Relationship killers....a light hearted thread

  • Thread starter La damnee elle la licorne
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How's Roadhead?
Fabulous, as usual.

Did he ( love you)?

someone who ignored or teased my oddest foibles would have to go. chalkenge my preconceptions , engage me in discussion and debate, PLEASE, but do not keep any thing red next to anything yellow. Or mention 'that' puppet.

He could not possibly have loved me. He was a confused twit and thought he did. He ended up breaking up with me literally a few weeks after proclaiming his love. Can you say mentally unstable? I was amused by him and was riding his manic roller coaster, but I still kick myself for getting sucked into his dramafest. Never. Again.
Not accepting my boundaries
Exposing me to things that make me react or could kill me
Not being reliable or trustworthy
Smelling wrong
Inability to laugh at life
Ill mannered, road rage, grumpy in lines when everyone else is waiting just as long, bad manners with service people
Passive aggressive behavior
Violence not done
in self defense
Intentionally hurting others
Bad lover who can or won't improve.
Drug addicts
Most musicians ;)

I actually have a list of expectations that I posted years ago.
I wrote them for and in response to a guy who is still a friend of mine.
He has been meeting them more as the years go on, but we are in a different relationship space and will remain there for the foreseeable future.

If anyone is curious, I can post my list of expectations.
Are there lighthearted reasons for killing a relationship?

There are reasons that may seem silly to someone else, but they're serious for you if it prevents or ends a relationship.

Not liking pets, for instance, isn't reason enough for some people.
Anyone that voted for Trump and smoking are the "light-hearted" relationship killers. I think my family would probably not tolerate anyone I brought home who voted for Trump and cigarette smoke is a migraine trigger so both do actually have repercussions. ;)
I can't sleep with non human animals, and most of the human ones I am allergic to as well ;)
Wedding China patterns are definitely up for debate...but toilet paper MUST always roll from the top down, in a counterclockwise motion.

And Brussel Sprouts will ALWAYS be off the table, unless my mum is visiting.
I like yours and I think mine is just a broader expression of the same idea. I can't be with someone who lacks CURIOSITY. It crushes my soul when people aren't interested in the stuff in this amazing world of ours. That "stuff" can be different for different folks - places, people, food, things, ideas, etc. but I have to have a partner in discovery.

Oh my. Are you taken. You described it perfectly.
Here is a real one not so light hearted.

5 years of waiting and setting up everything for your #1 just so they can turn away at the last second and leave you hanging without so much as a word.

This must be what breaking up is like for normal people.

How terrible.