Roses are Red, Violets are blue... Part Deux

(Jett is away this week tutoring at poetry summer camp)

So, welcome everyone.
We're going to start with a basic form.
It begins,

Roses are red,
Violets are blue

The first two lines are thus a couplet with four syllables each.
The final two lines are also a couplet with either four or five syllables each.
And the rhyming form is ABCB but can also be ABAB.

Remember this is a light-hearted poetic form in which you can infuse romantic emotion with a sense of fun.
So have a go and I'll provide you with feedback.

Your poem
Roses are red
Violets are blue
hay Gurl
wanna fuck?

OK, well it's a start.​
I can see the thought you've put into it.​
Let's try getting more syllables into lines three and four.​

Your poem
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Dam gurl dem titties
Wanna sex wit me?

Yes, correct - and matching number of syllables, in lines three and four.​
Well done.​
Have a go at rhyming the second and fourth lines.​

Your poem
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Yurr phat ass real fine
i gotta fuck you

Er, nicely done.​
And you've maintained the syllable count.​
Let's continue to work on the spelling.​
What about a more light-hearted approach to your romantic gesture?​

Your poem
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Fuck yur
romanse dickwad
If'n i wanna bitch for
sexy tim I'll pay da pimp at
ta club.

I really didn't think it would be this hard.​
Just two lines!​
Wait ...​
Is that a cinquain?​
I don't get paid enough for this shit.​

(PS: Jett is not a poetry tutor. Nor is he at summer camp. But he is on a short break.)
Roses are lovely!
Other flowers are too!
I’m on Bloody Mary three,
So let me buy a drink for you!
(Jett is away this week tutoring at poetry summer camp)

So, welcome everyone.
We're going to start with a basic form.
It begins,

Roses are red,
Violets are blue

The first two lines are thus a couplet with four syllables each.
The final two lines are also a couplet with either four or five syllables each.
And the rhyming form is ABCB but can also be ABAB.

Remember this is a light-hearted poetic form in which you can infuse romantic emotion with a sense of fun.
So have a go and I'll provide you with feedback.

Your poem
Roses are red
Violets are blue
hay Gurl
wanna fuck?

OK, well it's a start.​
I can see the thought you've put into it.​
Let's try getting more syllables into lines three and four.​

Your poem
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Dam gurl dem titties
Wanna sex wit me?

Yes, correct - and matching number of syllables, in lines three and four.​
Well done.​
Have a go at rhyming the second and fourth lines.​

Your poem
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Yurr phat ass real fine
i gotta fuck you

Er, nicely done.​
And you've maintained the syllable count.​
Let's continue to work on the spelling.​
What about a more light-hearted approach to your romantic gesture?​

Your poem
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Fuck yur
romanse dickwad
If'n i wanna bitch for
sexy tim I'll pay da pimp at
ta club.

I really didn't think it would be this hard.​
Just two lines!​
Wait ...​
Is that a cinquain?​
I don't get paid enough for this shit.​

(PS: Jett is not a poetry tutor. Nor is he at summer camp. But he is on a short break.)
Roses are red
Violets aren't orange
Your lesson is good
~What goes here again~?
Roses are red
Violets aren't orange
Your lesson is good
~What goes here again~?

Great start.
Your third line shows confidence and an understanding of the form.
Your fourth line has a correct syllable count but the rhyming could be improved. Perhaps ‘orange’ was not the best choice to end Line 2.
What about this?

Roses are red,
Violets impressed.
Your lesson is good,
Jett, you are the best!
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I’m too tired
To finish this poem properly.

Roses are red
Pumpkins are orange
It’s spooky month
So no one gives a shit about soppy romance poems.
Roses are red
Whiskey is brown
Let's drink a whole bottle
And fuck all over town
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I started this thread
So long ago for you
Roses are red
New Years is near
Keep your blinds open while undressing
So I can still peer.