do it before the good guys get there:p
Yes, I can see that. Apart from now being docked... apparently, they still haven't taken a single step off the bloody thing. I can almost imagine that ship as a safety blanket of sorts.
I could understand this if the good guys lost the last fight, you know, reluctant to enter the ring again, but they did win didn't they? I thought so.
Maybe they're just afraid of you and me Dark thoughts. We sent them running, and they refuse to come back unless we play fair. Well, if it's that much trouble, I'll promise to tie my hands behind my back....
Maybe that'll level the playing field. ha ha.
i say we onyl get to use inflatable punching gloves,thatll even it>.>

We surrender!
Bah. Bah to you. If I had my way, we'd be, you know, there already. But I don't have my way. Though I should, shouldn't I?

Fuck this, I'm leaving let the others catch up. Yrismir can defeat all you evil-doers by himself. Considering that's what he basically has to do anyway. *Sighs*

I should really plan for that, I guess. Maybe I should switch sides? Bah. Evil can afford to move ahead and let the slowpokes catch up or die. The Good guys are supposed to stick together and involve everyone or something. I dunno.

I have no clue what's going on. I'm as lost as Yrismir.

"Okay, so we're supposed to race around, and gather items before the bad guys can, in order to save the world, and we have no clue what they are, or where to find them? Man, the Good Gods were serious about not interfering with the 'Mortal Realm'. Damn. Are they just too lazy for anything more than a token resistance, or are they so used to being all-powerful they have no idea how impossible this task is?"
Thats a very good guestion GM .. One that I should probably consider.. well I figured that we could probably get moving but .. I dunno still waiting for people to post.. Um.. I think USMG got deployed or something.. anyone want to fill in for his charcter until he gets back...

Also the Fighting blind thing for Yrismir is really up to him thats a really interesting idea.. I cant wait to see where it goes .. :)

Also If yall know anyone else wantin to join in then Have them post here .. we are currently running below our numbers .. so ..
well You know the drill I might make a quick shout out to anyone else.. who might be interested in joining.

thats all for now
