Reveal An Uncomfortable Truth About Yourself

I take way wayyyyy to long to get dressed when I work from home..
Aging scares me, yet at the same time its liberating.

Right? Sometimes I feel like I'm on a conveyor belt heading for the great furnace and can't get off. Other times I realise that the older I get the more I understand myself and the more I'm able to express myself. Weirdly, the most scared I've ever been about aging was when I was 22. Which seems ridiculous now.
Right? Sometimes I feel like I'm on a conveyor belt heading for the great furnace and can't get off. Other times I realise that the older I get the more I understand myself and the more I'm able to express myself. Weirdly, the most scared I've ever been about aging was when I was 22. Which seems ridiculous now.

Exactly, I sometimes wish there was a reverse button that would let me do things over again. But luckily I am in control of the road...
i wish I could fly. Not like in a plane. Just soar around. It would be sooo cool!
I really like sharing as much as I like receiving.
I eat too much and pretend it is chemicals in it or something else. Hehehe.
I am on here too much, lately
I don’t have many real life friends...and the ones I do I rarely spend time with 😞

I do find that it is hard to actually find time to spend time with friends. Like, quality time, anyway. I keep my circle small, by design. But it is always so difficult aligning schedules and such.
I often feel like the red stapler guy from Office Space... the one who gets ignored constantly and doesn't get acknowledgement for anything he does.... of course he is much better looking than me though. :)
I often feel like the red stapler guy from Office Space... the one who gets ignored constantly and doesn't get acknowledgement for anything he does.... of course he is much better looking than me though. :)

I find that very hard to believe (please don't burn the building down) :)