Reflections on Gentleman Doms

Love this. :heart:

Isn't it the whole point, a plumbing and expression of visceral and primal emotion that transgresses the superficial?
A deep hunger and need, both physically and emotionally,that's what it is for me.

When she's gone, it's like: Get the fuck over here now! Where the fuck are you ?
That's what I say to myself
I have a question, did anyone see the movie Babygirl ?

I saw the previews and thought of LIT, I will eventually see it
Is it worth the watch ? Was it good?

I know you probably don't want to give up spoilers, so I'm just wondering if you would recommend it
I personally because I was expecting something different didn’t enjoy it. With that respect I also had my mom with me 😬🫣 as I was not expecting what the movie was based on written description again. I thought it was a bit boring and the shock value silly.
I personally because I was expecting something different didn’t enjoy it. With that respect I also had my mom with me 😬🫣 as I was not expecting what the movie was based on written description again. I thought it was a bit boring and the shock value silly.
I'll wait to see it, the trailers made it look like it was going into bdsm, with some silly moments.
I would have been interested too even if I thought it was a different movie. But I was expecting a psychological thriller and not a light BDSM film.
I love movies that have BDSM in it, but the storyline is about much more. I love the movie 7MM with Nicholas Cage and also Basic Instinct, where the main story is solving murders, but in a world of BDSM.
I love movies that have BDSM in it, but the storyline is about much more. I love the movie 7MM with Nicholas Cage and also Basic Instinct, where the main story is solving murders, but in a world of BDSM.
I thought it was mystery movie! Boy was I shocked. 😳 there was a small element but not enough to carry the movie in my opinion.
they chase you, but not faster than you can reasonably run in your stripper heels.

they want to see you dressed to impress in black garters and no knickers, but you'd better be wearing pearls.

they bust down the door to get to where you're hiding, but they knock first.

they swear at you and call you Whore and Cumslut, but they start with "My Lady," and end with "if you please?"

they fuck you harder and longer than an Avenger train, but they bring you tea and crumpets in bed the next morning.

***NOTICE: the O.P. is entirely full of shit, and has absolutely no idea what she's talking about.
she just thought this would be a fun subject for a thread. ---The Mgmt.

Reads like a description of me. 🧐🤔🥰